Ch.6: "How is that-that thing laughing right now?!"

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"If your so intent on giving someone a death sentence then you take the sparkling away from him!"

"I'm not the one who offered to come in here in the first place!" A shrill voice cried causing the sparkling huddled against Predaking's wing to let out a soft distressed like whine.

Miko's eye's-er- optics, opened and with much irritation at being woken up she started to speak only to hear distressed like clicks and whirls. At first, she was confused but the more she heard the odd noises the more she realized the odd noises were coming from herself. Miko sat up in a rush, helm spinning slightly as she staired at what appeared to be a double image of her own hands, or rather Servo's as she came to know from eaves dropping on Ratchet's mild child appropriate antinomy lesson with Raf. She looked down at the blurred image of herself once more not at all believing what she was seeing. Metal. She was metal. A few distressed clicks made their way from her mouth. Predaking nudged the sparkling head in order to distract her, not at all pleased with a distressed sparkling though if she was distressed or the fact Knockout and Starscream where back {unfortunately} or something else was beyond him at the moment. Miko's attention was diverted to Predacon who appeared to be... smiling almost. At first Miko was confused as to who this robotic... thing was but then, the teen-turned-sparkling let out an uncharacteristic giggle as she was nudged once again though this time, she did lose her balance causing her to fall over but the notion of being somewhat pushed over was lost as she giggled.

"How is that-that thing laughing right now?!" Starscream demanded, looking at the medic as if he would know the answer.

Miko turned and shrieked when she saw the ffamiliar face of none other than Starscream. Miko wanted nothing to-do with the flying-con and chose that time to hide or at least try to. She was weak as she attempted to move back farther in Predaking's wing and the more she moved the more she wanted to go back to sleep which was rather odd considering how she was just woken up. Her optics struggled to stay open as she bolted from Predaking when the Predacon appeared to not at all be helping her when Starscream had begun to walk across the room towards them. If she had looked at Predaking she would have saw his clearly visible jagged denta along with hearing a thundering growl but in the moment, all was lost to Miko as she suddenly ran across the room with speed that more than likely shouldn't be possible for a sparkling, she bolted behind a stack of crates which were filled with Shockwaves past experiments that Knockout had actually been bringing inside when he made the shocking discovery of a human-turned-sparkling Miko.

"I knew you were an idiot, but I didn't think you were this big of an idiot." Knockout said as he sighed. "Any Cybertronian knows not to scare a sparkling especially one that is still adjusting to being one."

It was shocking to come back in a second time in hopes of finding a human but instead stumbled upon an actual Cybertronian sparkling to say the least.

"There's no rule to the last part, Knockout, and besides I didn't scare her." Starscream countered, crossing his arms over his chassis as if it was some sort of victory for the mech.

"Well, there is now, and you most likely did. Primus, even I would run from you if you were the first thing I saw, Starscream."

Suddenly a loud roar was heard casing the two mechs to yelp in surprise. Predaking stood up from his once relaxed position and began to charge at the two Cybertronian only to be yanked back by a chain. In his optics they were just annoying but most importantly, potentially a threat to the sparkling he had adopted as his own even through before she hadn't been fully Cybertronian. {He had finally come to terms with the subject when he noticed how the human-turned-sparkling seemed even more weak {if even possible} now as a Cybertronian}. The only thing that mattered to him was that she had a spark, a beating spark at that and if that spark was under as much stress as it was, he knew it meant nothing good especially considering how young she is.

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