Ch.10: "You guess?"

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The Nemesis
"So, who wants to tell our lovely Lord Megatron that the beast got out?"

"And risk off lining?! You do it!"

"I'm not off lining, do you not know what he'll cause my paint job to look like if he offlined me?!"

"Is that the only thing you care about?!"

Shockwave's laboratory was surprisingly quiet considering how a Predicon usually lived inside but due to current circumstances the lab was quit besides the fact of two specific mech's bickering back and forth. Some things were destroyed but that was to be expected when you had an angry Predicon in 'parental mode' rampaging about every once in a while, but due to said lack of Predicon it was quit quite to say the least. The only noise from the room {besides the bickering} was the soft hum of the incubator chambers which held other forming Predicon's, a few in what was considered to be a 'sparkling stage' other's clearly older.

Starscream and Knockout bickered back and forth as shockwave examined the sliced chains. Somehow in the span of a few hours Prediking had managed to free himself through it looked as if something else had freed him as the chains appeared to be sliced somehow. If he had freed himself, he would have most likely bitten the chains resulting in some form of bite marks on them only for nothing of the sort to appear on them. Soundwave stood off to the side waiting patiently for Starscream and Knockout to stop arguing. He played a clip of Megatron's voice to get their attention which luckily worked. All three pairs of optics where on him. A small video played on his visor, upon closer inspection the video seemed to be from the camera's that were set up in the room, camera's which appeared to have been forgotten by at least two of the three mechs in the room as Shockwave showed no reaction to the video {but it was to be expected as the mech was quite emotionless himself}. The video showed Prediking transforming into a somewhat normal Cybertronian causing the chains to break around him. He then appeared to have noticed the camera's and only smirked at them. Prediking then found a way to open the door to the room and walked out of view of the camera's.

"Starscream, do tell me how a Predicon of all Cybertronian's was able to walk out of the ship and most likely off the nemesis with out no one noticing?" Shockwave asked, his voice dangerously low. "Surely your Vehicon's would have noticed."

Starscream nervously rubbed the back of his neck cables. "Well-" Before he could spit out an excuse, he was suddenly blasted through the far wall landing in the hall with a sickening grind of his armor plating on the ground.
Autobot HQ
For the next couple of hours Miko had refused to be either handed off to another team member of the Autobots or sat down for even a second. With the help of medical grade Energon she was able to sleep through limited as if she did sleep for two long her internal core temperature would drop and to keep her core temperature from dropping more, she was all but forced awake for a few minutes for some sort of ridiculous activity then she would be allowed to sleep more after whatever ridiculous device that Smokescreen waved over her beeped a high-pitched beep. After several conversations with the Autobot medic about what should be done, Ratchet had announced to the Autobots what he had found out about Miko's current condition. In a nutshell he had basically explained to them that it appeared that Miko wasn't entirely Cybertronian as she appeared to be. Through the Energon she had coughed up earlier that day it was discovered that not only was her blood Energon but also that of human blood as well. It appears that the cause of her being as sick as she was, was only because her blood cells were fighting against each other. She never had any form of the flu, be that Cybertronian or human, her body was just trying to process her own blood. The explanation of course raised a lot of questions, the most common one being if she would live or not. Ratchet didn't have an answer to that question as it would require even more test's which would probably stress Miko to the max. It was decided that all tests would be done while she was in recharge with a prayer sent to Primus to keep from having to use a sedative as she was weak. Ratchet was afraid that if he were to sedate her there would be consequences.

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