Ch.21: "You don't remember?"

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Miko sat cross legged up against a wall, tiredly rubbing her eye's. For the last few hours, she had sat on one of the large berths across the room, eye's glancing around the room as she struggled to stay awake. Predaking laid on the floor across the room, his optic's also darting around the room though more so to watch for any danger that could cause harm to his adopted sparkling, and also keeping a watchful optic on said sparkling who he waited to fall into recharge as it didn't take a genius to see she was tired. Upon seeing Miko for a brief moment he was confused as to why a human would have the same vital signs as a Cybertronian but after his own brief investigation {and the oh-so wonderful gossip filled conversations between the Vehicon's} he was quickly able to realize the human was in fact the sparkling his spark had claimed so long ago. Shockwave was going to do something as soon as she fell into recharge and what was beyond him which caused Predaking to become uneasy around everything going on. In the other room next door Predaking could hear movement and brief moments of conversation between Shockwave and Knockout signaling that whatever was being planned was going to happen soon. 

Predaking glanced at said teenager who had yawned one final time just as the doors to the other room slid open. "If my hypothesis is correct along with the calculation's, fear should do the trick." Shockwave stated causing Predaking to tense at the mention of someone deliberately scaring his sparkling.

"Ok, well you're doing that why do I get stuck was lizard duty then?" Knockout asked, glancing between his finish and said 'lizard' that he had now stood a few feet away from though he once more backed up away when Predaking turned and growled at the mech. "Wasn't this Starscream's j-job?" Knockout asked after a moment.

"Seeing as it is more logical to have someone more extendable deal with The Beast, you however are required in case she need's medical assistance which by logical observations-" Knockout swore the ending part of that was aimed for himself which annoyed the mech, "Given the circumstances and the most easiest way of doing this it is most logical for you to be on standby to not only possibly have to keep the beast at bay but also to monitor the... human's condition."

Miko vaguely registered what was going on and also what was being said but what she did register was one minute there was a giant robot in front of her turned away from her, but the next minute said giant one opticed mech was pointing a giant cannon only a few inches from her much smaller form on the berth. With a terrified yell and the help of a sudden boost of adrenaline she started scooting back away and, for a moment, she had closed her eyes as sudden great pain filled her body. Miko had thought for a second perhaps Shockwave really had shot his cannon and she was surly dead but now upon feeling herself falling off the berth, yet another heart er-spark attack that was caused, she felt as if her skin was being painfully ripped apart as a painfilled yelp slipped its way out of her mouth. Oddly enough what had kept her anchored throughout the ordeal was the sound of Predaking attempting to break the chains holding him back and the sound of a Energon prod being used most likely said on said Predicon but both sounds stopped just as soon as they began as Miko's now much bigger form was suddenly caught but by whom she didn't know but what she did know was that now she was on the verge of Stasis instead of just falling into normal recharge which terrified her greatly.

"Are you insane?!" Knockout cried as he managed to ketch the now youngling before she hit the mettle ground. "Wait, actually don't answer that." He soon muttered after checking her over.

Miko felt a familiar yet different feeling throughout her body at the same time which actually terrified her. She quickly glanced down at herself and her heart {or rather Spark} broke when she realized just what had happened. Shockwave's twisted experiment results never went away, and she should have known given what Ratchet had told her and from the gossip from Jack and Rafael she had heard but yet she had hopped all the same that everything was normal, or she was at least on the verge of returning back to her old self. She wished this was just a nightmare but given the current situation it was all too real.

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