♫︎ - 14

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"Oh really?! I knew it! Come here buddy." Zayn put a finger to my lips, motioning upstairs.

"Your boyo is sleeping." He said.

I nodded and pulled him into a hug. "I'm so happy for you, it's Liam right?" I asked, just to be sure and he laughed.

"Yeah, we were out yesterday, took him to a fancy dinner place." He lit a cigarette he got from his pocket, offering me one.

He handed me the lighter, I didn't smoke often but with Zayn it was just like the old days.

Zayn was like a brother to me, his mum, Trisha practically my second mom and he had the same with my mum.

He had always been there, we were like almost living together and hanging around each others house since we were younger and neighbours, our mothers being best friends.

He was there when my dad died and held me at night when I cried my eyes out, not always being sure about taking my fathers place at the hospital. Liam was my best friend and Niall has a important role in my life as my friend, but Zayn was my partner in crime, my brother.

We had lost each other a bit as teenagers, not meeting up as often but weekly still, but we were just figuring out ourselves together, looking what we wanted to do in life and since we still sticked around like flies, clinging onto each others as the time passed by it resulted into finding each other again around the time we went to highschool, it being and feeling like back in the days instantly, like we never stopped seeing each other daily, it being turned into weekly smalltalk.

Ever since then we were together every day and after highschool living together, it was only easier that way and we were inseperable anyway, this was just logical.

People at some point did actually think we were dating because we were glued side to side, but that wasn't the case, we were just like really close friends and brothers.

"Earth to lou." Zayn smiled and I licked my lips, placing the cigarette between my lips again. "Sorry, so fancy restaurant ey?"

Zayn began telling about Liam and his date, rambling like I do when talking about Harry.

"So yeah I dropped him off back home and it was like a good movie or book when you stand at the others doorstep you know?" I smiled, knowing what he meant.

"And so he turned around, being the shy lad he is and I just reacted out of impulse, grabbing his wrist and tugging it, making him turn around." He looked at the night sky, pretty stars to be seen.

"Oehhh, you're telling it like you explain a book with a happy ending to me, well, it is." I threw the butt of the cig on the ground and stamped my feet on it.

"Ah it is indeed, he looked so shocked, not expecting it of course amd I leaned in and the poor boy looked so nervous." He laughed as he lit another cigarette, me declining politely this time.

"I just like waited when we were inches close, waiting for permission and seeing if he wanted this and he responded by connecting our lips." He shrugged as if he told me about what he got at the grocery store.

I fondly looked at him. "My baby bro is growing up." He placed his hand on my shoulder as some smoke left his mouth as he exhaled.

"It's what mum would say but yeah, we're both growing up and becoming adults for real, lou. I mean we always will be childish but we will need to man up more and protect what's ours, not just ourselves and each other anymore."

"Ah we will fight and be fine, so that means no more smoking weed and driving to maccie, then?"

We laughed and he snorted. "Of course we will, you outta ur mind? It's not a question, it's a duhhh. We should again soon, and maybe even sometime with li, ni and hazz as well." He suggested and I nodded in agreement as I hugged him again, again telling him I'm happy for him.

We talked some more for some more hours. Topics as our childhood, the things we did and just funny times as well as sad things and just random things and of course Liam and the fact Zayn wants to stay over at his place but feels like it's diffrent this time and not knowing what to do.

Zayn was just amazing, his calm nature and his protective, intimidating side, but on the inside when you looked closer he was just a big teddy bear with black hair and a dyed strand of white in the front which wore skater clothes all the time with matching earnings, a nose ring and mostly a cigarette in hand.

But one thing was for sure, we were always there for each other, having each other's back and always will.

It was just past midnight when they decided to go to bed, both still laughing about a random story which Louis almost had forgotten about, Zayn always being the one to bring crazy stuff up.

"Hey lou?" Zayn whispered as he was standing in the doorway of his room, mine amd Harry's across it.

I hummed to acknowledge I was listening, leaning against the doorway as dim light brighted the hallway just a tiny bit.

"I love you, brother." I smiled and leaned forward, patting his back like we always did to each other.

"I love you too, lil bro."


Bonding time between zee and lou, hope they will ever feel like doing that irl again, but if not that's fine as well, feel free people.

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