♫︎ - 20

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"Have fun at the bakery, love! Liam is here so I gotta go, Niall will take you soon!"

"Alright babe, have fun at work!" He kissed my cheek and pulled me in for a quick hug.

Today was gonna be another day full of the shitty part of life, work. We have been getting a lot more people coming at the hospital, many robberies going around the area as well, don't really know what it's all about but it ain't something I personally like honestly.

The boys, Harry and I finally got back onto our feet and are feeling much better again and Harry has been going to the psychologist as well and will be helping Liam's parents at the bakery today.

Wished I loved my job as much as he does, I mean I love my job but yeah, it just isn't the same.

Once at the hospital I sat at my desk for some hours before Liam entered the office, not bothering knocking.

"Hey lou, wanna join me and assist me with some patients? Can tell you're glued to your chair and done with today." He jumped on my desk, ass flat on all the papers spread out all over it.

I sighed. "I don't know li, there is still so much I got to do," I groaned, banging my hand on the wooden desk.

I could feel him roll his eyes. "Come on, it will be a adventure just like the old days!"

I thought back at the times we had been together, evaluating the patients and looking like two nerd boys who rather played with the equipment than actually helping the patient, even though we got to that point eventually.

Oh how time changed... good old times.

Before I could say something he grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the office and into the hallway, in the elevator to go to the floor he worked at.

"Dr. Payne, patient in room four, probably a concussion but not sure." Liam nodded and we made our way there, both not missing the stares we got, everyone of course knowing who I was, their boss...

Liam just acted like I was just a friend and nothing more and I was thankful for that, one of the reasons Liam's one of my best friends.

We checked out the patients and three more after that, having a lot of fun together and talking to the patients, making them laugh as well with some stories about highschool, giving them some distraction while we did the work that needed to be done.

After a while we were outside together, me smoking a cig before the last hour before Niall would pick the both of us up again.

I checked my phone, seeing if Harry had texted me in the meantime.

From hazzie ❤️: hi babe, how's work? x

I smiled seeing his text, my body feeling more relaxed immediately.

To hazzie ❤️: hey baby, it's good! Liam took me out of the office to evaluate some patients together x

From hazzie ❤️: team Liam! Must be fun working together again. Zayn showed up and we're making red velvet cake, can't wait to let you taste some tonight!

To hazzie ❤️: oehh that sounds promising! Rather taste something else though ;)

From hazzie ❤️: ha I bet you do, we shall see what I can do about that ;)

"Hey lou? Break is almost over, we gotta go back soon."

My head snapped up and I nodded at him, throwing away my cigarette. "Yeah sure, gimme one second."

He nodded and went back typing away on his phone, probably texting Zayn.

To hazzie ❤️: looking forward to it ;) hey babe Liam is nagging me about the time, will talk to you soon yeah?

From hazzie ❤️: alright, have fun! But not too much haha, cya soon, boo xx

To hazzie ❤️: I love you, hazza bear xx

From hazzie ❤️: I love you too, boo xxx

I put my phone away and pat Liam on the back. "Let's go."

We walked inside and a nurse came to us straightforward. "Here boys, last patient for today, room eight, got the information here."

Liam thanked her and took the file. "Men, fifty years old, chest pains and lightheaded-" he stopped talking.

"What's up?" I asked, eyeing the paper curiously.

"Styles?! No, it can't be..."

"Hazz his father?" Liam's eyes widened. "Lou, I can take this, go home to hazz."

I shook my head furiously. "No, I want to see that fucker that screwed up my boy."

Liam took a hold of my shoulders. "Louis, you're the ceo here, we can't have you beating up that lad, it would make Harry upset as well."

I took a deep breath. "I know, I just need to see him with my own eyes, no promises I won't do shit, though. I won't deny him healthcare, but I'm sure as hell not gonna let this slide."

I heard Liam sigh. "I won't be able to stop you, will I?"

I pressed my lips together and shot him a small smile. "Don't even try."


Long time no update but here we are, are we ready for what comes next?

Loved the texts by the way, thoughts?

Writing another story at the moment now that 'my little kitten' is completed, it ain't published yet but probably will be soon! Updating the rest in the meantime, as promised!

Catch ya soon, lovelies!


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