♫︎ - 32

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Our smart little cookie has been going to school for quite some time now and is enjoying it a lot!

Harry and I were a bit hesitant at first but knew this would be good for him, to socialize and make friends and play and learn along with Nathaniel.

Gemma is happy with her job and Liam, Zayn and Niall are proud uncles who spoil the boys rotten.

Today Georgie and I had a plan, something that had been in my mind for quite some time now.

I didn't know why I wanted to wait, but now I do, to do this with our beautiful child...

"Daddy, where we goin'?"

I grinned as I looked in the rearview mirror where he was strapped in his carseat.

"Remember our little secret? That we are going to surprise papa?"

The boy jumped up and down and even dropped his water bottle in the process.

"Yesh! Today?"

I smiled and chuckled. "Yes bud, we're going to surprise papa today!"

He cheered and we listened to some music as we drove to our destination, the nursery rhymes on repeat in my head by now.

Oh how I loved to be a dad...

After a short ride we arrived at the shops and I took Georgie inside to pick up some things.

"Daddy! This pwetty!" He squealed and I looked up to see him holding a plastic tiara.

I smiled as my eyes beamed. "Oh yes, that indeed is very pretty!"

"Daddy, papa and me wear this?" He asked, pouting and knowing I couldn't resist that.

He had Harry and I wrapped around his tiny finger.

"Alright, alright we can all wear a pretty tiara at the surprise."

The boy had a smug look as he was glad he won and spun around me as he tugged on my hand to make me crouch down, sloppily placing the tiara on my head.

"Look, beautiful!"

I reached for his hand. "Indeed bud, think papa is going to like it a lot as well!"

We got the things we needed and made our way to our next destination.

I had called Harry in the car to let him know Gemma and the boys were going to pick him up from work soon because we were going 'out'.

Georgie and I stepped out of the car and he stood still.

"Daddy, this is park."

I squeezed his hand. "I know, love. And you know what?"

I let him tag along as we walked to a certain spot with a bench.


He looked so much like me.

"This is where I met your papa," I explained to him and he looked at me funny.

"Daddy, eyes sparkle," he giggled and I froze for a second, staring at the bench, the memories of Harry and I flying through my head.

How many tears we shed, laughs we shared, love that was mutual, and now being able to share it with our son.

I of course wasn't going to explain to him that his papa used to be homeless, that was Harry his story and of course I will support him if one day he decides to share it with Georgie, but for now the boy was too young and it was alright.

"Daddy is happy," I told him and gave him a huge smile, the one Harry loves so much.

I set up some things and we together hung some lights in the trees and around the bench.

When we were done I admired the scene and crouched down to Georgie his level.

"Hey darling?"

"Yes daddy?"

I sighed. "I want to ask papa a big question today, but first I want to ask you permission, do you know what that is?"

He shook his head.

"I want to ask you a question to see what you think of it and if you like that idea!"

He nodded in understanding. "Okay daddy."

I ruffled his hair. "You were such a big helper today, thanks bud."

I swallowed. "I want to ask your papa to marry me, that means I want to be together with your papa forever and raise you together like we are now, but it means I love papa so so sooo much that I want to have a moment to make him mine forever, we already are but it's a gesture that means a lot, you get that?"

Georgie thought for a moment. "I think you should mawwy papa, he love you and daddy love papa, you always kissy, bleh!"

We both laughed and I pulled him in for a hug, kissing the top of his head.

The ring was burning in the back pocket of my pants and I took it out to show Georgie.

"This is for papa, do you like it?"

His eyes widened. "Very pwetty, papa gonna cry."

I nodded and smiled. "Happy tears."

Georgie grabbed my hand and intertwined his small fingers with mine. "Happy tears, love you and papa."

A tear slipped down my cheek. "We love you too, a lot."


We all have been waiting for this moment!

Next chapter gonna be amazayn! Can't wait!

Hope to see ya soon there!


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