45 | Golden Motel

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"How much longer till we reach there?" I groan, tilting my head to look at Ryder.

He shoots me a glare. "You've asked that same question 10 times in the past 6 minutes," he says, clearly annoyed. "If you ask me one more time, I'll throw you out of this car and make you walk the rest."

I let out an exasperated sigh. "It's not my fault you're driving like a snail," I mutter under my breath.

He suddenly slams on the brakes, bringing the car to a halt. "That's it. Get out," he commands, unbuckling my seatbelt.

I quickly sit up, facing him. "I apologize," I say. "I promise I won't hurt your feelings for the rest of the ride," I add with a wry smile.

He rolls his eyes at my attempt to smooth things over and resumes driving. "Put your freaking seatbelt on," he grumbles.

"You're the one who unbuckled it," I retort. "You put it on."

He shoots me a quick glance before leaning over. His face is just inches away from mine as he grabs the seatbelt and buckles it. "Brat," he mutters, leaning back into his seat.

"I'm not a brat," I reply, arms crossed defensively.

"You're right, you're not a brat," he concedes.

"Thank y—"

"You're a spoiled brat," he interjects. I shoot him a fierce glare, only to find him smirking. The urge to wipe that smirk off his face is nearly irresistible.

I sigh in frustration and decide to ignore him. I gaze out the window and watch the rain pour down relentlessly.

My attention locks onto a blinking sign that reads "Golden Motel." With a racing heart, I watch as Ryder steers the car into the motel parking lot and brings it to a stop. Finally, after another four-hour drive, we've arrived.

As I survey the numbered rooms ahead of me, Ryder's concerned voice breaks my focus. "Are you okay? You look like you're about to faint."

Forcing my gaze away from the motel, I meet his eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine," I manage, my voice a bit unsteady.

"You don't have to go through with this if you're not up for it," he offers.

"No, I have to see my brother," I say quietly.

He gives a solemn nod. "Need me to accompany you? You know, for support."

I offer a small, appreciative smile. "No, I need to do this on my own," I assert.

"Well, I guess this is it," he says.

Without hesitation, I lean forward and embrace him, my arms encircling his neck as his wrap around my waist. "Thank you, Ryder, for everything," I murmur softly.

Releasing him, I settle back into my seat. He quickly scans his car and finds a pen. With a gentle motion, pulls up my sleeve and jots down a number on my arm. "Just in case you're running away from someone again, give me a call," he says, a faint smile gracing his lips.

I gaze at the number he's left behind and it brings a smile to my face. "I will," I promise, stepping out of the car. Before I close the door, I steal one last glance at him.

"Good luck with your brother," he nods.

I give him a small smile. "Goodbye, Ryder," I respond as I close the door. I watch as he reverses out of the parking space and gradually fades from my view. I stand there, rooted, until his car disappears entirely.

Watching him leave stirs a pang of sadness within me. I had genuinely enjoyed his company. But as much as I would have loved to have him with me right now, I knew I had to do this alone.

I turn on my heels and begin my stroll down the hall, my gaze flitting between room numbers.
Without any clue about which room Jason might be in, I'm pinning my hopes on finding someone here who can point me in the right direction.

Continuing my walk, I halt before a door marked "office." I grip the doorknob and push it open, revealing a quiet, almost bare room. The room was sparsely furnished with only a desk bearing a computer.

Taking a steadying breath, I step inside the room and call out. "Hello?" A few seconds stretch in silence as I await a response.

I release a frustrated sigh. Can't things ever go smoothly, even just once?

Moving around the desk, I quickly survey the surroundings. The top drawer catches my attention, and my gaze locks onto a folder labeled "Guests." With a swift motion, I seize the folder and flip it open. My eyes skim the list of names belonging to individuals who've stayed here.

"You're not supposed to be doing that," a sudden voice admonishes.

I lift my gaze and immediately freeze in place. "I'm sorry," I blurt out hastily. "I wasn't sure if there was anyone here to assist me."

The old lady strides closer, reaching behind the desk to snatch the folder from my grasp. She slams it shut, releasing a cloud of dust into the air. "And just what is it that you need help with?" Her pale blue eyes bore into me.

Stepping to the front of the desk, I meet her gaze squarely. "I'm visiting my brother, but he forgot to mention the room number he's in," I explain. "My phone died on my way here, and I couldn't contact him." It's a lie, of course.

She exhales audibly, powering up the computer. "And your brother's name?"

"Jason Rose."

Her fingers dance across the keyboard before she glances up at me. "Hmm," she mutters softly. "That's peculiar."

"What?" I inquire, my anxiety heightening as I observe her closely.

She shakes her head dismissively. "It's nothing," she murmurs. "He's in room 10." Retrieving a key from a nearby drawer, she extends it to me.

"Thank you," I utter, my gaze shifting between the key in my hand and her presence. Well that was...strange.

I navigate down the corridor until I stand before room 10. My palms grow moist, and my heartbeat quickens.

"You've got this," I whisper to myself. Inserting the key, I unlock the door, then nudge it open. I slowly enter the dark room.

With a flick of the switch, the lights turn on and my heart plummets into my gut at the sight of Xavier seated on a chair, occupying the center of the otherwise vacant room.

His gaze bores into me, those once-familiar gray eyes now vacant and chilling. I instinctively glance towards the door, a desperate urge to run gripping me. But before my body can even react, his voice slashes through the air, halting my thoughts in their tracks. "Don't even think about it, Layla," he hisses.

I muster the courage to meet his gaze. "Wh...what are you doing here?" I manage to force out, my voice trembling slightly.

His lips curl into a smirk as he folds his arms over his chest,"I could ask you the same question," he drawls. "What are you doing here?"

I open my mouth, but words falter on the tip of my tongue.

He cocks his head slightly, his gray eyes glinting with a predatory gleam. "Let me guess, you thought you would find your brother here?"

I nod hesitantly.

He lets out a humorless chuckle. "You're a little late, sweetheart," he drawls.

"What do you mean? Where is he?" I demand, my anxiety spiking.

"He's gone," he replies casually, his nonchalance only fueling my unease. He rises from his chair, walking toward me with measured steps.

Closing the gap between us, his body nearly melds with mine as he angles my face to meet his gaze.

"Didn't the last escape attempt teach you anything?" His voice rumbles with a low warning.

I remain silent, caught in his frigid stare. "Remember this well – no matter where you hide," he murmurs, his breath brushing my skin, "I will always hunt you down." His face inches closer to mine.

Before I could say anything, I catch sight of a white cloth being pressed against my face. Realization dawns, but the drugs have already begun their numbing embrace.

My eyelids grow heavy and, in mere moments, I'm engulfed by darkness.

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