31 | Peace

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I couldn't believe it when Xavier said I could go to the party with Hunter. And then, he surprised me even more by giving me a new phone.

I examined the phone in my hand. My first instinct was to call Olivia, but I figured I'd save that for tomorrow.

My thoughts were interrupted as Hunter pulled over, parking the car by the side of the street in front of the house. "We're here," he announced, switching off the car.

I swing open the door and step out into the crisp night air. The bass of the music pounds in my ears. The party is definitely in full gear, with people streaming in and out of the house.

Last time I left a party like this was the day I met Xavier, and damn, did that change everything.

Inhaling deeply, I savor the freedom of being outside. It felt great to be out of that house. I round the car and join Hunter by his side. He intertwines his fingers with mine and leads us toward the house.

"Excited?" He asks, a broad grin lighting up his face.

"So freaking excited," I reply, my own smile mirroring his enthusiasm as I meet his gaze.

We stroll past the mingling crowd in the driveway and front yard, making our way toward the open front door. Stepping inside, we're enveloped by a scene of people dancing and drinking everywhere.

The interior is dimly lit, with only a few lamps casting hazy light from the corners of the rooms. Hunter tugs gently on my arm, leading me toward the kitchen. "What's your poison for tonight?" He asks.

"Tequila, obviously," I respond playfully. I observe as he grabs two shot glasses and fills them with tequila. The sight briefly takes me back to the day I kissed him in front of Xavier.

He passes me the shot glass.

"Here's to a great fucking night!," I shout with a grin.

His laughter joins mine, his eyes gleaming with amusement as I down the shot. "Cheers to that," he replies, knocking back his own tequila.

I can't help but make a face of distaste. The taste of alcohol is something I'll never warm up to. It's utterly repulsive, but at least it got the job done.

He tops up the glasses again. "No matter how drunk we get, stick close to me. I don't want Xavier to kill me just yet," he shouts in a joking tone.

"He won't kill you, don't worry," I reassure him.

"You don't know him that well," he responds, downing his shot.

I do the same. "And no matter what happens, never accept a drink from anyone else. Always pour your own," he warns.

I roll my eyes playfully. "Hunter, I've been to parties. This isn't my first time, so quit the worrying," I tease.

He meets my gaze. "Yeah, you're right. I just want to make sure you're—"

"Safe, I get it," I interrupt. "I'm just here for a good time, so let's focus on that, alright?"

He holds his gaze on me for a few moments before eventually giving a nod. A smile tugs at his lips. "Open your mouth," he instructs.

Brows furrowed in confusion, I meet his gaze. He responds by shaking the tequila bottle, a clear indicator of his intention.

Comprehending his gesture, I tilt my head back and open my mouth as he lets the liquid flow. I can feel the warm fire sliding down my throat. He stops, taking a hearty swig from the same bottle.

I pick up a slice of lime from the plate beside us and suck on it, attempting to get rid of the lingering taste of alcohol.

A shiver runs down my spine as a prickling sensation on the back of my head makes me instinctively turn around, expecting to catch someone's gaze. Yet, when I do, the room appears as it was before—no one standing there, just the pulsating lights and dancing crowd.

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