Chapter 15

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"Nice to finally meet you Clara" I said nervously this is not the best circumstances to meet here for the first time but you can't always get what you want.

"And you too, I can see why Lauren likes you so much" I blushed at her words and tried to hide it but failed miserably. "How come you're here?" She asked and I panicked should I tell her, her own daughter might be dying?

"Ehm...Lauren..She's ..Ehm.. She's been in a car accident" I stuttered like an idiot but eventually got the sentence out. She jumped up at my words and her eyes filled with worry.

"Is she okay?" She asked worry and sadness laced in her words.

"I don't kn-" I was cut off by my phone ringing. I took my phone out to see Dinah was ringing me, I signalled Clara showing her I would be one minute. She nodded and I answered the phone quickly.

Dinah- Hey we're all in Lauren's room where are you?

Camila- I'm with Lauren's mom and how is she, is she okay?

Dinah- Yeah she's good she just got done with her stitches but she's sleeping now so no need to rush back.

Camila- Okay well thanks for keeping me updated I'll let her mom know, love you cheechee.

Dinah- No problem love you too Chancho.

I hung up the phone and looked back at Lauren's mom. She was waiting for me to update her on how her daughter was doing and I was so relieved I get to give her good news.

I made my way over to the bed and sat down on the chair beside her.

"Lauren's good she's going to be okay" I smiled at her and she let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh thank the Lord. How are you two anyway?" I gulped at the question not wanting her to know the accident was basically my fault.

"Ehm.. we broke up... that's why she got in the accident. I-I uhm... found out she made a deal with my ex to break my heart so she could pay for your surgery and then I saw a photo of her and another girl kissing and I got mad, so we broke up and I told her I didn't love her. She got drunk and went driving and ended up crashing. It's ally my fault I'm so sorry" I sobbed into my hands. I couldn't believe I could have been the cause of Lauren's death. I love Lauren so much and the fact that I could have lost her for good is unbearbable to think about.

"Hey Camila listen to me this is not your fault. Okay Lauren has a lot of stuff going on right now in her life, you and her breaking up doesn't help and you saying you didn't love her wouldn't have made it better. I can see you still DO love her though so why did you say you didn't?" She asked curiously. Her hand rubbing my arm comfortingly.

"I was scared that she didn't love me and that she was still doing the deal" I said honeslty. I wiped the tears away from my cheeks with the back of my hand.

"Camila two days after you and Lauren met. Lauren came to visit me in the hospital saying she couldn't keep going with the deal because she was already falling for you. We talked and decided I wasn't going to get surgery because she wanted to be with you" My eyes widen in shock. I felt like such a horrible person. I was the reason Lauren's mom wasn't getting surgery. I felt worse that I hadn't believed Lauren either.

"I feel horrible now. I can't believe that your not getting surgery because of me. I'm so sorry and now I broke her heart and it was all for nothing" I was about to cry again but she stopped me.

"Honey the only way you can make this better is if you go and sort it out with lauren. Don't be sorry I hadn't got much of a chance anyway the surgery probably wouldn't have even helped but I'm grateful for being here this long" She smiled at me and I returned it.


It's been two weeks since the accident Lauren got released from hospital today so I decided to go and see her when she got home. I was on my way over to her apartment and my heart was beating out of my chest.

I arrived at the apartment block a few minutes later. I got in the elevator thinking like crazy. What if she just ignores me? What if she wants me to stay out of her life? What am I supposed to say?

My thoughts were interrupted when the elevator doors opened on Lauren's floor. I took a deep breath and stepped out of the elevator. I walked over to Lauren's door and knocked three times.

It took a couple seconds but Lauren eventually answered the door. She looked at me and I couldn't tell if she was angry, upset, or annoyed. She was about the shut the door when I stuck my foot in the way to stop it closing.

"Lauren please listen to me" I begged. She just stared at me waiting for me to go on. Her arms were crossed over her chest defensively.

"Can I come in?" I asked cautiously. She huffed but stepped out of the way letting me into her apartment.

She walked into the kitchen leaning against the counter. I followed her and cleared my throat before speaking.

"Okay first of all I want to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for lying. I do love you Lauren I love you more than anything I was just scared okay? I was scared you were still in on the deal and were trying to make sure you didn't lose by trying to keep me" Lauren scoffed but I continued anyway.

"I know you hate me right now. But listen to me. I've been cheated on before by someone I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with and I was with them for a couple years and I didn't even want to give them a second chance. Lauren I've been dating you for not even half a year yet and I already know I want to marry you, have kids with you and grow old with you and I didn't think twice about wanting to give you a second chance. Doesn't that mean anything to you?" My voice cracked at the end because by the look she was giving me I knew I had already lost her. 

"I love you too Camila, but this" She said gesturing between the two of us."Us, it just won't work" She said not looking me in the eye.

"Look me in the eye Lauren and tell me you don't want this" I said stepping closer to her. She looked up her emerald eyes piercing through mine.

"I don't want this Camila, I'm sorry" My heart shattered and a tear rolled down my cheek.

"It's okay you don't need to be sorry" I said wiping my tears away."Friends?" I asked forcing a smile.

"Yeah course friends" She said she opened her arms embracing me in her arms.

Could we just be friends?

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