39 | Anger

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I observed as the doctor carefully sewed up the wound on my side. More stitches, just what I needed. After she finished, she placed a bandage over it.

Luckily, the cut wasn't excessively large, but it was deep enough to warrant stitches.

"Thank you," I expressed to her, adjusting my blood-stained shirt.

"Of course," she responds, her gaze cautious as she studies me. "I apologize, but I must ask, are you doing alright?"

I regard her with confusion. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because you've got fresh stitches on your stomach, cuts on your face, and bruises on your arms," she explains.

"I was in a car accident a few days ago," I explain.

She nods, comprehension in her expression. "I'm sorry to hear that. Wishing you a swift recovery."

I offer her a faint smile. "Thank you."

"Well, you're good to go. Feel free to leave whenever you're ready," she informs, walking toward the door. "And please be more careful," she adds before exiting the room.

"No promises," I mutter quietly to myself.

Exiting the room, I head toward the waiting area where Scar and Hunter are seated. "I'm all patched up, we can head out now," I inform them.

Turning on my heel, I walk toward the hospital exit, with Scar and Hunter trailing behind.

"Are you—" Scar starts, but I interrupt him.

"No, I'm not fine," I snap, irritation seeping into my tone. "Look at me, I look like I've been mauled by a fucking bear."

I seethed with anger.

I was furious at Xavier for canceling our date without a word, enraged at Jason for everything he's done, and most of all, angry at myself for allowing these senseless men to wield such power over my life.

Scar and Hunter remained silent as we eventually reached the car. Climbing inside, we headed back home.

I rest my head against the window. "Please, don't mention this to Xavier," I murmur softly. "I just don't have the energy to deal with him."

"Sure," Hunter responds in hushed tones, while Scar nods in consent.

"How'd you end up with that cut?" Hunter's question comes unexpectedly.

"I was running through the maze and tripped. During my fall, I felt my stomach graze against a sharp edge," I lie to them.

"A sharp edge?" Scar echoes, his curiosity piqued.

"Yeah," I reply with simplicity.

I wasn't in the mood to be questioned by either of them tonight. Exhaustion weighed heavily on me, and all I craved was to curl up in bed and sleep.

Everyone stays quiet for the rest of the ride back home. An hour of complete silence. When we eventually pull up to the house, Scar parks the car, and I step out.

Heading toward the front door, I catch a guard's gaze fixed on me, whispering something to the other guard beside him.

Frustration grips me, and I snap at him. "If you've got something to say, then spit it out. Don't whisper to your friend like a spineless coward," I shoot at him.

His eyes widen in surprise as he looks at me.

Hunter quickly steps beside me, his hands on my shoulders gently directing me into the house.

"What's going on with you?" His eyes search mine for answers.

"Nothing," I mumble. I turn around head for the stairs. His footsteps echo behind me.

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