Ch.19: "The thangs I do for you."

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Miko didn't know how to comprehend everything going on. Within the five minutes which had past, Miko had found herself alone in the main room with a clearly nervous Ratchet who had chosen not to look at her for the moment due to the guilt that was consuming him. One minute of said five minutes was just the two of them staring at each other while Miko angerly glared at the poor Medic as she expected answers. After the awkward stare down between the two Ratchet had finally broken the news to Miko. He explained how she was turned into the human equal of a Cybertronian, the Decepticon's, Predaking, essentially everything she didn't remember. Now Miko stood on the human area, gripping the protective railing with so much force that her knuckles began to turn white. Ratchet was standing there for a moment trying to decide if he should say anything more or if he had potentially done enough damage to last a lifetime.

"Wh-Why didn't you tell me sooner? Or at all for that matter?" Miko asked after a moment causing Ratchet to hang his helm in shame.

"We -er- I didn't think it was a good idea as you were recovering and-" Ratchet began, after correcting himself but was cut off by Miko's scoff.

"Well, I was fine and well enough to go to school, why didn't you tell me when I was cleared for that?" She challenged. When Ratchet didn't respond she rolled her eyes. "I seriously thought you of all 'bots would have been the one to advocate to tell me about something this drastic." She muttered. Having enough of the conversation and confirming Autobot medic's worst fear about the whole ordeal happening, happened when Miko suddenly picked up her bag and wordlessly walked down the catwalk, across the main hanger floor, then finally out the tunnel which led to the outsides that the 'bots sometimes used to get back into base if a ground-bridge wasn't necessary.

Pushing open the lone camouflaged door Miko held back her emotion's until she shut the door. when she was outside the missile silo, she finally let out her pent-up emotion's. She was happy to be out in the middle of the desert for once, this way no one would question her as to why she was screaming bloody murder right then. Part of her, the more rational side of herself told her to go back, to get at least a bridge back to her host family's house or even a ride from Bulkhead but as of the moment she could care less what happened in the oncoming dark. Anything in her eye's would be better than dealing with what was going on right now.

Miko remembered her way through the canyon's as she began the walk back to Jasper. If she continued on her way now, she could easily be back at her host family's house within an hour and a half. Miko did stop for a moment along the way just to gaze up at the sky for a brief moment. She still knew her way back to Jasper but just needed the added alone time for herself as she walked. Behind her she could hear Ratchet calling her name as she walked away but at the moment she didn't care. She just wanted out of the base which, luckily for her, was rather easier than expected. Now she walked aimlessly down the desert highway leading back into town, kicking decent sized rocks in front of her as she did so. Nearly twenty minutes into the most likely hour long walk back to town she heard an unfamiliar sound causing her to look up at the sky. Half expected it to be just a plane or even a military jet she at first didn't think much of it at least until she realized that whatever was up in the sky was clearly on fire just by the smoke and the familiar flames of an actual fire being distinctively seen and not to mention it appeared to be coming down and, as her luck was currently running, coming straight for her. She stood still frozen for a moment before something in her brain finally clicked into place causing her to start running in an attempt to at least not get directly hit by whatever was coming down.

A few moments later she found herself tumbling forward, but luckily, other than a few gashes and bruises, she was fine and found herself {surprisingly} sitting up through her body hurt like scrap and she most likely would be sore in the morning when she walked away or if she even walked away that is. After going through a brief coughing session caused by the dust that had been kicked up around her, she could make out the shape of some sort of... pod. It was small and shaped oddly at least to her opinion. Miko stood up and {though she knew she shouldn't} headed towards the pod, letting her curiosity get the better of her. Coming face to face with the pod after a moment she dusted off portion of the pod to revel some sort of writing though oddly enough the symbols that made up the writing appeared rearrange themselves momentarily to form English causing the teen to rub her eye's out of instinct just to see if she was going insane.

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