♫︎ - 18

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"No Louis! I don't want to go with you to Doncaster!"

"What? We planned this weeks ago! They all want to meet you!"

"Well that's nice, but I still don't want to go!"

"Why not? Are you on your damn period or some?!"

I was acting like a little child and knew that very well, but honestly didn't know what was up with Harry.

He had been quiet the last days, almost avoiding me since I told him I wanted to go to Doncaster for the holidays to see my family and after spend my birthday with him.

He just avoided every question I asked him as well, almost answering as sassy as I am, yeah I taught him well, in a way then...

"No Louis, I don't want to go and that's final!" He yelled at me, tears forming in his eyes.

What the hell was going on?!

"Tell me what's going on then and I'll leave you alone!"

He turned his head away, me taking a step towards him, but not reaching out to him as I didn't want to upset him, but wanting to hug and kiss him myself, telling him that whatever it is we'll be alright and that together we can solve it.

"I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR FAMILY WHEN I FEEL LIKE I DON'T HAVE ONE MYSELF!" once he said that he sniffed, choking back sobs and turning around, storming away to our room, slamming the door behind him.

I just stood still in the room, not moving, not speaking as I tried to organize my thoughts.

Was he feeling that way? I tell him everyday that they are all excited to see him, but did I ever consider his feelings? How was I so dumb to not think about that, the boy doesn't have a family no more, just his sister and of course me and the boys, but it must be so hard to him seeing mine and our happiness...

How stupid could I be?

I walked over to the door of our bedroom and knocked on the door.

"Harry?" I called out, my heart breaking hearing his sobs.

"Go away Louis, just please- leave me alone for a second."

Tears were streaming down my own cheeks as well right now, feeling really bad about the situation.

I was suprised when I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see Zayn standing there.

"Everything alright? What happened, Louis?" He looked at me softly, but his eyes were stern in a way as well.

"Come with me, I'll explain." I told him and he followed me to the livingroom where I explained what had just happened.

"Jeez, I think it's hurting him more than we thought, well than you thought at least, you know him better."

I ran a hand through my hair and nodded at his words. "I feel like a bad boyfriend, I mean we talked about things and his past but I feel like he doesn't want to bother me with his feelings even though I want to know and help him where I can, I feel like I should have done better because I can tell he's really struggling and I can't even hold him."

Zayn pulled me in a hug. "I get you, but I think this isn't about you being a bad boyfriend, you make him very happy and vice versa, I think this is about him struggling and not knowing what to do with it and just wanting to open up but not knowing how. He loves you, Louis and I know you love him so much as well."

I lifted my head and sniffed. "I feel helpless, you know?" I bit the inside of my cheek as I spoke out my thoughts. "Should I maybe, talk with him about getting professional help? Maybe a psychologist?"

Zayn softly smiled. "I think that wouldn't be a bad idea, you two are thriving but I think he will feel better about himself if he does that, you know we will never judge him and it's fine, we all need things at times, and sometimes an outstander is needed to achieve that."

"Thanks, zee." I pulled him into another hug and we talked some more, still feeling bad but relieved, knowing we will get through this, the struggles are nothing compared to the love we share.

What's meant to be is meant to be...



A bit of a harder chapter maybe, bit tough but good stuff you know?

What do you think about the situation? Feedback is welcome and appreciated! <3

Gonna get the spelling mistakes out later, just wanted to give ya'll this! It's readable! Is that a word? Now it is! Hehe

Cya soon!


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