♫︎ - 8

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After our first kiss Harry went to take a shower, the boy was pretty excited about that since he hadn't had one in a long time.

I decided to just relax on the bed, waiting for him to come back. Thoughts were taking over my mind, because how things took a un expected turn for real.

I kissed Harry

Harry kissed me?!

Still unbelievable to me, but it was kind of coming if you ask me. We had spend so much time together the last months and I had just taken a liking to the curly haired boy.

We come from two diffrent worlds and have two completely diffrent lifestyles, but that doesn't make me like him any less, it even makes me like him more.

I was resting my head against the back of the bed, staring out of the window.

It was snowing outside, the white snowflakes dripping down softly against the window.

No one was to be seen outside, no sound was heard, but that must have been because of the fact it was almost 3A.M.

It didn't really matter, though. I would be working from home in the morning, so it was alright.

"Well? How do I look, lou."

I turned my head at the voice.

Harry was leaning against the door frame, just like Zayn had earlier that night.

His curls were still wet from the shower, some water drops dripping down his chest.

He was muscular, his abs showing off and he looked so beautiful. He was only wearing some of my joggers as he sat down on the bed next to me.

"You look amazing, Harry. How did it feel to be able to shower?"

He smacked his lips, crossing his legs as he lied down next to me. "Good, it feels so great to feel fresh and clean again, the hot water felt amazing on my skin after all this time."

I nodded, understanding what he was saying. "You're going to stay here tonight, right?" I asked, slight panic in my voice.

He seemed to think for a moment. "Of course wouldn't kiss and leave," he chuckled.

I smiled, reaching for his hand which I took in mine, holding a firm grip.

"I'm glad, it's good to have you here, feels so... natural."

He nodded, now yawning. "Shall we go to sleep? We can talk later about what happened if we need to, I just feel really tired after all the events that occured." He took me in his arms, holding me tightly.

I was laying against his chest with my back, clinging onto him as I tangled our legs together.

He pulled up the cover to my chin and pressed a kiss against my temple. "Goodnight, sunshine."

I smiled into the darkness, sighing in relieve. "Goodnight, hazza."


"It's a long time since I slept so well, your bed is like a massive pillow bouncing house." Harry chuckled as he sat at the kitchen table.

I walked over to the fridge and got some juice, handing him a glass.

He thanked me and continued. "The house is amazingly designed, Zayn's dad did a great job.

I went over and sat next to him. "I'm glad you like the house, and my bed." We both laughed.

"Who liked your bed?" Zayn strutted down the stairs, entering the kitchen.

"Oh- Harry?!"

Harry gulped and stood up. "That would be me, it's nice meeting you, Louis told me many things about you, positive things, of course."

Zayn looked chocked but shook his hand. "Likewise, glad it were good things you heard."

"Yeah and about the time u wet the bed after watching 'haunted mansion.'" I smiled and Zayn turned bright red.


"Yeah yeah we know all about it, make us some brekkie will ya?" I winked and stood up, slapping the man his back playfully.

Zayn went and started making us some breakfast. He of course, which was expected asked the both of us some questions, and I told him what had happened.

"So you're boyfriends now? Louis almost never have someone over except li and ni, let alone in his bed." He flipped a pancake.

Harry hummed. "Well I think we will talk about that later, but I would love to have Louis as my boyfriend."

I blushed, happy with the response. I kissed his cheek. "Same."

Zayn looked at the both of us with adoration. "You two look cute together."

I smiled. "Thanks zee, cheers. Same goes for you and li."

He sighed, resting his hands on the kitchen counter, his back towards us. "I know, but I don't know if he likes me back, I mean I don't want to ruin our friendship."

He placed some plates on the table, Harry almost drooling from the sight of blueberry pancakes.

"I think you should go for it Zayn, I mean Louis told me stuff about all of you and from what I've heard you two can communicate very well and handle this as adults and for now good friends."

Zayn took a seat across from us at the table. "You know what? I think you're right Harry, thanks. Louis was right, you're intelligent and a real sweetheart."

I blushed and Harry smirked. "You said that? You're too kind, lou."

I shrugged and scooped some pancake pieces on my fork. "Just telling the truth, you're honestly adorable." I took a bite.

"These pancakes are the best." Harry and I both say at the same time.

"Jinx!" We all laughed.

"The ones we ate at the park were good as well, you're an amazing chef, Zayn." Zayn looked fondly at the boy, shy from all the compliments.

"Louis how aren't you melting?! He's god damn adorable!"

I growled. "And mine!"

I protectively placed my arms around his body from the side, sticking out my tongue at Zayn, who rolled his eyes.

Harry smiled and looked at the interaction in awe. "I'm yours, love."

"So you are boyfriend's now." Zayn shrugged.

"Shut up Zayn." I rolled my eyes. "We are but not officially yet." I didn't want to make Harry feel pressured and uncomfortable.

"Well let's make it official, we do need to talk but I do want to be your boyfriend so Louis William Tomlinson, be my boyfriend?"

I pressed a soft kiss to his lips, cheering internally. "Of course!"


B-b-b-BOYFRIEND! - Justin Bieber his song be like with 'if I was your boyo I would never let you go' aaaaa was thinking about that somehow.

Did anyone watch haunted mansion? Was a pretty good horror movie if you ask me, it's out for quite some years already though if I'm right!

Ziam cute for the fanfiction? What we think of that? I'm reading one of your books at the moment with ziall, so cute to read fluff about it as well!

All the love and cya soon!


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