Chapter 23

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It's been 3 weeks since Skye and Camila have moved in with me. I still haven't told Camila about my deal with Selena because things are just getting back good with us. Camila and Skye were amazing by my mansion. I've plenty of money now so why not treat myself. I have a meeting with management to discuss the situation with Selena next week and also my new album but I haven't told Camila about that yet but there's no need until everything is confirmed.

I looked down at the beautiful brunette cuddled up by my side. Her arm wrapped the around my waist, her body pressed against mine. It felt so perfect. I gently grazed my finger tips up and down her back careful not to wake her up.

"Good morning" She husked. Her voice was so raspy in the mornings it was one of my favourite things in the world.

"Sorry babe did I wake you up"I said softly. She looked up at me and my eyes them chocolate brown pools that I fell in love with the second I saw them.

"No" She said placing an open mouth kiss under my chin and then making her way down my neck. I tilted my head connecting my lips with hers. I would never stop loving the feel of her plump lips on mine. I moved my lips slowly against hers. She shifted up so she was straddling my waist. She cupped my faces in her hands deepening the kiss. I placed my hands on her hips moaning as she began grinding against me. Our tongues battled as my hands went down to her ass squeezing the plump flesh making her gasp in my mouth. Just as it was getting heated we were interrupted by a small voice.

"Mommy, I'm hungry!" Skye said running into our bedroom. Skye doesn't seem to mind our PDA so why not.

"To be continued" Camila said seductively in my ear sending shivers down my spine. She giggled a little before biting her lip and climbing off me. She knows that's weakness. Though to be honest Camila's lip biting could make anyone weak to the knees. Camila got off the bed making her way over to the younger girl.

"How about pancakes for breakfast?" Camila asked her and she nodded frantically. I chuckled a little bit at her excitement. Camila giggled picking up Skye up in her arms and making her way downstairs with the three year old.

I got up out of bed throwing a Miami Heat jersey on and a pair of shorts making my way downstairs after the two brunettes. I walked into the kitchen to see Skye laughing watching cartoons on the TV while Camila was cooking pancakes.

I walked over behind my girl- well Camila and me haven't made things official yet so better now than never.

"Babe" I whispered in her ear wrapping my arms around her waist while she focused on making a circle with the pancake batter in the pan.

"Yes baby" She replied playfully. She turned around kiss my lips quickly before turning back around again.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked a bit nervous. I didn't know why I would be nervous the answer was going to be yes obviously but I just thought I'd ask her to be sure. She placed the newly cooked pancake on the pile of other ones, turning the stove off and moving the pan away from the heat. She turned around to face me with a serious expression on her face and I could feel my palms start to sweat.

"No I'm sorry" My face dropped along with my heart. She had to be kidding right. The look on her face though was telling me otherwise. It was a couple seconds before she burst out laughing. "Oh my God babe you should have seen your face" She said laughing hysterically.

"Your going to pay for that" I said before picking up up the spatula and putting some pancake mix on it flicking it at her. I laughed as it went all over her face and in her hair.

Her mouth hung open in shock before she opened her eyes wiping the mixture off her face. She glared at me and I quickly ran out of the kitchen. Camila chased me out into the living room tackling me to the floor. I fell on my back and she quickly sat on top of me pinning my hands above my head.

We stared into each others eyes both of us gasping for breath from laughing and running. She slowly leaned down, just as our lips were about to meet she wiped her cheek on my face wiping batter on my face. I squirmed beneath her but it was no use. She sat back up and laughed at me pouting.

"Not nice is it?" She asked sassily.

"No" I pouted and she leaned down pecking my lips quickly.

"Why are you sitting on Mama?" Skye asked when she came into room.

"Skye Mama is sitting on me" I laughed at the confused toddler.

"No Mommy is sitting on you, your Mama and that's Mommy" She said pointing between Camila and I. My heart felt like it was about to burst and I smiled like an idiot.

"I got to go take a shower will you keep Mama company Skye?" Camila asked sweetly and the toddler nodded sitting down beside me as Camila got off me and went upstairs to shower.

"Do you love Mommy?" Skye asked breaking the silence.

"Of couse princess" I said genuinely.

"Do you love me?" She asked I couldn't help but smile at her cuteness.

"I love you and I love Mommy more than anything in the world" I said and I never meant something more in my life.

"We love you too" She said cuddling into my side.

"Good I'm happy to hear that" I said kissing her forehead.


(Camila's POV)

I got out of the shower to hear Lauren's phone buzzing on the nightstand. I walked over and my heart fell when I saw the message.

Selena 😍💕: Hey baby how's my girlfriend today? 😉😘

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