A/N: Welcome!

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⚠️Attention! Do not read if you can't stand grammar mistakes, character's that go missing randomly, character's not being there period because the author is usually writing this at the ungodly hour of 2 AM so she doesn't know what she's doing period, OOC cannon character's, plot holes, plot holes having plot holes, or things that are supposed to fix the plot holes, but it just leaves a bigger plot hole, and way more⚠️

|| A/N: If you're new to this story, welcome to a hot mess that is this story, it's very cute and adorable and slightly sad with a mix of dark theme's {that may or may not get a trigger warning}. If you're not new here and are just here because of the 'new story' notification, welcome back to the 'I have no clue what's going on' story. As usual with my stories, expect mildly bag grammar as I did not get straight A's in English when I was in school not to mention even with spell check and google, I still misspell thing's, also I occasionally tend to spell thing's the way they sound so that's a mild thing going on to. Some things will be cannon other thing's won't be I will declare the not cannon in some way when the not cannon thing's does pop up. There will be mild Cybertronian cursing, probably not human unless it's slipped in for comedy reasons. Among the depressing thing's going on in this story there will be eventual cuteness to compensate the darkness though. For new reader's to either the fandom or this story or even if you never heard of some Cybertronian words there will be a somewhat dictionary {by somewhat it's going to be hopefully decent}. It will be gradually updated and if I miss something feel free to let me know so I can put it in the 'dictionary' chapter of this fanfic. With that being said I hope you guys enjoy the story and I'll hopefully see y'all for the next one.

||Note for Old version{s} of this story {Miko's last Hope & Miko's Broken Heart} will be discontinued seeing as the rewrite of both into one has required some major rewrite to condense a lot of characters so author can better keep track of everyone and doesn't get overwhelmed having a lot of characters in one story {so delete to the DJD and some other's} and apparently characters such as Wheeljack, Bulkhead, Ultramagnus, etc., have become cameo characters because even after condensing characters, the author still forgets even major characters.

||Side note: If you would like to contact me, message me here or Quotev {@.nowimawarror01}, but also on Amino {@.LyricFreak01} and finally on fine me on Twitch {@.lyricfreak01}.

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