Chapter 2

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My eyes slowly opened squinting as the bright light shone through the window. I could feel the smile take over my face as I remembered last night. My smiled turned into a frown quickly when I noticed Lauren wasn't in bed. I could smell food being cooked in the kitchen. I got out of bed , quickly throwing on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I made my way out of my room towards my kitchen.

I lived with Dinah we rented out an apartment as both of us went to same to College. We had been attending NYU for the past 2 years. We both received a soccer scholarship to play for 3 years. We found a small apartment only a couple minutes from campus , we both had good paying jobs so we decided to rent out the apartment together.

When I got to the kitchen I couldn't help but smile at the sight in front of me. Lauren was in a pair of sweats and a tank top she must have borrowed them from my closet. She was cooking breakfast while singing along to the radio.

I got bills ,

I gotta pay ,

So I'm gon' work work work everyday ,

I got mouths I gotta fee-

She stopped singing when she turned around and saw me standing in the doorway. Her cheeks went a deep shade of red. I smiled at her and she returned it.

"How long have you been standing there?" She asked me chuckling nervously. She was clearly embarrassed about being caught. She was fidgeting with her hands while looking down at floor. I walked over to her , she looked up at me as I wrapped my arms around her neck. I looked her in the eyes , then down to her lips missing the feeling of mine on hers. She wrapped her arms around my waist her hands settling there.

"Long enough to say you have an amazing voice" I smiled. I looked at her lips again and she must have noticed as she leaned down. She hesitated for a minute and looked back up at me.

"Is it okay if I kiss you ?".She seemed concerned I would reject her. I just laughed and gripped her neck pulling her towards me. Our lips connected and I felt the same butterflies from last night. It started off slow and sweet. Her bottom lip between mine , lips moving in perfect rhythm. Her tongue brushed across my bottom lip looking for access. I quickly granted it , tilting my head slightly to deepen the kiss. Our tongues brushed , battling against each other. Her hands moved lower gripping my ass making me moan into the kiss. Starting to feel dizzy from lack of oxygen I slowly pulled away. Biting her bottom lip and pulling it releasing it with a pop.

"Thank you" She finally said after her breathing relaxed. Her face still a bit flushed. Her hands moving back up to my lower back.

"Your welcome , what are you cooking?" I asked my morning hunger starting to kick in.

"Bacon and eggs , nothing fancy" She chuckled a little "Is that okay with you?" She asked a bit anxious.

"That's perfect" I quickly pecked her lips and made my way over to the table.

I sat down and Lauren served breakfast sitting opposite me. We sat down and ate breakfast together. We talked about our jobs and college. I told her how I worked in a little book shop just across from my apartment and how I was hoping to be signed by a professional team as my trials were coming up soon. There would be scouts from teams all over America and a lot from Europe.

She told me that she wasn't in college , but she was working as an assistant in a recording studio for the past couple of months. She explained how she loved to sing and wanted to get into the music industry. We talked for a couple more minutes before her phone buzzed interrupting our conversation. She looked a little scared when she looked at the caller ID.

"I'm sorry I have to take this" She gave me an apologetic look , I nodded understanding. She stood up from her chair and made her way to the bedroom.

A couple minutes later she rushed out of the bedroom fully dressed, a panicked look on her face.I quickly got up from my seat and rushed over to her.

"Lauren are you okay? What's wrong?" I placed my hands on her shoulders. She was shaking. A couple seconds later she met my gaze, a single tear escaped her eye, I wiped it away with the pad of my thumb.

"Yeh fine" She smiled "I just got to go do something I'll text you " She smiled , eyes glazed over with tears. I nodded knowing she was lying about being okay but not wanting to push the dark haired girl to talk about it. I only met her I couldn't expect this stuff from her, but I could already see myself falling for this girl. She gave me a small sad smile, she quickly kissed my cheek before leaving the apartment.

Laurens POV

"Okay , thank you I'll be right there" I hung up the phone and quickly got changed. I headed out of the bedroom. I saw Camila stand up and rush towards me.

"Lauren are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Yeh fine" I lied forcing a smile "I just need to go do something I'll text you" She simply nodded, I gave her another quick smile. I quickly kissed her cheek before leaving the brunettes apartment. I was thankful her apartment was on the second floor, as I was quickly in the elevator. When the doors opened I ran to the street calling a cab. After about 5 minutes I finally got one. I got into the taxi telling the driver where to go.

10 minutes later we arrived. I thanked him handing him the fare and quickly heading towards the hospital doors. I ran inside and made my way to the reception.

"Excuse me do you know what room Clara Jauregui is in?" I asked out of breath of breath from running. She looked through a few folders, a few seconds she looked back up at me.

"Are you family? If not I'm afraid you can't go in" She sounded sincere .

"Yeah I'm her daughter" I quickly replied .

"Okay, follow me" She made her way around the reception desk , I followed close behind her. After a minute or so she stopped. She opened the door and peaked her head. "Clara your daughter is here to see you" She said , she turned back to me and signaled me to go into the room. I walked in , the beeping of the machines filled the room. I grabbed a chair that was in the corner of the room and placed it beside the hospital bed. I quickly took my mam's hand in mine.

"Hey , how are you feeling" I asked "The doctors told me you weren't doing the best , so I rushed here" I could feel the tears threatening to fall but I held them back. I had to be strong for her.

"I feel like I'm dying but what's new" She tried to joke but it immediately made a lump appear in my throat. I swallowed the lump and looked up to met her gaze.

"Mama I got the money for the surgery you know that so just have a bit of hope okay" Lauren thought back to how she got the money , feeling a bit guilty for what she was gonna do but she would do anything to give her mother a better chance at beating her illness. As on cue my phone buzzed. I sighed when I seen who the message was from.

A: Did you do it?

L: Yeah I did , what do I do now?

A: Make her fall for you .

L: And how do I do that?

A: That's what you need to figure out.

L: Okay ..

I put my phone back in my pocket and look back up at my mom. 'It's what I need to do' I told myself as I looked at the woman who meant the world to me.

A/N: Okay I'm sorry if your confused it will start to make sense soon I promise. Please Vote and Comment if you like it so far it means alot .

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