47 | Agreement

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Xavier's POV

I step out of the shower, hastily throwing on my clothes. Entering my room, my gaze lands on Layla who was tangled in my sheets, fast asleep.

Quietly slipping on my shoes, I exit the room. Retrieving my phone from my pocket, I tap on Axel's name as I make my way out of the house and into my car.

After a few rings, he finally answers. "Xavier, what's up?" he greets.

"I'll be at the warehouse. Is he there?" I inquire.

"Yeah, he's there. Tied up to a chair, and I've got guards watching him just in case," he assures.

"Good to know," I respond. "You're all done here. I'll see you at the next fight."

He chuckles. "I'll see you at the fight." I end the call, tossing my phone onto the passenger seat.

I was eagerly anticipating meeting Jason. It's been five long years since I last saw that fucker, and now I've got him right where I want him. I step on the gas, my impatience urging me to reach the warehouse sooner.

I wasn't going to kill him today. I was still waiting on Layla's response. Once she gives me her answer, I'll know how to proceed from there.

After several more minutes of driving, I pull up at the warehouse. Stepping out of the car, I approach the entrance and unlock the door. As it creaks open, I step into the dimly lit room.

Taking a quick scan, I see the guards patrolling around as they focus on Jason. I close the door behind me and move toward him, stopping just inches away.

He looks worse than the last time I saw him. He lifts his head, his vacant green eyes locking onto mine. A grin tugs at his lips. "Well, if it isn't the big, bad Xavier," he quips. "Took you long enough, five years, huh?"

I remain silent, my gaze unwavering as I study him.

"So, what's your plan now? Going to kill me?" he taunts, tilting his head slightly. "I doubt my sister would forgive you for that."

My fists clench, but I let him to continue talking.

"How's my sister these days?" He locks eyes with me, his grin widening. "Last time I saw her, I was inches away from ending her life. Almost had her, until that bitch managed to slip away," he spits out.

And that's all it takes. I take a step forward, delivering a punch straight to his face. His head snaps to the side from the impact, but he regains composure, looking back at me with his mouth stained in blood.

"Seems like someone has a soft spot for Layla," he comments.

I grab his shirt, almost lifting the chair he's bound to. "Say her name again. I fucking dare you," I grind out.

He lets out a humorless chuckle. "Alright, alright."

I release his shirt and take a step back, inhaling deeply as I attempt to rein in my emotions before I do something I might regret.

"Is this your plan? Keeping me tied to this chair forever?" he questions.

"No, I've got other plans for you," I inform him. "And once I'm through with you, you'll wish you were tied to that fucking chair for the rest of your pathetic life."

"Save yourself the hassle and just kill me now. One quick bullet to the head," he suggests.

A scoff escapes me. "That's far too easy." I lower myself slightly, bringing our gazes to the same level. "You don't deserve an easy death," I grind out.

He meets my gaze without uttering a word. "I'm going to make sure your death is slow and agonizing."

I step closer to him.

"I can't wait for the moment when I witness the life fading from your eyes as you plead for mercy," I growl, observing the swift flicker of fear in his gaze.

"And after you're nothing but a lifeless body, I'm going to nail your fucking head to my wall as a trophy," I spit out.

I watch as panic takes hold of him. A smile creeps across my face, and I playfully pat his cheek. "Savor whatever scraps of life you've got left, Jason."

His glare sharpens. "Fuck you," he grits out.

A smirk finds its way onto my face. "Your sister already fucks me just fine."

His mouth slightly drops, leaving him momentarily speechless. Turning away, I head toward the door. But before leaving, I address one of the guards.

"Make sure he's fed. I don't want him dying of starvation," I instruct. He nods, and I exit the warehouse, heading to my car. I start the engine and begin making my way home.

I check the time; it's 2 in the afternoon. Layla should be awake by now. She needed time to think about her answer, and I'm hoping she's reached a decision.

Though deep down, I know she likely hasn't. I was just impatient and wanted to end his life already.

Finally reaching home, I park the car and enter the house. I make my way to my room, only to find Layla laying in my bed.

Approaching the bed, I take a seat beside her. "You're still in bed," I comment.

"Glad you figured that out," she replies flatly.

I study her as she gazes at the ceiling. "What's going through your mind?" I ask.

Sitting up, she turns to face me. "I want to see my brother," she admits. "But I don't want you to kill him."

"That wasn't our agreement, Layla," I remind her.

"I want to be the one to kill him," she states. I meet her gaze and for the first time I'm unsure of what to say. She maintains her stare. "Please?"

She wants to end her own brother's life, and who am I to deny her that? Especially considering the torment he's put her through.

I've felt the desire to hurt the one who's caused me so much pain. And, coincidentally, that person happens to be Jason, for both of us. This is Layla's opportunity to finally break free from her brother's grasp.

I nod slowly. "Alright."

She offers a faint smile, "Thank you." And then I watch as she wraps herself in one of my sheets and heads to the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

I think I've created a monster, much like myself.

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