Chapter 1

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"Mila come on , come out please ?" Dinah begged, "You'll never get over Ariana sitting on your lazy latina ass all day" She had her hands on her hips standing in front of the smaller brunette . "

Dinah please , just let me watch netflix and you go have fun at a gay bar okay?" Camila really didn't wanna go out , after her last relationship she really didn't wanna meet anyone else . Ariana her ex-girlfriend cheated on her after being together for 2 years . Camila had walked in on her with another girl about 4 months ago and hasn't spoken a word to her since . Ariana called and texted all the time with no reply and finally gave up . Camila was happy she had finally left her alone .

"Look you don't even have to talk to anyone just come out and have a good time with me" Camila could see Dinah really wanted to go out and have fun with her. Camila finally gave in .

"Fine , just let me get ready" Dinah jumped up and down excitedly clapping her hands .

"Chancho and Cheechee booty popping all night" Camila laughed at her best friend and went to get ready .

After about 30 minutes she was finally ready . She was wearing a white cutout ponte crop top , with blue denim ripped jeans with simple black vans . She had light makeup on and her hair was straighten . She could even say she looked hot . She walked out to Dinah who was watching TV with her back to Camila .

"What do you think " Camila asked Dinah's opinion , Dinah took her focus away from the TV to look at the cuban .

"I think you look hot" Dinah chuckled sending her best friend a wink .

They grabbed what they needed and left for the club . It was 11pm when they arrived , it was pretty packed since it was Saturday night . The music was booming through the speakers .

Camilas POV

When me and Dinah arrived at the club it was pretty packed . The music boomed through my ears the second we walked in . I was actually excited to start this night . I didn't even have a chance to get a drink as Dinah pulled me onto the dance floor . I wasn't complaining though I loved the song .

Banging the drum like dum dee dee day ,

I know you want it in the worst way ,

I wanna hear you calling my name ,

Like hey mama , hey mama

I started swaying my hips to the music , my hips in sync with the beat. Dinah already had a girl dancing with her , she was really smooth unlike me I couldn't talk to a girl without stuttering like a dork. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder , it was Dinah

"I think someone likes your moves" She pointed over to a dark haired girl staring at me from the bar. She bit her lip as I continued to dance. I don't know what got into me but I was dancing sexy like my life depended on it .

When I looked back up the girl was gone. I was a bit disappointed to say the least . I kept dancing anyway. I kept on dancing for a couple more minutes until I needed a break. I headed over to the bar , quickly telling Dinah where I was going before I left the dance floor. She simply noded and focused back on her dance partner.

I made my way to the bar , bumping into a few people on the way. After a few minutes I finally got to order my drink . I was quickly served I sat on one of the bar stools and turned around to look at the dance floor . I saw Dinah in the middle of a heated make-out session with her new "friend" . I chuckled at the sight and took a sip of my drink.

"I think are having more fun than us" I turned around to see who the voice came from. It was the girl who had been looking at me dancing. Up close she was absolutely stunning. She was wearing a black crop top that showed a bit of her abs , with marble washed jeans. Her was put to one side flowing over her right shoulder. Her eyes were amazing . They were emerald and I could stare into them for hours . "Are you okay" She chuckled while sitting down next to me.

"Oh yeah .. I'm fine .. sorry" I laughed nervously. Feeling the heat rising in my cheeks. I mentally face palmed myself for staring. But I couldn't help it , I didn't even know this girls name but yet I already wanted to know everything about her. I looked back over at Dinah she was still dancing with her new "buddy".

"I said I think our friends are having more fun than us" She caught my attention again , I turned my head to look at her and simply nodded and laughed agreeing with her. "I'm Lauren by the way and that's Normani" She said pointing over at her friend.

"It's nice to meet you Lauren" I smiled at the way her name rolled off my tongue. I liked it and I definitely liked her."I'm Camila and that's Dinah" I chuckled a little pointing over at my best friend. Dinah seemed to notice me and Lauren , she gave me a thumbs up and winked at me . "I think she likes you" I turned back around the face the green eyed girl.

"I was hoping someone else might have liked me" She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth . Her eyes piercing through mine. My pulse was going through the roof. I tried to act as cool as I could but I had a feeling I was doing a really bad job of that.

"And who might that be" I tried to sound as calm as I could even though my heart was coming out of my chest. My breath hitched in my throat when she placed her hand on my thigh. Her touch made my skin feel on fire. My heart was racing like I had just ran a marathon.

"I was hoping ... you would like me" She cocked her head to side slightly once again biting her lip. I just wanted to take her lip between mine and feel them moved in perfect rhythm. I licked my lips as my mouth had become dry as sand from nerves.

"Who said I didn't ?" I teased slightly , a grin spread across her face . One of my favourite songs came on and I had an idea. "Lauren would you like to dance with me?" I stood up from the bar , drank the rest of my drink and held out my hand for the green eyed goddess.

She listen to the song and chuckled a little "I'd love to" her voice went a bit husky and also a bit seductive. I swallowed heavily , took her hand and led her to the dance floor. The minute we reached the floor , she stood behind me her hands on my waist pulling me into her as close as possible. My back now touching her front , I placed my hands behind her neck and starting moving my hips to the music .

Often , Often

Girl I do this often ,

Make that pussy poppin' ,

Do it how I want it ,

I could feel Lauren start to follow my movements. Pressing her back into my front. Her hot breath hit my neck , causing goosebumps all over my body. Her lips pressed to my neck and my body felt on fire. I bit my lip to suppress a moan but failed miserably. I could feel her smile against my skin , she sucked on the same spot and bit down. I gripped the back of her neck because if I didn't I probably would have melted to the floor." You like that baby?" She whispered into my ear , I felt my pulse quicken for like the hundredth time that night. I couldn't speak so I simply nodded. She suddenly spun me around , her hands still around waist. I draped my arms around her neck , she pulled me closer into her. Our lips inches apart , I could feel the breath on my skin.

"Wanna go back to my place?" I blurted out , god I was such an idiot. She will probably run off now. I only met her what was I thinking. Oh yeh that's it I wasn't thinking. I was shocked when she finally answered.

"I'd love to" She gave me the signature smirk again , I grabbed her hand without a second thought and led her towards the exit.

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