11 | Babysitter

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Sleep eluded me throughout the night, and I found myself staring at the pitch-black ceiling above. Glancing at the clock on the wall, it read 6:30 a.m.

With a sigh, I slowly sat up, taking a moment to collect myself.

Resting my face in my hands, I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath. How did I end up trapped in this never-ending nightmare? The events of the past days replayed in my mind, each one more terrifying than the last.

Careful not to disturb the sleeping monster, I rose from the couch and casted a wary glance towards Xavier who was tangled in the sheets. I watched as his chest rose and fell with each breath.

I moved my gaze away from him and made my way to the bathroom, the cold tiles soothing beneath my feet. I met my reflection in the mirror, and what stared back at me was a disheveled version of myself.

Tangled knots marred my hair, my eyes were bloodshot, and my once vibrant complexion had paled from weeks of not seeing the sun. I looked like a walking mess.

Lowering my head, I turned on the sink and splashed cold water onto my face. With closed eyes, I lifted my head and reached for a nearby towel, gently patting my skin dry.

As I opened my eyes, I froze in shock, nearly letting out a scream. Reflected in the mirror was Xavier, standing in the bathroom doorway, his presence casting an eerie shadow over the room.

"I didn't mean to wake you," I uttered softly, turning my body to face him.

"You didn't," he replied, his eyes locked on mine.

I nodded in acknowledgment, unsure of how to proceed. The silence hung heavy between us until I finally cleared my throat, breaking the tension.

"I'll just...go," I stammered, my words trailing off.

Xavier remained silent, stepping aside to grant me passage out of the bathroom. I cautiously moved past him, feeling the weight of his presence lingering in the room.

Once outside, I heard the bathroom door close behind me, followed by the familiar sound of running water as the shower was turned on.

I surveyed the room, my gaze sweeping across the walls and nightstand, only to find emptiness and an eerie coldness that permeated the space. There were no pictures or personal touches, leaving it feeling devoid of any warmth or personality.

Just like Xavier.

A sudden knock on the door startled me, causing me to hesitate before deciding to open it. Stepping forward, I swung the door open and found myself face to face with Scar and the other guy from the club.

I couldn't help but notice the guy's striking features. Dark brown hair, captivating hazel eyes, and a scar on his eyebrow that added a touch of ruggedness to his appearance. His straight white teeth complemented his overall attractiveness.

He appeared to be around my age, in stark contrast to Scar, who seemed older, perhaps in his mid-thirties.

"Sleeping with the boss already?" Scar questioned.

I narrowed my eyes in irritation at his comment. "No, I'm not sleeping with the boss. He forced me to stay in his room. I actually spent the night on the couch," I clarified, stepping aside to let them in.

The new guy finally spoke up. "You're the girl who tried to make a run for it last night, right?" he asked, his eyes filled with amusement.

"That would be me," I replied.

"I'm Hunter," he introduced himself, extending his hand. I shook his hand.

"Layla," I said, introducing myself in return.

Hunter's smirk grew wider as he complimented me. "Pretty name for a pretty girl," he remarked.

Blushing, I chuckled in response. "Thank you," I said, appreciating the compliment.

Just as Hunter was about to say something else, Xavier emerged from the bathroom, wearing only a towel wrapped around his waist. Water droplets cascaded down his wet hair and skin.

Not wanting him to catch me staring, I quickly turned around and took a seat on the couch.

Xavier's tone turned cold as he addressed the presence of Hunter and Scar in the room. "And who said you two could come into my room? Get the fuck out," he commanded.

I wondered if he was always this rude.

Scar's irritation was evident in his voice as he retorted, "Maybe if you answered your phone, I wouldn't have wasted my time coming to your room."

Xavier rolled his eyes dismissively. "If I don't answer, then take the fucking hint," he replied sharply.

Cutting to the point, Hunter informed Xavier, "They need you at the office at 6 p.m. tonight."

Xavier let out a sigh. "I'll be there. Now get the fuck out of my room."

"Someone's got a stick shoved up their—" Hunter began, but his sentence was abruptly cut off as a pillow struck him in the head.

Hunter chuckled, before he and Scar left the room.

Xavier's attention snapped back to me, as he strode past me towards his closet. But before I could anticipate his next move, Xavier dropped his towel without warning, leaving me in a state of shock and embarrassment.

I instinctively turned my head away, tightly closing my eyes in a desperate attempt to shield myself from the indecent sight.

"What is wrong with you?" I managed to utter, my voice laced with embarrassment and disbelief. "Couldn't you have changed in the bathroom? Or gave a simple warning?"

His response was dismissive, lacking any concern for my discomfort. "No, I couldn't have."

After what felt like an eternity of keeping my eyes closed, I cautiously opened them one by one, relieved to find that Xavier was now fully dressed. I released the breath I had been holding, my tension easing slightly.

My gaze involuntarily shifted towards his outfit. He looked impeccable in his black dress pants, button-down shirt, and sleek black loafers. Everything seemed to fit him perfectly, accentuating his strong and commanding presence.

"Stand up," Xavier said, as he approached me with an authoritative presence, his command leaving little room for negotiation. Reluctantly, I rose to my feet, my irritation still evident in my expression.

"I'll be leaving the house and won't be back until later tonight," he stated, his tone devoid of any warmth or concern. "You can move around inside the house, but nowhere else." His words hung in the air, reminding me of the confined space I was still trapped within.

"Hunter will be with you, making sure you don't try escaping again," he said.

I scoffed, feeling a surge of frustration at his assumption that I needed constant surveillance. "I don't need a babysitter," I retorted.

Ignoring my comment, he continued to talk. "I gave him permission to shoot if necessary," he stated matter-of-factly, his words sending a shiver down my spine.

My eyes widened as I processed his implication.

"And believe me," he added with a cold, unforgiving stare, "he's never missed a shot."

With his final words, he abruptly turned and exited the room, leaving me alone in its emptiness. I stood there, fixated on the vacant doorway, feeling a mixture of emotions swirl within me.

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