♫︎ - 10

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"Alright here we areee." I stepped out of the car and closed the door, Liam and Niall doing the same.

We went inside and I soon saw Harry and Zayn sitting at one of the booths.

"Hey boys." Zayn called out, Harry's head snapping up at the sound.

A smile appeared on his face. "Lou!"

I quickened my pace and lifted him in the air as he stood up. "Hi."

"Hello boyfriend." He smiled, pleasant to see me, the feeling was honestly mutual.

I pressed a kiss on his cheek, hearing the boys make gagging sounds.

Harry quickly pulled away, looking embarrassed.

I pouted. "They are joking bub, aren't you?" I shot a glance to the boys who already sat in the booth.

"Yeah no worries Harry, we love to see you being lovey dovey with Louis, never seen him this happy." Liam stated, giving a reassuring smile.

Harry nodded. "I'm glad he's happy, I want him to be comfortable and feeling good." The boys cooed.

I took his hand and squeezed it, pulling him next to me in the booth, Zayn and Liam across from us and Niall on the side.

"We ordered some sandwiches, but we should order some more." Zayn stated shrugging as he took a sip from his coke.

I agreed and turned to Harry. "What would you like to eat, love?"

He fiddled with his hands as he suddenly looked a bit uncomfy.

"I don't have money to pay for anything, Louis. I-I was thinking to just be here for the fun and so on, you know." He whispered, looking around him to see if any of the boys was hearing what he was saying, but they didn't since they were all in a discussion about pineapple on pizza.

I furrowed my brows as I took my hand in his, rubbing my thumb over his hand. "You don't have to worry about that, I will pay for the both of us, see it as a first date where I'm paying because I insist on, just... block out that we're not alone, this time."

He sighed and I booped his nose, a small smile appearing on his face. "Well I mean I wish I could pay for my own stuff, you know? You did so much for me already and I feel like I overstayed my welcome, just bursting in your life, joining your friend group."

I placed my other hand on his bouncing knee, in a effort to make him feel better. "I like having you stay at mine, and you're not overstaying at all.We can look later into getting you a job if you want, if that makes you feel better, but I absolutely don't mind spending money on you, you're my boyfriend and I lo- I like you a lot." I blushed, almost saying three specific words.

"And besides, the boys love to have you around I can tell, Zayn tells me he likes having a friend to do stuff with when I'm out of the house, and Niall wants to take you to Nando's sometime because the rest of us doesn't want to." I chuckle, kind of rambling to try and hide the fact that I almost said I loved him, it felt like I needed to get away from the topic, for now at least.

I don't know if he noticed me slipping up but he surely didn't say anything on the matter, so I just decided to drop it and not bring it up.

He smiled up at me. "Thanks lou, I like you a lot too. I would love getting a job sometime, I used to work at a bakery so that would be fun to pick up again."

Liam, who was talking to the other two with a annoyed expression on his face, suddenly stopped talking once hearing the word 'bakery'.

"You worked at a bakery?" Harry nodded. "For like three years, had to quit when I became homeless because I didn't want to tell it to the kind old ladies I worked with, I really hope I might see Margaret again sometime." He had a sad look in his eyes when talking about Margaret. I squeezed his hand, him squeezing it back.

"We can visit her sometime in the future, if you like." I whispered and he nodded, a sad smile on his face.

"Well stop by at my parents their bakery anytime, Harry. I could bake stuff with you together on my free days if you want to and if you like it you can always come work there, my parents would love to have some more hands to help out." Harry's eyes sparkled at that. "Really?"

Liam nodded. "Of course!" Harry high-fived him.

"Harry, opinion on pineapple on pizza?" Niall piped up suddenly, starting the whole argument again.

Harry laughed. "Well, I prefere it with, actually." Niall cheered, sticking out his tongue at Liam and Zayn.

I fake gasped. "How could you betray me like that?! Without is better and that's final."

Harry chuckled. "I guess I can't be your boyfriend anymore, than." He shrugged and giggled.

I attacked him by tickling him, everything smiling at the two of us as he was squirming, trying to get out of my grip.

After sometime we were both out of breath, smiling like crazy and I swear, my eyes could have hearts in it popping out.

I've never really been like this, just and only with Harry. I think he gets the best out of me, I want to improve myself when I'm with him, I like myself better when I'm with him, I feel more happy when I'm with him, and I hope he feels just the same when he's with me.

I ordered some food for the both of us, some steak and veggies for him and some pasta for myself, the both of us sharing our food with one another.

After we were all done eating (except for Niall, who was eating some more brownies) I paid for me and Harry, also offering to pay for the boys but it ended up with Zayn paying for Liam and him, and Niall wanting to pay for himself.

Harry still felt bad about not paying, but I reassured him it was fine.

"I will pay you back, eventually."

I shook my head as he pouted. "Nope, not gonna happen, you can pay me back with kisses, though." I smiled.

He then pressed my face full of kisses, me giggling and squaling.

After a while I said. "I want to take you out on a proper date soon, this was with too much company to be called a date."

He thought for a moment, his eyes squinting and nose scruncing up cutely when he did so. "Alright, but than I get to take you out before that, I want to be first."

"And I wanna be yours."

"You already areeee, lou. You cheesy boyo."

I chuckled. "Only yours." I winked. "And sure, you can take me out first, any ideas on what we're gonna do already?"

He tilted his head. "It's a suprise!"

I groaned. "I hate suprises."

"I know, be patient, my love."


I had sneaked some oreo cake into my backpack when I was getting back from the toilet earlier on to suprise Harry later, knowing he loves oreo cookies and so on since he had told me that some weeks ago.

Outside I took my hand in his as we said our 'cya laters' to the boys, who would get home with the other car.

I hadn't told Harry what we were going to do yet, just that we were going to do something together, just the two of us.

I stepped into the drivers seat and Harry in the passenger seat as I started the car.

"Let's gooo."



I finished watching season 2 of Heartstopper within a day, it was so amazing to watch, makes me think of larry a bit seeing it!

How are we all doing today? I hope well and thriving! I by the way still feel like we need a new cover for this story but I'm not sure (': thoughts?

I really want to do a character ask for one of my stories and actually also include some character info with pictures at this one, want me to? Feel free to give feedback!

Cya soon,


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