♫︎ - 6

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After many hours it was almost midnight, Harry and I still talking.

The boy yawned. "Could you believe that happened? And he didn't even know what he was talking about!"

I listened to him as he was finishing up a random, funny story from when he was younger.

The time we had spend together tonight was amazing. We had talked about random things, like that Harry used to play the guitar when he was younger and that his sister would put ponytails in his hair.

I on my turn had told him about fun things I had done with Liam while in highschool, road trips with Niall and food fights with Zayn.

We had also talked about stuff that we didn't really want to talk about, but also wanted to get off our chest.

We laughed together, cried together. Is was like we had known each other for years.

We came from two whole diffrent worlds, but when we spoke you wouldn't be able to tell.

We were just Harry and Louis.

"How much I do like talking with you, I think I will need to go to bed soon, love." I told Harry.

I didn't really want to leave, but my eyes stung from tiresness, and even though I didn't need to go to the office tomorrow, there were still papers that needed to be signed and so on, work from home.

Harry looked up at me, his feet dangling from the bench. "Alright lou."

I sighed. "You sure you don't want to come with me? You can sleep in the guest room, or whatever you want, you can sleep in my bed, I can sleep on the couch or-"

"No thank you, lou." He sadly smiled at me.

I again sighed, the happiness of the night slowly turning into sadness for the boy.

"I had fun spending time with you." He stated, pulling the coat closer to himself, it was getting even more cold now midnight had passed.

"Yeah, same." I thought for a moment. "I will come back tomorrow, yea?"

Harry smiled, the smile almost reaching his eyes. "Sounds delightful."

I pulled him into a hug before standing up and told him my address, in case there was something going on and he needed me, after all he had told me there were many robberies going on at night, homeless people robbing others who have a bit more, crazy stuff.

"See you tomorrow, hazz."

"Until tomorrow, lou." He smiled at me, laying down on the bench we had just sat on the last hours.

I waved and turned away, tears stinging in my eyes, but not falling like yesterday.

I knew I was going to see him tomorrow, so my tears could be held back, just as long as I thought about that, I managed to.

I rather quickly walked home, my hands into my pockets as I still thought about the boy.

He was handsome, even when he was covered in dirt. If he's handsome now, he will look even more beautiful when he has the opportunity to take a long, hot shower.

He was beautiful either way, but I just wanted him to feel better. He had told me he felt gross, and I of course told him that it's alright, that it wouldn't stop me from hugging him.

He told me that sometimes went to the river near by, but would get distracted by the ducks there and give them their last piece of bread or any food he had at the moment.

So yea, you can imagine that I laughed my ass off when he told me the ducks did in fact like cupcakes with frosting.

I had rolled onto the wet grass, Harry joining me. I had promised him that we would soon feed the ducks together, I'm looking forward to it.

I soon arrived at my house, ringing the doorbell because I forget to take the key this morning because of the rush after the talk with Zayn.

The door swung open. "Louis william, where have you been?! It's two A.M., you didn't pick up your phone and- wait, why are you covered in mud and grass?"

Zayn looked at me confused, a small smile appearing on his face.

I laughed. "Well I obviously was with hazz, sorry that I wasn't answering the phone. We laughed so much and I just, rolled over the grass?"

Zayn shook his head, chuckling. "Never thought the day would come that the Louis Tomlinson would roll over the grass at midnight, and you were not even drunk."

I laughed as well, trying to hug him.

"Ahh no! You need to take a shower!"

"But zee, I want a hug, pleaseeeee?" I teased him, running after him to the livingroom.

Liam and Niall where there, watching 'the office'. "See? Told you the boy would be back, he misses us too much otherwise." Niall threw a piece of popcorn in the air, Liam snatching it from the air before Niall could catch it with his mouth.


Liam playfully rolled his eyes, eating the piece of popcorn himself. "I was just worried- wait, why are you-"

"Covered in mud and dirt? Boy was rolling on the grass of the park with Harry." Zayn finished the sentence.

The three lads laughed. I was blushing, hiding my face in my hands.

"Don't say it like that! What are you even doing in my house at this hour? I mean you know I don't mind but."

Liam shrugged. "Zayn called us that you didn't pick up the phone, wanted to ask you when you would be back. Called us like a worried dad when you didn't pick up, Niall drove us to see where you were while Zayn stayed back at the house in case you came back, but Niall drove us just to Nando's instead of the park and yea we got popcorn."

I shook my head. "So if I died you just yea, got popcorn."

"Yup." Niall said, winking.

"I later remembered that you would go to the park close by, jogged over and saw the two of you talking, having fun so I left, knowing you were safe and having fun. He's handsome, lou." Zayn shot me a wink, laughing.

"You didn't even told us you went there! We were worried sick!" Niall claimed, sipping on his Nando's soda.

"Yea so worried that you started looking for him at Nando's, hm?" Liam gave Niall a flick to the head, smiling.

"Well everything is good and you're safe, thats what matters." Zayn stated, almost yelling when Niall was about to playfully hit Liam.

"Ahhh I'm going to be the only single one!" Niall claimed, shrinking back into the couch cushions, holding onto liam for dear life while winking at Zayn

"Ehm" zayn cleared his throat.

I decided to just leave it at that. "Alright lads I'm going to bed, feel free to crash here and yeah, catch ya tomorrow!" Before they could answer I walked past Zayn, away from them, but not before whispering into Zayn's ear. "I meant it when I told Liam you two would be good together, protective boyo." I winked and saw him blush before sprinting up the stairs.

I went into the shower cabin and laughed when I realised how bad I was covered in mud, grass and other shit.

I placed my hands on the steamy glass, wishing Harry was here...


'I love you like a love song, baby...'

Long chapter, had so much ideas to write down!

Catch ya soon again, planning on updating either tonight or tomorrow again!


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