♫︎ - 7

575 19 5

Trigger warning: mention of being beaten up.


The next week was quite the same as the last couple of days. I was creating a new routine and honestly, not complaining at all.

I went to work, thought about Harry, brought him something every time I went to visit him, would stop by every day after work and we would talk for hours. After I would go home, spend some time here and there with the boys and go to sleep, the next morning repeating the things like the day before.

That, until I was laying in bed one day late at night.

"Lou?" I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in."

The door opened, revealing Zayn.

Zayn was the only one from the lads that actually lived here. The others practically did as well, but they did have their owm appartements as well, Liam living with Niall due to the rent percentages.

I offered multiple times to help out, having enough money to buy all of them a house, but they didn't want to.

"Hi, sorry to bother at such a late hour but I heard something in the garden, was wondering if your security system notified you by any chance of movement?

I frowned and looked at my phone. "Nope, nothing. Want me to check it out?"

Zayn shrugged. "I mean I could do that as well, I don't mind, just wanted to give you a heads up."

I smiled. "Thanks, I got it, go to sleep."

He leaned against the door frame. "Alright, call me if you need something."

"Will do."

Zayn closed the door and I stepped out of bed, putting on some sweats before making my way downstairs, not caring to put on a shirt.

I looked at my phone, 1A.M.

It was dark at the house, and I could turn the lights on but decided to use the flashlight of my phone, not knowing if someone could see me from the outside if I did.

I carefully stepped into the kitchen, to the back of the house where the front door was.

The way I was tiptoeing towards the door was prety ridiculous, but no luck for me was granted if someone or something was outside, better safe than sorry.

Without something to protect myself I unlocked and swung open the front door, but I was never expecting what I saw at that moment.

The sight was heartbreaking.

"Harry?!" I stepped outside bare foot, not caring that it was freezing outside.

The boy sat on the ground on the front porch, clutching his stomach. His hair was even more messed up, his curls all over the place.

He had a cut on his face and a black eye from what I could see, his eyes red from crying, his cheeks full of tear strains.

"L-lou, they t-took your s-shoes and-" He sobbed and I quickly scooped him up, careful not to hurt him.

I looked around, not seeing anyone. I quickly closed the door. "Shh love, It's alright, what happened?"

I carried him upstairs to my bedroom and set him down on my bed.

He rubbed his eyes. "I-" he started but was too upset to speak.

I pulled him into a hug and lifted him up and moved him so that he was now straddling my lap.

𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅𝒔 𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒅𝒆 °𝑳.𝑺.°Where stories live. Discover now