♫︎ - 1

926 23 4

July 17th, 2023

Louis' pov


I was tired, so extremely exhausted as I walked through the rain, ready to go home.

My clothes were soaked, water dripping from my fringe. I mentally cursed myself, should have chosen something warmer than just a hoodie and a shirt beneath this morning.

I sighed, still not pulling the hood of my hoodie over my head, not liking the feeling, would look like a drug dealer honestly, and well we can't have that as CEO now can we?

I decided to have a pity party with myself and quicky stop by the bakery where my best friend Liam works. His parents own the bakery, and Liam likes to help out here and there.

I quickened my pace and soon arrived at the small shop. The smell coming from it was making my stomach growl.

I stepped inside, already noticing Liam behind the counter. "Hi mate, it's raining outside, have you noticed?" He chuckled.

"Wait a second." He ran back into the shop, soon returning with a towel.

I smiled as he handed me it, making an attempt to dry my hair a bit.

"Thanks li, I owe you one." I told him, Liam quickly waving it off with a 'that's where friends are for.'

I smiled at that, I was honestly grateful with Liam as my friend. He always stuck by my side, when I came out as gay to my parents, when I became CEO of Tomlinson's Medical, taking my fathers place as boss of the local hospital.

Liam always has supported me, he's honestly amazing.

"Hey lou I just made cupcakes, strawberry flavour, want some?" I nod, reaching for my wallet, earning a slap to my arm. "You're crazy you know that? You're my best friend, let's just hang out next week oi? That will make it equal."

I gave the boy a hug and whispered a 'if you say so', a small smile on my face.

I looked at my phone, now noticing it was already 7pm. "Hey li I think I will take those home with me yea? It's getting dark and I stupidly decided to walk to work this morning."

Liam nodded, wrapping up some red frosting coloured cupcakes before putting them into a paper bag, the name of the store on display.

"Want me to drive you? I Can ask my parents if I can take a break-"

"-No need, thanks though." I cut Liam off, ruffling my hair a bit. He handed me the bag and we said our goodbyes, me promising I would text him later to discuss when we were gonna meet up.

The second I stepped out of the warm bakery the cold September weather hit me, the rain still pouring out of the sky.

I sighed and hid the bag under my hoodie, not wanting my cupcakes to get wet.

What can I say? I have a sweet tooth, can't blame me.

I sprinted a bit, wanting to get home as soon as possible. I decided to walk along the side of the park, it would be a bit of a longer walk, but the trees would hopefully protect me a bit from the rain.

The sky was now clearing up a little bit, it was still raining but I could now look ahead of me instead of at the ground.

When I looked up I gasped, not noticing I was running into someone, someone that was sitting in front of my feet.

I stumbled and fell to my knees, the bag falling from under my hoodie.

I winced and looked behind me, and I gasped again.

In front of me was a boy, probably about the same age as me, now standing up. He was by far the most beautiful boy I have ever seen in my entire twenty years of living.

His body was a bit muscular, tattoos on display on his arms. When I looked into his forest green eyes it made me feel like I would get lost into them if I would look for too long, but I noticed they looked a bit... dull?

His hair, his gorgeous, beautiful, soaked hair was hanging a bit in front of his eyes, and I could tell he had curly hair.

He was precious but looked oh so vulnerable...

"Eh sir? I'm so so so extremely sorry, how could I make it up to you, are you hurt? Oh god those pants probably have cost a fortune, I'm-"

I shushed him. "Hey Hey don't worry, it's fine really, these pants don't suit me anyways." I chuckled and he softly smiled. "Are you alright though? Oh you got some nasty wounds, let me see." I tried to reach for his arm but he pulled back quickly." It's fine honestly, got them earlier on."

I scanned him over, just now getting a better look at him. His clothes were dirty and not at all suitable for this weather. He was wearing a black shirt, holes appearing on the sides. He was wearing joggers, grey ones that looked like they were worn out and belonged into the trash can.

"Oh, alright." I sighed.

Why were his eyes so dull? Was he upset about something? And why were his clothes so dirty? He wore clothes that were nice for the summer, but not for this kind of weather.

But overall, he still looked like a model that came straight from a magazine, and I felt stupid for liking his looks, because I had just met the boy.

"Eh sir? Are you alright?" He asked, bringing me back from my trance.

I smiled "I'm alright and please, call me Louis."

He returned the smile and extended his hand for me to shake. "I'm Harry, nice meeting you, Louis."

"The pleasure is all mine, honestly."


First chapter!

I honestly loved writing this, it felt like I found a writing style that I now really like, writing from a point of view!

I'm looking forward to write more and include larry chemistry and fluff!

Cya soon,


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