♫︎ - 9

536 11 11

"I'm so happy for you lou, honestly." Liam told me as we were filling out some paperwork at the hospital.

I tapped my pen on the table, smiling as I tried to read the papers, singing them. "Thanks li, I feel so happy about it, never expected it to be honest, but I'm glad it turned out how it did."

Niall, who sat on the couch munching on some crisps, nodded. "Yeah it's cool to have another addition to the friend group."

"Tell me why we brought him in again?" I asked Liam, who shook his head. "He was bored and you know that I can fight it when he starts whining."

"Oi!" Niall threw a crisp at Liam, hitting him on the head.

I shrugged. "Can't wait to get this paperwork over with, want to go home already and it's not even eleven."

Liam stacked some papers, groaning. "Time goes so damn slow, at least you have someone to go home to."

I put my hands up in defese. "I can't helpt it that you're the ugly duckling!" I felt a smack to my head. "Ow! I was joking."

"Sure you were."

I glanced at him. "You should ask Zayn out, he likes you, Liam."

He hummed. "I know but I feel like I need a little more time."

I nodded and told him I get him. Liam has always been taking things slow, not wanting to rush anything.

"Niall please don't make so much noice with your fricking eating, I swear I'm going to throw those out of the window." Niall rolled his eyes at me, taking another bite.

"You're just jealous that you have to work, you're cranky when you're not with Harry."

I looked at Liam who just pretended not to notice me.

"What is the next step for the two of you, is he gonna stay with you?" Liam than asked, me ignoring him.

Honestly, it's a good question, where I don't know the answer to. I mean I want to have Harry close to me and he could live with me, besides I don't want him to get hurt again out on the streets.

But of course, it's up to him to decide, I feel like we're just enjoying the moment and when time is right we can talk about it and just go through it.

"It's up to him, but I would love for him to live with zee and me, of course." I told him, speaking my thoughts.

Liam ran a hand through his hair, taking a sip of his coffee that probably was cold by now. "Good stuff, you're both adults so I'm sure you will make the right decision together."

We left it at that and worked our way through some more stacks of papers, Niall occasionally asking questions and just telling random stories.

"We have to look at this some more later, I feel like there is some money that has gone missing, but I just can't seem to figure it out." Liam spoke after a while, his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Let me look." I looked at some numbers, sighing. "I get you, let's look at it later this week, It's time to go home."

Niall glanced at his watch. "It's twelve, you're both not done until three today."

I placed a finger on my lips. "Shush Niall, we're going to get some lunch and go home, it's final." Perks of being a ceo

Liam threw the papers on my desk. "I totally agree, I'm done for today, can't see any more papers today honestly. By the way, shall we invite Zayn and Harry over as well? Would be nice to get some lunch with all of us."

A smile appeared on my face. "Sounds good, I wanted to go shopping with Harry this afternoon anyway, he's wearing Zayn's clothes right now because mine are too small on him."

Liam laughed. "You're such a smol bean."

"Niall give me that bag." I snatched away the half empty bag of crisps and threw some pieces at Liam.

Liam laughed and ran out of the door, leaving us with the floor scattered with pieces of crisps.

"Elana could you please clean the floor here? There was a.. accident!" The cleaning lady, Elana came rushing into the door.

"Yes Mr. Tomlinson, on it right away!" She looked at the ground and smiled. "Niall again?"

I pat her shoulder. "Always, you know it." I rushed out the door, leaving Niall in my office, hearing a 'you bastard!'.

I met Liam outside and lit a cigarette, offering Liam one who declined. "A nurse who smokes? Bad example."

I shrugged. "You're a bad example anyway, I will smoke with Zayn, then."

Niall catched up with us and I finished the cigarette, spraying myself with cologne before stepping into the car that Niall drove over from the parking lot.

"I will call zayn and tell him the plan." I said, pulling the phone out of my pocket.

After three rings he answered. "Hey lou, wassup?"

"How's Harry?" I bit my lip.

"He's good, making cupcakes with me." I heard laughter on the background, feeling relieved that the boy was having fun.

"I'm glad you're having fun, was wondering if you and Harry wanted to join me, Liam and Niall for lunch?" I heard Zayn asking Harry him the question.

"Yes he wants to, he's happy to see you again soon I bet, talking about you a lot." I smiled hearing that, hearing Harry groaning in the background and a 'Zayn!'

"He's adorable, please bring the blue Volvo, want to take him shopping after so you can ride back with Niall and Liam, they will probs drop you off back home."

I heard him hum, probably nodding his head which I couldn't see of course.

"Alright sounds good, we first need to clean up, Harry's covered in flour." He laughed.

I chuckled. "Send me a picture, please. "

"Will do, catch you in twenty at 'Daisy's'?"

"Yes, cya."

We hung up and I told Liam and Niall that we were going to 'Daisy's', a lunchroom in town. It was a great place to eat lunch, they had great desserts as well and even though Zayn's food is good, this made you moan from just the smell of the food here.

We listered to the radio, Niall and Liam talking while I rested my head against the window, thinking about Harry as if it was the most natural thing in the world.



How are we today?

I feel like we need a new cover for this story, any thoughts on it?

My dad bought me a playstation 5 yesterday and I played 'Just Dance', but what actually happened is that I kept on dancing to adore you from hazza, in love fr.

I'm thinking about what scenario's to include in this story, don't know yet really because I want it to be interesting and slow it down a bit so that it's not too rushed you know?

Well cya at the next update, soon!


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