Ch.4: "What's a 'sparkling'?"

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Once more Miko found herself coming to though this time it was more on her own account seeing {and hearing} that there wasn't even really a sound that could possibly be around. Rolling over slowly she flinched and whimpered at the sudden pain that racked her body. Her eyes slowly opened once again as she slowly sat up. Once her vision cleared and the weird since of De ja vu cleared away she recognized quickly she was very much out of the weird prison cell but from what she could tell she was on some sort of mettle slab given by it was cold and very much uncomfortable to her. Miko crawled to the side, having to do so slowly as the room spun and looked down hoping that with any luck, she could easily get down but of course as her luck had been she would more than likely die first if she tried to jump. A wave of dizziness washed over her causing her to back away from the edge of the metal slab she was on. 

'I swear if they gave me a robot flu virus the first one I'm puking on is either Starscream or Knockout.' She thought to herself as she slowly lowered her head into her hands and closed her eyes, the blackness helping a little bit with the ongoing migraine she was experiencing.

Miko flinched at the sudden sensation of being enveloped causing her to look up. As first she saw nothing causing her to blink just to make sure she had actually opened her eye's but when it was still dark then after a second, she lifted up her hands to pull down what she realized had to be then was some sort of cloth or at least a very much oversized rag to her though hit was surprisingly soft. 

"You looked cold." Knockout stated voice flat though there was a hint of amusement at watching the human stumble around. Knockout also knew that it was the truth even if Miko herself didn't know that. Knockout's scan of Miko indicated her core temperature was dropping somewhat rapidly and though it might not have been noticeable to her, his medic skills came in handy when it came to handling human even if he hated to admit it.

"Didn't know you even cared." Miko retorted as she lowered the cloth to rest on her lap. She looked down at the grey colored cloth for a moment then back at Knockout. "You gave me a towel?" She asked upon observation of the texture. "More like a cleaning rag but yes. Do I look like I regularly carry Sparkling supplies?" Knockout asked sarcastically as he went back to tinkering with, what looked like to Miko, looked like some sort of medical device.

"What's a 'sparkling'?" Miko asked after a moment of frustrated silence. 

Knockout stopped what he was doing and was silent. It was obvious he was trying to either figure out a way to explain it or he could have been just hoping to avoid the question all together. Miko figured the latter was more accurate, so she asked again, and this time gained an agitated sigh. "You'll find out soon enough." Knockout stated. 

Miko's huffed not at all satisfied with the answer. She was about to give up when she realized she had another question, one she probably should have asked in the first place. "What did you do to me?" Miko asked, hesitance evident in her voice. 

"I didn't do anything." Knockout stated, putting emphasis on the 'I'. He was now seemingly done with the medical equipment seeing as he turned as he spoke holding said device then placed it in the place Miko had just been two second's prior which ignited a small yelp from the teen as she quickly got out of the way, makeshift blanket and all. 

"Rude!" Miko stated, crossing her arms over her chest. Considering how she hadn't been rescued yet and she was still on the Nemesis she decided she was going to find a way off this ship herself even if she protentional killed herself in the process. An idea began to form in her head as she realized knockout hadn't turned around yet and appeared to be somewhat busy once again.

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