ch.13: "Oh, Hush sparkling."

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Nearly a week had gone by with only mild difficulties but often times though out the week Miko would sit in what was now deemed as 'her corner' which was the perfect name as if she couldn't be found any other place the next best place to look was the far-right corner, in between two shelves, of the room. Miko had been chewing on what had become her favorite wrench for the past week to help cope with the dull ache in her spark. For the past week she had been subtly watching what the other Autobot's were doing around the ground-bridge. She watched as Ratchet would put in coordinates on the control panel and what buttons he also pushed when powering up the ground bridge. Through her observations she had come to a conclusion that defiantly wouldn't help her with somehow leaving:

She was short.

Miko was short and at the moment, she hated it with a burning passion. The thought of how short she was, how she couldn't even reach the lever to activate the ground bridge in general, was aggravating to say the least. Being human before she was short, shorter than most in her class at school as for some reason every other child in America was a giant to her but now that she's a Cybertronian baby the term 'short', which she often used to described herself, seemed to have a whole new meaning. Before she felt small compared to the Autobot's but now she felt even more small {if it was even possible}. Miko pulled the wrench out of her mouth after yet another annoyed huff. She was aggravated due to having another 'check-up' but even with the check-up's being clean for the most part, it appeared the medic was still concerned and still fussing over the teen. Miko knew she would have to make a break for it the next time the ground bridge opened, and Ratchet was away the latter being much harder than she anticipated. She hoped that she would somehow get enough time to get away and somehow wouldn't get caught at least not right away.

Miko's optics flickered to the main entrance tunnel where she heard the familiar sound of Bumblebee and Arcee's engines revving as they came to a stop into the hanger allowing Jack and Raf to exit safely before transforming. She could hear the laughter from Jack and Raf as they joked about some event that had happened at the school that day. With a small 'humph' Miko turned herself away from them but soon squealed when she was suddenly lifted up into the air for a split second then held softly yet firmly in a familiar pair of arms of Arcee. The wrench she had held had fallen to the ground with a clang causing her to whine in frustration and reach down for it in vain. She struggled for a moment before finally calming down once the wrench was back in her grasp, almost immediately the wrench had found its self-back in her mouth.

"Miko seems a little grumpy today." Raf stated as he watched Miko look between the floor and Arcee hoping she would get the idea of putting her down soon.

"Don't sparkling's usually like being held though?" Bulkhead asked as he walked into the main hanger after hearing the small commotion.

Raf set his backpack down on the catwalk then walked over towards the protective railing and peered down at the now placed-on-the-floor sparkling. "Maybe it's a human thing?" Raf asked as he remembered Ratchet once mention how affectionate a sparkling can be to those they trust the most.

As the conversation went on Miko crawled back to her corner. Miko carefully set her wrench in her lap suddenly done with chewing on the metal object. For a moment she was lost in thought but soon snapped out of it when she was once again lifted up. Out of pure shock and instinct she began to struggle, her attempt at words coming out in broken-like squeaks.

"Oh, Hush sparkling." Came Ratchets gruff voice.

Miko glanced up at him in confusion. What was Ratchet wanting to do now with her? Nearly all morning was spent in the med-bay, Ratchet running so many stupid tests and Miko was not at all pleased through of all it and was proud to let him know that even if she was ignored during all of it. Miko had lost count of how many times she had been prodded at by either a needle or simply doing basic tasks a young child would do, some she would excel at such as identifying different planets in the solar system by matching a human word with it, others she seemed to struggle in such as grasping onto shapes and colors, something so basic as that which she had known before was now beginning to get lost to her processor which did frighten the sparkling which had of course lead to a few meltdowns, all of which somehow Ratchet {and surprisingly Optimus when he had ventured into the med-bay} had miraculously helped Miko calm down from said meltdowns.

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