♫︎ - 3

673 15 11

July 22th, 2023


My head hurt as I tossed and turned in my huge king-sized bed. I sighed as I thought about today's events

A shiver ran down my spine thinking about how he was probably sleeping on a cold, hard bench right now.


I groaned, feeling bad. Frustrated that society changed so much over the years, the world having homeless people all around, it's so unfair.

I couldn't help but see Harry's beautiful, fascinating green eyes every time I closed my eyes.

I had so many questions and no answers, I never felt this helpless.

Should I go back? Try and see if Harry was somewhere around and keep him company? Would that scare him off?

I decided to drive past the park tomorrow after work and bring something along for him to keep.

Satisfied with that idea I fell asleep, facing a restless night, the curly haired boy somehow never leaving my mind.


"Goodmorning, sir. How are you today?"

"Ah please, Zayn you know you can call me Louis." I glanced at my friend and personal chef, a small smile appearing on my face.

Zayn has been my chef since I took my fathers place as CEO at the company three years ago when I turned eighteen and we quickly became pretty close friends over the years.

Zayn runs a hand through his black hair, jumping on the kitchen counter.

"Alright, Louis. Wassup, mate!" He chuckled and I giggled, the man sure is one of a kind.

"I'm good, cheers mate." I laughed, him handing me a plate full fruit and some pancakes.

My mouth watered just from the sight, Zayn is such a great cook.

I then thought of something. "Hey Zee? I'm going to work soon, but could you make me some more pancakes maybe? And wrap them up?"

Zayn nodded, the smile still plastered on his face. "Sure! I did pack you some lunch though, you sure you want some pancakes as well? I'm not one to judge but I know for a fact you despite to eat pancakes for lunch, and I quote: 'It's a breakfast thing.'" He mocks me, playing with his fingers.

I rolled my eyes and scratched my chin, trying to come up with an excuse.

The raven haired boy then jumped off the kitchen counter, gasping, holding a heart to his chest.

"You're going to give it to someone aren't you? Oh my God Louis, who is the lucky one?!" He squaled, acting like a highschool kid that had just fell in love with the popular jock.

I blushed, not knowing what to say. "Ehm, well I met someone?" It came out of my mouth more like a question than an actual statement.

"I love gossip tea! Tell me everything about it!" He clapped his hands, making me smile watching the sight.

I looked at my wrist. "Ah look at that, It's time to go to work! Please stop by around twelve to bring me the pancakes, make sure they're the best you have ever made, bye!"

I quickly scrambled all my stuff together, draping a long black coat around my shoulders after.

"Louis, you're not even wearing a watch, how do you know what time it is?" Zayn watched me pack, an amused expression on his face.

I mentally cursed myself but laughed anyway, stuffing my laptop and another coat of mine in my backpack.

"Shush, I'm just- I just know shit- yes, yes I just know those kind of things!" I told him, slinging the backpack over my shoulder.

Zayn burst out laughing before saluting. "Yes, sir! Best pancakes ever arrive at twelve o'clock sharp! You better tell me about the lucky one later, though."

I pat his shoulder. "Thanks, will do, bye!" I hurried out the door, waving at Zayn who stood in the doorway, shaking his head while still laughing his ass off.

I stepped into the black Range Rover that was parked in front of the driveway, waiting for me.

"'Ello mate, how's you today?" My driver and another friend of mine, Niall greeted me.

I plopped down onto the leather backseat, practically throwing my backpack in the trunk.

"Good, cheers, what about you?"

Niall and I talked some, catching up on each others lives. Niall and I met at highschool, just like I met Liam and Zayn there.

The three of them come from wealthy families and since Zayn wanted to become a chef, he decided after highschool to become my personal chef.

Niall always loved to drive people around (and secretly drive to Nando's, arriving late and blaming it on the bad traffic), now he drives me, z and li around.

Liam didn't really knew what he wanted and went to medical school with me, one of the things you can choose of at our highschool.

My dad wanted me to go to medical school, even though I knew I would take his place once turning 18. "You can't be a boss if you don't know the ins and outs of the hospital and what the people do there", he always told me.

We went to a private highschool with medical school, hosting and cooking classes and so much more included.

I never asked the boys to work for me, I honestly don't see it that way either. They are my friends and just do whay they want to do in life, and I support them and pay them for the work they do and just hang out with them as friends of course, it's a win-win situation honestly.

They expressed they feel the same way and are glad to be part of my life style and what I do for a living, so it's all good.

"We're gonna pick up Liam as well, he needs to work at the hospital today so I will drop off the both of you." Niall tells me and I nod.

Liam here and there works at his parents their bakery, but since he followed classes and attended medical school he tends to work with me once in a while.

He's a nurse at the local hospital and I just work in the office all around, so sometimes Niall picks the both of us up.

It's always great to have a nurse as friend, I mean I do know the basics myself and follow courses once in a while, but I'm more keeping myself busy with the paperwork and Liam with the people and helping them get better.

I'm so grateful to have such good friends, they're the best. I will forever be thankful for everything they've done for me.


Hello lovely people!

Just a chapter to get to know Louis's friends a bit better, might be a bit boring but larry stuff coming up soon!

I'm also updating other books of mine, and talking about diffrent 1D/larry/the boys individually (mostly) below chapters of the sickfic/hurtfics one shot, as well as other stories haha, love to ramble about topics and my opinion on the matter. XD ! So if you're interested feel free to read those!

I also decided to include Zayn, Li and Ni to make the story more fun, not to implicate anything about wanting 1D to get back together! Would love to of course, but they are great and talented as individuals as well and as long as they're happy I'm happy! Just a fictional story here. <3

Wanted to make that clear haha, I always have explanations all around my work about Larry and opinions of reunion and so on, just for the better!

Bye for now!


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