♫︎ - 19

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"I'm nervous, lou."

Harry looked at me, the panic clearly shown in his eyes.

I sighed. "I know babe, but this might be a good idea and besides, I will be here reading a book or some so if you don't feel comfortable I will be here waiting for you, I'm proud of you for trying."

Harry visibly relaxed. "Alright, thanks love."

In return I kissed his cheek and noticed we had arrived at the building where Harry's new psychologist would be waiting for him.

Since the talk with Zayn I had thought about it for a while before carefully telling Harry about my thoughts and the talk I have had.

Harry first was scared I was gonna leave him and didn't want me to feel like he wasn't enough, but I immediately reassured him that wasn't the case and that I just felt like he keeps things bottled up and needs to maybe heal and accept some things in order to be happier.

Harry agreed and luckily realised that I wanted him to try and do this for himself, but would love him either way if he chose not to do this.

I make him happy, our lives are good and well, but I can't help him with everything, even though I wish I could.

"Alright goodluck, try to be open and I'm sure it will be fine, we can watch some movies after and order takeout."

"Sounds good." He replied and kissed me quickly before closing the door, walking into the building.

I sighed and searched for a parking spot close by and reached for my backpack to get out one of the books I bought with me.

After an hour I heard the door open and slam shut as Harry stepped into the car again, visibly upset.

"Hi love, how did it went?"

He stared out of the window, avoiding my gaze. "Is it alright if we talk about it later? It went alright but it wore me out, really wanna take a nap and clear my head if that's alright."

I nodded and reached for his hand, holding it as I started the car. "Of course, we can talk whenever you want, are you going back to Dr. Ramsey next week?"

He didn't look at me but nodded, squeezing my hand gently as a sign of appreciation.

Soon we arrived back home where the boys were all sitting in the livingroom watching tv.

"Hello guys."

"Hi lou, hazz." They all replied and didn't ask questions, just as I instructed them to.

"You want me to tag along?" I whispered to Harry.

He bit the inside of his cheek. "You can go and spend time with them, love."

I shook my head in return. "I don't mind going up with you, they will manage."

He suprised me by lifting me up and chuckling as I let out a squal.

"Well cya later lads!" I called out, the boys watching us fondly.

"Use protection!" I heard Zayn call out, the fucker.

We all laughed and Harry kissed my temple as I wriggled in his arms, not wanting to be put down but putting up a struggle anyway.


"I'm feeling so damn shitty." Harry groans out as I hand him some medicine.

"I know, feel like I've been run over by a truck as well." I sigh and rest my head against the headboard of the bed.

Two weeks went by since Harry had his first talk with Dr. Ramsey, the psychologist and it all seems to go well.

We don't really talk a lot about it, but I'm starting to notice Harry open up about the conversations they have, he also seems a bit less restless so that's good.

The struggle we have at the moment is that we're all ill and catched a kind of stomach bug, except from Niall, of course that shithead escaped the shit.

The boy's all stay at ours now, so that Niall the nurse can take care of us.

"Shall we go downstairs to watch some tv? Niall texted us that he made some chicken soup."

Harry starts gagging and as I want to stand up to reach for the bucket next to the bed I feel him grab my arm.

"Thanks love but no need, watch tv sounds good, chicken soup no thanks." He shows me a small smile as I take in his beautiful facial features.

Even though his eyes are red because of the lack of sleep, his pale skin and his raw lips he's still so amazingly beautiful.

He seems to notice me stare a bit too long. "Take a picture, it lasts longer."

I smile and cough. "Shush, you just look so beautiful, even when you're sick. And oh yeah, your jokes get even worse."

He fake gasps and places his hand on his chest. "How dare you, my dad jokes are delightful!" He wipes away a tear that doesn't exsist and then shows me the smile I love so much and fell in love with, dimples showing, eyes beaming.

I chuckle. "Come on you old man, let's go see what the rest is up to."

"That makes you my seven year old dog that barks too much and always needs cuddles."

I laugh. "That's such a weird reference, and why do I have to be the dog!"

He closes his eyes as he giggles, holding his hand in front of his mouth to hold them back.

I takw his hand in mine. "Don't hide your smile, it's absolutely adorable."

"Not as adorable as watching you sleep and snore like a cute kitten!" He kisses my temple, a wet kiss which I don't even wipe away.

"You creep." I state, hugging him.

Yeah, we have random conversations, but those are the best, full of love, in sickness and health...



Loved this random everyday things chappy! What do we think about Harry seeing a psychologist? It's just fanfiction, don't come after me hehe!

I think it's good to mention things like those, it's not abnormal and sometimes you need more than just love from your significant other, and that's alright!

Their love is amazing, this makes the both of them stronger, outstanders sometimes can provide things to grab and hold tight onto, while your sprouse holds you the whole time, always and forevah!

Looking forward to a week of school holidays after next week! Do ya'll have like a 'fall break?'

Cya soon and hoped you enjoyed reading, up to the next!


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