Ch.16: "You might want to hurry up Raf!"

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Ratchet stared at the screen before him in disbelief. For a moment he wasn't sure he was seeing thing's correctly but yet there it was, right in front of his optics, one lone blinking light on the screen which indicated a spark signature. He had been trying to triangulate the signature for nearly three days' now and before had proven unsuccessfully seeing as the small blinking dot still bounced around the screen but now, after all his effort, he managed to stabilize the signature long enough to see where it was coming from.

"Optimus!" He called. "Miko's spark signature is-it's stabilized!"

Jack and Raf ran to the railing of the human area with smiles on their faces. "Does that mean you guys can get her back?" Jack asked.

Ratchet was silent for a moment as he typed away at the computer. Suddenly satellite images appeared on the giant monitor of what appeared to be the exact location of the spark signature. Images of the Nemesis which appeared to be docked outside of an Energon mine in one of the canyons, appeared on screen causing Ratchet to smile at the realization of her actually being so close but then frowned when he also realized that she was back with the Decepticon's which meant something must have happened to Predaking or it wasn't a choice for him, and she was taken.

"If she is with the Decepticon's perhaps it would be wise to infiltrate and discover what technology turned Miko into a sparkling while also rescuing her." Optimus stated looking over at the medic who had turned to look at him with a rear smile on his faceplate.

Ratchet faulted for a minute. Sure, he wanted to return Miko back to human but then a part of him didn't want to. He had grown close to the human's, Raf more specifically but, at this point, mostly Miko as even if she was loud and obnoxious, she was still right there to help if Ratchet needed or asked a question that was about Earth and Miko, as a sparkling, grown on his spark and reignited the want to be a Sire that had long since dimmed. Before the war started he had a mech that he planned on asking out  and later down the line, if Primus allowed it, wanted to start a family with said mech, he was even talking with the youth sector officials about adopting a sparkling that had been a part of the sector for the longest time, but then the war started and the youth sector was one of the first thing's destroyed much as his spark was when the notion of a family proved to be impossible but now, seeing Miko as a living and breathing sparkling that he had managed to grow attached to the sparkling and the thought of turning her back was a distant.

Ratchet jumped when Optimus placed a servo on his shoulder plating. "I know how attached you are to her, but the right thing to do is to at least try to figure out how to turn her back." Optimus stated, as if knowing what Ratchet was thinking which ninety percent of the time the mech did.

"I know Optimus but-" Ratchet trailed off. He couldn't bring himself to say it, to say that he didn't want things to change, he didn't want Miko to turn back into human though he guessed the latter thought was selfish of him. Miko probably wanted to be human or at least the part of her that was still her normal age, wanted to return to human. His servo's clinched into fists as he glanced over at the other children, Raf looking at him with hope in his eye's though the hope was clearly just for Miko to return safely while Jack frowned, clearly understanding why Ratchet was hesitant but also not realizing the impact it might cause.

"We can't just leave her like that." Jack stated, crossing his arms. "It's not right."

"Don't you think I know that?!" Ratchet snapped, surprising even Optimus himself. "But what about me, what about what I want?" he asked. He knew he probably sounded extremely selfish but at the moment his spark was hurting at the thought of losing someone he had come to adore as his own sparkling. "I-I just can't-"

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