Chapter 19

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(Camila POV)

I can't believe Lauren is gone. I know I had said that it would meant nothing no strings attached but it meant everything to me. It's been nearly 3 weeks since she's left and I'm still heartbroken. Normani has been living with us for about a week now and looking at her and Dinah is actually sickening they are so cute.

I walked into the kitchen to grab a drink before heading to bed but of course I had to walk in during them playing tonsil tennis. Dinah's hands groping Manis ass while Mani has her arms around her Dinah's neck. It kind of reminded me of me and Lauren. Stop Camila! You have to get over her!
I cleared my throat and they broke apart.

"Please at least wait until I'm in bed to do that shit" I said and Normani blushed Dinah just laughed a little.

"I'm sorry I can't resist her" Dinah said leaning her head down to bite Manis neck leaving a mark.

"Okay.... I'm going to bed goodnight" I said quickly grabbing a bottle of water and heading to my room.

"It will be for me" Dinah joked and I hear Normani slap her arm. I rolled my eyes and went into my room.


The next morning I woke up and straight away jumping off my bed heading for the bathroom. I leaned over the toilet and emptied my stomach. Dinah must of heard me because she came rushing in.

"You okay Chancho?" She asked concerned. I nodded my head, but straight away puked again. When I was done vomiting a couple minutes later I spoke up.

"It's probably just ate something that didn't agree with my stomach" I said hoping I was right. I felt horrible.

"Okay let's get you back to bed" Dinah said helping me off the floor back into my room. I lay down in my bed thinking of what could have made me sick. But nothing came to mind. I was very wrong with my assumption because I've been getting sick nearly every day for the past week and a half.

"Camila you have to go see a doctor there could be something seriously wrong" Dinah said concerned. I knew she was right but I hated doctors.

"Fine I'll make an appointment for tomorrow" I said grabbing my phone of the desk to ring to book an appointment.

"Thank you I'm just worried about you Mila" she said kissing my forehead before leaving the room.


I was in the waiting room impatiently tapping my foot waiting for my results to come back to see what was wrong. They had taken blood tests, urine samples etc. I've been waiting for over an hour now and the waiting was worrying me.

"Ms.Cabello?" The nurse called my name and I stood up walking in to the room. The doctor was sitting in his chair while I sat on one opposite him.

"Okay Camila, so we've done a few tests and rechecked the results a couple times just to be sure and we've figured out why you've been getting sick lately" he stated my nerves were building up and I really didn't know what to suspect.

"Your pregnant Camila, 4 nearly 5 weeks to be exact" He said and I could've sworn my heart skipped a beat.

"Wait what that can't be possible I've never slept with a guy I just-" Something figured it out. It can't be no. She told me she couldn't get anyone pregnant. Oh god this is not good at all.

"Thank you doctor" I quickly left the building rushing home to my apartment.


"What do you mean your pregnant?" Dinah asked shocked. I was pacing back and forth in the kitchen explaining to Dinah what the doctor had told me.

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