♫︎ - 11

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"Where are we going?" Harry asked once again.

"Not gonna tell you, love." I smiled, chuckling as I sped up some more, placing my hand on Harry's thigh as we drove.

I was putting the car in reserve when we reached the destination, the mall.

Harry was looking at the boy with a certain glance in his eyes as his boyfriend was having his hand on the back of his seat, looking in the rear view mirror as he focussed.

He looked so hot that moment

Harry shook his head, trying to get rid of the thoughts. He liked Louis very much and still couldn't believe that he wasn't on the streets anymore, roaming around for food.

Louis gave him things no other could, nobody. A place to stay, affection and love gestures and so much more, he loved and appreciated it so much, he made sure that Louis knew that and heard it to the point until it would get annoying.

It never would

"Alright here we are." I smiled and hopped out the car, slamming the door on accident before opening the door on the other side, taking Harry's hand in mine before leading him to the mall.

"What we're doing here?" Harry asked, our arms swinging between our bodies.

"Shopping." I grinned." Harry rolled his eyes. "I get that, what do you wanna get?" I raised my eyebrow. "Things for you, of course. You're wearing Zayn's clothes and he loves it but I need you to have new ones so that I can borrow them." I happily hummed as Harry smiled. "I don't need anything, Louis. I'm already glad with the things you got me, it's more than enough already." He sheepishly smiled.

I then took a halt. "Harry, love I want to. You deserve it and you need to look good if you're going to work at the bakery with Liam next week. And besides I love your cologne, it lingers on the clothes."

Harry snorted. "That's just a excuse." He said and I laughed. "True but what I meant to say, just accept and you don't owe me anything, a cuddle tonight would be welcome, though."

Harry gently stroke his thumb over my hand that he was still holding. "Alright, I think I just need to get used to it a bit, it's much but I really appreciate it. And by the way, people are going to be eye fucking me when they see me with tight jeans and black shirts."

I gasped and playfully slapped the back of his head. "Nuh-uh, not gonna happen, I'm just going to kidnap you and keep you in the house, you're mine." I growled and felt someone lift me up in the air, my feet not reaching the ground anymore.

Harry swung me over his shoulder.

"Harry, put me down!" I laughed as he whispered a yours and winked, laughing as he ran to the mall with me over his shoulder, my fists softly pounding on his lower back as my body bounched by every step he took, him making it worse by jumping with effort.

"Never!" He yelled, his arm going into a superman pose as he tightned his grip on me with his other hand, patting my bum.

I blushed and soon enough we entered the mall, him placing me on his feet again and handing me my backpack which I slung over my shoulder.

I reached down and kissed his cheek, Harry having his hands on his knees to catch his breathe.

"What shop you want to go first to?" I asked once we were both gaining enough air in our lungs again and stopped laughing, smiles never feeling our faces.

Harry ran a hand through his hair. "Ehmm, maybe the ZARA?" I nodded. "Good choice."

We walked into the store, Harry watching everything with amazement. "It's so big, was a long time since I had last been here." I squeezed his hand as we walked all throughout the store.

I'm not really a person to directly 'go to the men section', I'm more of a 'just get what you like' type of person, Harry agreeing once I told him how I thought about it.

We scored some nice coats and jackets, and I learned Harry has such a good taste of style! His sense for clothing is amazing!

We also got some basic black tee's and some jeans, me paying at the end and reassuring Harry it was fine when we walked out of the store.

He was hesitant at first, but after some more shops he was getting somewhat more loose, not wanting to look when I swiped my card but just holding the bags, thanking me and me snatching the bags away again from him to carry.

"Let me carry them, it's your day today." He sighed and showed his abs. "These are made to carry you and the bags." I chuckled. "True, but just enjoy yourself, let me do the hard work." I winked and noticed a Starbucks. "Want to go and get a drink? Looking at good stuff makes me thirsty."

He looked at me and saw me looking at him already. "You're talking about me aren't you?" He grinned and smiled cutely.

I laughed. "Guilty, got caught." We walked over to the Starbucks and I showed him what there is available on the menu.

He did notice the stares we got, eyes burning in their back, I just decided to ignore it and Harry understood and did the same, politely waving here and there.

He's such a sweetheart

I wasn't out often, just sometimes with the boys and for work, mostly spending time at the office but I was still a well known person as a ceo, and now Harry had crossed paths with me and made me actually want to go out and do stuff people were curious.

Rumors already were out before I could even blink, it started like two days after Harry was on my doorstep in the middle of the night, I was glad the media didn't get a hand of it and didn't know, besides it wasn't any of their business, they just thought we met somewhere like god knows where and became friends and then lovers, the last part being true.

The barista from Starbucks looked at Harry as I paid for the both of us, a nasty look on her face.

Harry was pretty oblivious to it and just smiled as I handed him the drink.

We turned around and I felt goosebumps go all over my body once she quietly whispered. "Homeless guys don't belong here, having hard working people pay for them."


Yeah, she's going to regret that.

How are we, lovely people? All feeling well and thriving? Hope so! If not, tommorow is another day, new feelings!

I love to read ya'lls comments, being invested in the story!

All the love


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