♫︎ - 25

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The next days were just amazing, honestly no words to describe it.

Harry was smiling at all times, talking with Gemma and his nephew, Nathaniel (Nate).

Nate absolutely loved Harry's curls and pointed out from time to time how much he looked like his mummy, just so cute.

I treated everyone to lunch and dinner at some fancy restaurants even though Harry of course had to mention it wasn't needed, but I just wanted it so we did and it was worth it seeing how happy it all made him.

I was glad I made the right decision and Gemma kept on telling me how much she appreciated it.

We stayed another day and took Nate to an amusement park, at the end of the day all tired from running after the four year old toddler.

Nate was now asleep after having a meltdown, not wanting Harry and I to leave and not understanding why we had to so soon after stopping by.

After promises of visiting soon and the both of us tucking him in, reading him a bedtime story and hugging him as well as his new stuffed animal, an elephant, he soon fell asleep, not very upset anymore about the whole leaving situation.

We were all kind of sad, enjoying the time we had spend together but all needing to get back to work again.

I had one surprise left, though...

"Hey Gemma?"

She looked up at me, leaning against the front door as we were just about to leave.

"Wassup lou?" She smiled, pulling her brother closer now that she still could for a moment.

"Would you like working at the hospital with me?"

She gasped and looked from me to Harry, who looked at me with the same expression as his sister.

"Really?! But, how?"

I shrugged. "I'm the ceo so I can decide that sort of things and you know, you and Nate could live close by us, you can see Harry more often and not live from paycheck to paycheck anymore."

She started tearing up. "Louis, I could never ask that from you..."

"I'm offering it," I smiled, placing my hand on her shoulder. "Feel free to think about it, of course. Just know you will be in great care and that I will make sure Nathaniel will be enrolled in the best school in town. I only use my money on good people like you, Harry and charity, you deserve it and I want to help you cause I love ya'll."

She caressed my cheek. "You're amazing Louis, with or without the money, my brother loves you so much and Nate and I adore you so much, I will think about it, alright?"

I nodded. "Of course, take as much time as you need, no rush. I hope I'm not overwhelming the both of you too much."

Harry chuckled. "Only in good ways, babe."

I smiled and kissed his cheek, checking my watch for a second. "Good, we got to go soon though, hazz. We needa be on time for the plane."

He nodded and sighed, hugging his sister. "Think about it, alright? Don't need to do it for me only, you and Nate need to be happy as well."

She smiled into his curls. "I know hazzie, I will discuss it with Nate and think about it, you will hear from me soon, I promise."

He closed his eyes as he pulled away, sad to leave, but happy to being able to hug his sister again.

"Alright, until soon, gem. Give Nate a big hug from us when he wakes up."

She nodded. "Will do." She hugged me again. "Will talk to you soon, lou."

"Of course, take care and call if you need anything," I told her.

We packed up the suitcases in the trunk of the car and talked some more before going to the airport, waving at Gemma as we drove out of the street.

"How you feeling, love?" I asked Harry after some time, noticing he was a bit more quiet than usual.

"I'm good, it just all feels like a dream," he laughed, glancing at me.

I pat his knee, keeping my eyes on the road. "I know, just want the best for ya'll and this just makes me extremely happy, if you're happy I am, you bring light to my life."

He hummed. "Vice versa." He squeezed my hand, turning on the radio and starting to loudly sing along to some random songs, me joining in soon after.

After a while we were at the airport and checked in, quickly stopping at Starbucks to get a drink before dropping off our suitcases and boarding the plane.

"It amazes me everytime, being this high up in the sky."

I looked out of the window as well, sitting next to Harry. "I know right, I went to many countries and so on but it never fails to amaze me."

We talked some more and Harry took a nap while I answered some emails and texted the boys about how our trip was amazing.

Hours later we were home again and I dragged a sleepy Harry inside, the other boys already being asleep considering it was 4A.M.

I had told them not to wait up and hear all the stories tomorrow, all of us needing some sleep in our own home and bed, even though we had slept quite well at the hotel and a power nap in Nate his small bed, bundled up together with lots of pictures taken by Gemma. (oops)

(Hi!) Iykyk

We both drifted off to sleep, good dreams and happiness all over the place...

Both excited about what was yet to come...



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