Ch.11:"No, it just- It just happened."

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There was no denying that the sedative that Ratchet, now feeling more comfortable in doing so, had given her was working a little too well for the doctors liking. It was nearly two days after Miko's pre-some-what-sugary-freak out that Ratchet slightly regretted giving the poor human-turned-sparkling the sedative to calm her down enough for recharge as when he decided it was alright for the sparkling to go into recharge fully, Miko had began to put up a fight. Smokescreen was still stuck watching over Miko until his whining finally became too much not only for the medic but for the rest of team prime. His punishment wasn't even declared over by Ratchet himself, it was Optimus who had appeared to have had enough of the scouts whining.

Currently Ratchet couldn't help but stair at the Sparkling laying on the medical birth wrapped in a blanket, her arms sprawled out above her small head, ped's attempting to kick their way out of said blanket as she let out a quit pitiful whimper. Her temperature had improved but Ratchet still new it would be at least a few more days, if not another week before Miko was back to normal. Taking pity on the sparkling Ratchet stopped what he was doing at the moment and walked over to Miko, a small and slightly modified make-shift sparkling sippy cup in servo. For a moment he watched with slight amusement as Miko struggled to turn over onto her stomach but couldn't dur to the extra blankets around her which kept her from moving as the Pic line was still in her servo, a piece of foam taped on the inside of her hand to keep her hand flat in a attempt not to cause any pain but seeing as her servo was gripping the foam for dear life the nice thought had been tossed out the window and quit latterly, Miko had apparently realized she was holding onto something she didn't like the texture of and she some how managed to rip the foam of her hand while somehow avoiding ripping out the pic line at the same time, and tossed it across to the room but due to it being foam, it didn't fly to far.

"All right, all right little one, your quite annoyed right now, aren't you?" Ratchet asked as he finally helped Miko to get herself out of her bindings. He carefully lifted her up just enough to move the blanket away and to see if she could sit up properly. Half expecting her to fall over he watched as she some how managed to balance her self enough to sit up. Her some what dull, tired ridden optics finally opened and she looked around the room curiously. She let out a yawn as she stared at Ratchet just as he stared at her. "Well, I'd say the transfer was a success." He stated with a smile.

Miko squeaked slightly at the site of the familiar diluted Energon cup. She made the classic 'give me' gesture along with her signature Miko 'Give-me-or-you-lose-a-finger' frown on her face. Ratchet complied quickly seeing as Miko was getting more upset by the second of not having her Energon. Once he handed the Sippy cup over to her the teen sparkling quickly gulped down the contents of the container somehow being mindful about the pic line that was still imbedded in her left servo.

"Hey Ratch', Is Miko- Oh she is."

Miko's optics flickered to the twelve-year-old who had walked into the make-shift med-bay. Typically the med-bay was off limits to the human's unless necessary but considering it appeared to be only Raf Ratchet didn't actually mind the human being in the med-bay {unlike how he minded with the other humans}. Miko smiled at recognizing a familiar face. Completely forgetting about her current predicament she opened her mouth to respond with her usual 'What's up Raf?' that she often greeted the pre-teen with but stopped mid sentence of her own baby-like talk apun hearing her own. Yes, she knew she couldn't speak with anyone other then Ratchet who some how understood what she wanted when she did happen to speak {More like chirp in her own opinion}. As if to prove her own point Ratchet couldn't help but smile sadly at the sparkling before him. "She was going to say 'hello' to you, Rafael." The medic stated as he lifted Raf onto the berth that Miko sat on then turned back to continue on working on what ever he had been working on before.

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