22 | Party

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I remained in my room, waiting until I was certain Xavier had left the house. Glancing at the clock, I saw that it was currently 9:20 p.m. Feeling determined, I walked down the stairs, ready to set my plan in motion.

I could already imagine how furious Xavier was going to be, but I didn't care.

Approaching the kitchen, I gathered all the bottles of alcohol I could find and placed them on the counters. I searched for glass cups and arranged them similarly.

Grabbing one bottle in my hand, I left the kitchen and approached the front door. My heart raced as I placed my hand over the door handle and slowly opened it, praying that I wouldn't get shot.

Two of the guards standing in front of the door quickly turned around, their guns pointing directly at me.

"Don't shoot, please," I begged urgently, standing frozen in my spot.

They didn't respond to me. They just stood there with their guns still pointed in my direction.

Taking in a deep breath, I gathered my courage and prepared to speak. "I just wanted to see if you guys wanted to come inside for a drink," I said, trying to appear casual as I looked at the two guards. "You must be exhausted from standing outside all day."

I shook the bottle of alcohol in my hand, hoping to entice them.

They exchanged glances before returning their attention to me. "Xavier said it's fine," I lied, hoping they wouldn't catch on.

Still, no response.

"He mentioned that as long as I'm inside the house, it shouldn't be a problem." I tried to convince them.

The guards slowly lowered their guns, and one of them finally spoke. "You got any vodka?" he asked in a deep, husky voice.

A small smile formed on my face. "We have everything you could possibly imagine."

"And are you sure Xavier said it's fine?" the other guard inquired.

I nodded confidently. "Yes, I'm sure."

The two guards concealed their guns behind their backs and stepped inside the house. "Oh, invite your other friends outside. Let's make it a party," I said playfully, winking at the guards.

One of the guards went back outside, assuming he was going to tell the rest of them.

Within a matter of minutes, the house was swarming with guards.

Loud, thumping music filled the air as someone cranked up the volume to an ear-splitting level. The once-quiet and orderly house now resembled a wild carnival. Guards from all corners of the property gathered inside, creating a chaotic scene.

In the kitchen, there was alcohol bottles being passed around like a game of hot potato, and some of the guards took swigs straight from the bottle. Their faces contorted with a mix of pleasure and disgust from the taste.

Meanwhile, in the living room, plumes of smoke filled the air as guards indulged in cigars, cigarettes, and whatever else they could light up. The room had transformed into a hazy space.

Tables were turned into impromptu stages, and guards broke into unexpected dance-offs, their moves ranging from hilariously clumsy to surprisingly impressive.

I walked into the kitchen, and the lively atmosphere engulfed me immediately.

My eyes landed on a bottle of alcohol. Without hesitation, I grabbed it, feeling the cool glass against my palms. Raising the bottle to my lips, I took a long, satisfying swig, savoring the taste as it spread through my senses.

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