Ch.22: "I'm taking that as a compliment."

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Miko had found a vent system which was very comfortable to put simple. All around her, for the next few hours, she could hear the thunder footsteps of frantic Vehicon's clearly looking for her along with the occasional calling of her name from more important Decepticon personal. Part of her wanted to come out, wanted to be in the presence of others, but she found she couldn't force herself to-do so in the end as it was people- bot's- who had made her feel this way and because of it she couldn't bring herself out to face them. Miko sniffled in frustration as she laid her helm down on her arms which were crossed beneath her as she was laying on her tanks in said vent. Just like they had for the past few hours, the same questions bounced inside her processor majority of them being of doubt and hatred. Doubt for if she was being told the truth by either side and hatred for whatever side was lying to her.

Miko wished things could just go back to normal, whatever normal it was before, and she wished she had never.... had never met any of the Cybertronian's that had caused her so much pain and misery the past few months. Yes, she was grateful for the good memories, what memories she did have anyways, but the more negative memories were becoming more and over running the good one's causing her to wonder if maybe she was better off before everything, before she was a freak of nature, and before her life had been so difficult. She felt tears of coolant fall from her optics causing her to squeeze them shut and stuff her helm into her arms.

Suddenly Miko flinched when she heard the familial sounds of an animal, more specifically Ravage, sniffing the opening of the vent which she laid a few feet behind of. Suddenly the grate was pulled off and the sound of little footsteps climbing up into the vent was heard followed by a familiar small bat wing attempt to wedge itself between Miko's face and arms in an attempt to hug the youngling in a comforting gesture. As soon as Miko lifted her helm she was met with a smiling Ratbat and a clear board looking Ravage though Miko swore she also saw something similar to relief on the oversized mechanical cat though it was just for a moment before Ravage then turned his helm as if he didn't care about the current situation.

"What do you want?" Miko finally asked after she had collected her thoughts and whipped away her tears.

Ratbat squeak clearly happy about something then, seemingly pulling them out of nowhere, pushed a small bag of what appeared to be some sort of candy towards her. Miko starred questionably at the small bag. "What are they?" She questioned, a little unsure about whatever it was. When Ratbat only pushed them to her more she finally sat up {amazingly the vents wore quite tall} and picked up the bag to examining the contents. Inside where what appeared to be Energon though it was like it was some sort of soft jelly causing her to wonder if they were some sort of candy. "Is this... candy?" She asked, looking at Ratbat with questioning optics. Ratbat nodded happily then as if to show her, took the small bag in his wing's, opened it, took one out and then ate it as he held the bag back out to Miko.

Miko smiled happy to finally not only to have something to eat seeing as she hadn't had anything in a while, but also was happy just to have someone she felt comfortable around with her. Sure, Ravage unsettled her but seeing him slink away {though unknowingly to her only went out of view of the vent opening to still watch over his younger sibling and herself} she was happy to finally come out of the mildly cramped space and not to mention to also stretch her stiff limbs as they had been seemingly locked in one position as she hadn't moved all that much around while lying in the vent. As soon as she crawled out, managing not to crush a surprised Ratbat as she hadn't given him warning to her moving, She noticed Ravage not too far away causing her to tense but then squeak when she was lifted up suddenly by the Decepticon Medic causing her to unconsciously clutch onto the small bag of Energon candies but also struggle momentarily before giving up after a few minutes and just settled in the silent con's hold, all the while munching on the Energon candies. If she couldn't do anything else she was at least going to get food out of this after all she had been given the bag and she wasn't about to let it go to waist. "That actually took a lot less time than what I thought it would." Knockout muttered as he, despite Miko's then squirming, managed to hold her still long enough to take the bag of Energon Goodies away causing Miko to let out an uncharacteristic whine. When it was clear she wasn't going to get them back she crossed her arms over her chest plate and huffed in frustration.

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