9 | Hell Hole

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The bathroom door trembled under Xavier's relentless pounding, causing the entire room to shake. "Open the door, Layla." He demanded with an authoritative tone.

I remained silent, my heart pounding in my chest. The banging persisted, growing louder and more forceful with each passing second.

"I'm giving you three seconds to open this fucking door, or else I'm breaking it down," he warned in a chillingly calm voice.

I rose to my feet, my hand shaking as I reached for the doorknob, slowly turning it.

I opened the door and there he was, standing just inches away from me. Xavier's piercing gaze locked onto mine, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still.

I felt his eyes slowly travel from my face down to my body, and a sudden self-consciousness washed over me. The realization hit me that I was standing there with only a towel haphazardly wrapped around me. I instinctively tightened the grip of the towel.

His gaze shifted back to my face, and he spoke my name again, "Layla." I remained silent, still processing the shock of his sudden appearance.

Feeling increasingly uneasy under his penetrating stare, I decided it was time to put some distance between us.

I could sense his eyes on me as I walked towards the closet and pulled the door open. Stepping inside, I reached for a pair of black lace underwear and a matching bra.

I scanned the clothes hanging in the closet, my eyes landing on an oversized graphic t-shirt. I reached out and pulled it off the rack, feeling the soft fabric between my fingers.

I turned back around and exited the closet, only to find Xavier still standing in the room.

"I need you to leave," I muttered, gesturing towards the clothes in my hands. "I need to change."

"Go ahead, you're not bothering me," Xavier said, his smirk widening.

I felt my cheeks flush at his words, and with an irritated tone, I replied, "Fine."

Determined not to engage in further conversation, I turned on my heels and headed back into the closet, closing the door behind me.

I swiftly changed into the chosen outfit, but upon examining myself, I realized it wasn't appropriate to only wear the oversized t-shirt. I reached for a pair of small cotton pajama shorts and quickly pulled them on.

I walked out of the closet and made my way to the bed, taking a seat. As Xavier approached me, I couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "What are you doing here, Xavier?" I asked, my eyes fixed on him.

He paused for a moment before answering, "I can explain everything during dinner. I just wanted to see if it was really you."

Scar's words echoed in my mind. "You'll be having dinner with the boss."

Realization washed over me, and my eyes widened at the revelation.

Xavier is the boss.

He was the one in control all along. He was the one who intervened when Scar was about to hit me, the one who gave him instructions.

It was Xavier who held the power to determine my fate, deciding how long I would remain trapped in that dreadful room, bound by chains, and enveloped in darkness for weeks on end.

The pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. A mix of emotions washed over me—shock, anger, and confusion.

How could he have allowed me to suffer like that? Questions flooded my mind, and a sense of betrayal pierced through my thoughts.

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