52 | Fight

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I examined my outfit in the mirror. A simple tight leather skirt was paired with an oversized leather jacket, and underneath, I wore a plain black bodysuit. Completing the ensemble were my black high heel boots.

My gaze shifted to my face. I'd opted for a light makeup look. Even though I wasn't feeling my best, I didn't want to show it. Nausea came and went unpredictably, but snacking on crackers and sipping soda seemed to help. It was the first thing I'd managed to eat without feeling queasy.

With a final once-over in the mirror, I left the room and descended the stairs, where Xavier patiently waited. His eyes slowly roamed over me, pausing a few seconds longer on my bare legs.

He approached me, pulling me into his embrace. His hands traced a slow path down my back, coming to a rest on my ass. His face drew nearer to mine. "If we didn't have somewhere to be right now, I swear I would've fucked you in that short skirt," he growled in a husky voice.

This was another pregnancy symptom I'd been experiencing, I was constantly feeling aroused. I seized one of his hands and guided it up my skirt. His fingers delicately brushed against my pussy through my underwear.

"Maybe we should skip the fight," I suggested, a seductive whisper in his ear, "and head back to the room, where you can do whatever you want with me."

He responded with a low groan and a firm squeeze of my ass. "Fuck, you're making it very difficult to walk out of this door."

I pressed my body against his, the undeniable hardness of his desire evident through his pants. "I know you want to fuck me," I breathed, my hand tracing the outline of his arousal. "Just as much as I want to fuck you."

His gaze bore into mine, filled with desire. He skillfully moved my underwear aside, teasingly running his finger up and down my slick entrance. "You're dripping wet," he rasped as his forehead rested against mine.

Before things could escalate further, he swiftly withdrew his hand from beneath my skirt. "I'm going to fuck you so hard tonight that you're going to forget your own fucking name."

I looked at him, momentarily at a loss for words. His smirk returned, and he gave my ass a playful slap. "Come on, we've got a fight to attend," he urged, leading the way.

Xavier clasped my hand in his, and we strolled to the car. Settling inside, he took the wheel and steered us toward the warehouse.

The journey to the warehouse passed in a tranquil silence, one that was strangely comfortable. Upon arrival, Xavier parked the car and hurried around to open my door. I stepped out, and he reclaimed my hand as we entered the warehouse.

Everything had undergone a transformation since my last visit. A huge boxing ring dominated the center, bathed in brilliant lights that focused attention on it. Rows of chairs encircled the ring, and the faces of unfamiliar men filled the space. The only familiar face was Axel, engrossed in conversation with someone while puffing on a cigarette.

Xavier surveyed the crowd, his gaze fixing on Scar and Hunter. We advanced toward them, and I watched as they exchanged greetings. Scar pulled me into a comforting embrace, and I hugged him tightly in return.

"I need you guys to stick with Layla at all times. I don't want her left alone, not even for a single fucking second," Xavier's voice held a stern edge.

We got you," Hunter affirmed. Xavier nodded briefly before striding away.

Confusion etched my features. "Where's he going?" I asked.

Hunter shrugged. "Not sure, but the fight is about to start. We should sit."

I nodded, and we made our way to the seats. We settled in the front row, with Hunter and Scar sitting on either me.

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