♫︎ - 2

752 20 6

July 19th, 2023


'Harry'. That name suited him.

A gust of cold wind swept past us again, making the both of us shiver.

I looked at Harry, his lips a slight tint of blue. I didn't hesitate a moment and took off my hoodie, handing it to the boy.

"Ah no need, I'm used to the cold weather by now." He said, obviously faking a smile.

"I insist, you're only wearing a shirt, don't want you to catch something, let alone pneumonia."

I decided not to ask him why he was wearing what he was wearing, but what did he mean by 'used to the cold weather?'

He shook his head again, tears welling up in the corners of his eyes. "I already bothered you enough, Louis. You fell because of me and you probably got better things to do then talking to me, a homeless boy."

I gasped, not believing what he just told me, he's homeless? It would explain the clothes and so on, but how could someone just let him live on the streets? He seemed so nice and genuine, doesn't he has family to go to?

I quickly threw my hoodie over his head and pulled the now sobbing boy into a hug. I was lucky he didn't decline the hoodie this time, he needed it more than I did.

"I'm so sorry Harry, can I do something for you? And you're not a bother at all, please don't say that. Ah wait-" I looked around, remembering I went to the bakery earlier and got some cupcakes.

I slowly pulled away from him and my heart ached for the boy. My body felt cold again, my mind telling me to hug him a bit longer amd not let go like I had just done.

I spotted the paper bag a few feet away from us and practically ran to it, making my way over to Harry again after.

I reached into the slightly soaked bag and pulled out a cupcake, handing it to Harry. "Here, eat up. You must he hungry, got these from a friend of mine, won't eat them anyway." I lied, feeling bad for the boy.

"These are yours Louis, I'm not hungry anyway." He said, carefully holding the cupcake into his hands as if it would break any moment, just like his heart.

His stomach then growled, indicating that he was indeed hungry. He blushed, probably feeling ashamed.

I softly smiled. "Liam gives me some like all the time, so it's fine, I want you to have them."

I really wanted to know why the boy was homeless and so on, I felt like I wanted to know everything about him, even though I had just met him.

I often saw homeless people around town, sitting in front of small shops, trying to survive the day.

I sometimes gave them something and donated to charity every other month, but Harry, Harry was just diffrent.

Something attracted me to the boy. Maybe it was the way he smiled, showing his dimples. Maybe it was the courage to tell me a bit about him, or the way he was so polite and shy, so... kind.

He looked at me for reassurement and I nod, gesturing to him to take a bite.

He almost moaned when he took a small bite from the cupcake, his eyes beaming for a small moment.

'I wanted to see his eyes sparkle like that more often.' I thought to myself, shaking my head. I shouldn't think like that, I had just met the boy and he needed my support, anyone their support for the matter.

He rather quickly finished the cupcake, politely thanking me after. Again I told him it was no problem and offered him another one.

"You want another one?" I asked, holding out the bag in front of me.

He shook his head, running a hand through his curls. "No thank you, I should probably get going soon, people claim benches around this time, would like to sleep on one tonight."

I sighed, my heart breaking again, as if a piece of my heart fell apart with every word he spoke.

"Well take these with you, for later." I told him, shoving the bag into his hands.

He tried to protest but I once again pulled him into a hug, hearing the boy sniffle on my shoulder.

I tightly wrapped my arms around him, not wanting to let go, to leave him behind.

"Want me to book you a hotel? Or you can stay at my place? Got enough rooms-" he cut me off, clinging onto me for dear life.

"Louis, you are honestly the kindest person I have ever met, and how lovely the offer is, I'm affraid I must decline." He whispered into my ear, his voice shaking.

I wanted to protest and even kidnap him if I had to, but I know I couldn't. I really had to leave him here...

"Alright then, I will see you soon then, yea?" I had to see him again, I couldn't leave without knowing I would never see the beautiful boy again.

He nod into my shoulder, pulling away from the hug. He smiled up at me, a fake, sad but grateful smile.

"Thanks for everything, here is your hoodie again." He started pulling it off but I stopped him. "No no keep it, it suits you better anyway."

He shook his head. "I will return it to you next time I see you, I don't have money to let someone clean it but-"

I placed a finger on his soft, plumb lips, the boy smiling onto them. "It's yours now, will see you soon, love."

With that I turned around and walked away, not being able to look at him any longer, not being able to fight him over my hoodie that looked better on him, not being able to hold my tears in for any longer...

My heart hurted with each step I took, my body feeling heavy, trying to resist myself from turning back to the boy and trying to convince him to go home with me.

What had just happened?


Hi babes!

I catched a cold mid summer, how in the world is that even possible! *cries in a cool way*

Oh well, shit happens, let's say that. I'm alright though, healthy and thriving! (just using paper towels like my life depends on it, blowing my nose like there is no tomorrow).

Hope ya'll are doing great as well!

Will probably update around friday again since I got lots to do today and tomorrow.

Have a lovely day!


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