CH.9:"It's just a feeling in my spark."

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Miko was in the middle of some sort of argument- literally. She stood between two towering being's - no wait, they were clearly Cybertronian and, by the looks of it, though not any she had met let alone seen before. One was male, or mech as she had heard Bulkhead refer to himself as, by the tone of his voice and the other was female she was also very easily identified by not only her slimmer build but also her voice tone. Miko's eye's darted around to the giant room they were in. It appeared to be some sort of workshop judging by the amount of what appeared to be finished and unfinished projects laying around not to mention the spare parts that covered all the tables. Oddly enough the floors were clean which Miko couldn't help to feel somewhat amused considering the messes on the tables. She half expected everything on the tables to be scattered on the ground from what work shop's she had seen {mostly Wheeljack's and human of course}. Miko looked between the two as they appeared to be arguing over something that the male Cybertronian was holding. Every time the female would reach out for it the male would back away, but thing's took a turn for the worse when the female reached out again this time appearing to succeed in grabbing the device.

"Give it to me, Megatronus!" The female, or femme as she heard Arcee occasionally refer to herself as, transformer exclaimed as she pulled the seemingly alien blaster to herself. "You used it to kill him now, it needs to be put in a sa-"

Miko's heart dropped at the sound of the blaster and the sight of the female's grip suddenly loosened and the sound of a shocked gasp came from her. The man, Megatronus, suddenly dropped the deadly weapon causing it to clatter to the floor with a loud 'cla-thunk'. The look of terror and remorse on his face was very clear as he called out, "Solus! Sweetspark, no!"

Miko stood frozen at the scene playing out before. Megatronus had managed to catch the female, Solus as she had learned from Megatronus yelling her name after he realized what had been done. Megatronus lowered them both to the ground, Solus in his arms. He was whispering something, something Miko couldn't decipher. The two exchanged a few words but ultimately Solus' head suddenly fell to the side, her ghostly black optic's staring right at Miko.


It was now nearly one in the morning in human time and Miko was once again up. Ever since Ratchet had informed the Autobot's about Miko's sudden illness the Autobot's had taken turns watching over Miko when she slept just to make sure she was okay. Currently Arcee sighed in frustration as she rubbed her optics with one servo as she sat up from the medical birth she had fallen into recharge on. Miko had only been asleep for a few hours which allowed Arcee said hours to recharge but much to Arcee's misfortune the small sparkling was awake once again and this time she was a sobbing mess. She glanced over to the makeshift walled berth in the corner of the room and grew worried as she hadn't seen Miko's familiar helm as she usually did when she would try and hold herself up when trying to get her attention as she had done hours before when she was protesting recharging. With a silent sigh, Arcee stood up from the medical berth, walked the short distance to the berth, and headed over to the crib like structure. Miko was laying on her back but was crying in her sleep most likely due to some sort of nightmare or potential pain of some sort. Arcee carefully reached down and picked up Miko causing her optics to snap open at the sudden contact of another Cybertronian. Her head whipped from side to side as if looking for something but when that something clearly wasn't found she finally rested her helm on Arcee's shoulder plating, coughing every once in a while.

"You're okay." Arcee said quietly as she sat down on her berth with the sparkling. Without warning Miko's helm suddenly shot up and her optics darted around the room looking for one specific Cybertronian, or more specifically a certain Predacon. When her optics never landed on the Predacon but did spot that she was being held by Arcee, she once again burst into tears leaving Arcee confused but nonetheless she attempted to console the sparkling as best as she could. It was clear that Miko was obviously looking for someone through who was unknown to Arcee. Once Miko was calm enough Arcee reached over to a small crate which rested on the floor next to her berth and picked up a small makeshift Cybertronian version of the human version of a bottle. Yes, Miko was technically a little old for a bottle being her human age and youngling but given the current circumstances of having limited things for Miko, it didn't really matter if she was too old for one at least until they could either make smaller cubes or get ahold of some already made somehow.

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