Chapter 7

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Me and Ariana arranged to meet up at 6pm at a bar near my apartment. I forgot my purse so I had to quickly head home to grab it before going to the bar.

I opened the door running into the kitchen. I saw someone standing there and screamed with fright.

"Holy Shit Mani, what the fuck ? How did you get into my apartment" I asked still in shock.

"It's good to see you to" she laughed.

"Sorry I'm just in a bit of a rush, I'm having a bad day and I have to sort something out" I sighed knowing that I had to face Ariana in just over an hour.

"What happened you can talk to me ? You know I won't judge you" she put her hand on my arm encouraging me to talk.

"Well remember Ariana?" She thought for a second and then nodded remembering her. "Well we made a deal the night we stayed in your house that if I made her ex-girlfriend fall for me and break her heart she would pay for surgery for my mom" I hated talking about the deal but I knew I could trust Normani.

"Wait what's her name and why did she want you to break her heart?" She looked like she knew something so I answered her question.

"Her names Camila and she said because Camila cheated on her and she wanted revenge" Normani looked angry for some reason.

"Okay well I know something that I think you may get angry about " She said looking me straight in the eye.

"What is it?" I asked kind of scared to hear the answer.

"Dinah told me Ariana cheated on Camila not the other way around, she tried to get Camila to talk to her for months but she wouldn't so I think she just used you to try hurt Camila for not giving her a second chance" I couldn't believe the words that came out of her mouth. If I didn't feel bad enough before I did now. I feel like such a bitch.

"Are you sure Mani?" I had to be clear that I she was being honest I could trust her with my life to be honest with me but I just needed to know for sure.

"I'm positive Lauren, now go and sort this shit out before Camila gets hurt" I nodded hugging Normani before I left."I love you Lauren I'm always here if you need me " she said into my ear before pulling away.

"I love you too Mani" I kissed her cheek before grabbing what I needed and going.


I walked into the bar and saw Ariana sitting at a booth. I walked over and sat in the booth. Ariana tried to talk but I interrupted her.

"No don't, the deal is off Ariana you used me because you were angry at Camila for not giving YOU a chance when YOU cheated on her. I can't believe you, she doesn't deserve this and I'm done deals off" I stood up and went to leave before Ariana stood up and grabbed my wrist turning me around.

"And what you think she deserves you some low life piece of shit, do whatever you want but trust me your gonna regret it" she threaten me but I just laughed at her.

"Whatever Ariana, if your trying to threaten me or scare me its not working so just back off" I stated and turned around to walk away only to be turned around again and see a fist about to hit me. Before I could react I had already been hit in the face, I put my hand to my nose to see it was bleeding.

I was about to hit back but Ariana was getting kicked out of the bar by security. I got up and made my way out and headed to the only place I wanted to be right now.

(Camila's POV)

I was sitting watching TV when I heard a knock on my door. I didn't have a clue who it could be. I got up and answered the door.

"Lauren wha-" I was cut off with Lauren's lips crashing against mine. I was caught off guard but quickly kissed back. My arms wrapped around her neck and her hands placed on my hips. The kiss was slow at first but quickly became passionate.

The way she kissed me made me feel so loved and cared about. Which I hadn't felt in a long time. We slowly walked backwards towards the sofa. Lauren kicked the door closed never breaking the kiss.

She lay me down on the sofa, I brushed my tongue across her bottom lip and she patted her lips as I slipped my tongue in exploring her mouth. We both moaned when our tongues met battling each other but Lauren won as I gave in to the kiss.

"Before we go any further I need to ask you a question" I could see she was nervous.

"Yeah sure what is it?" I asked curious to see what caused her nerves.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled and gave her a quick kiss before pulling away.

"I'd love to" I said and pulled her down to connect our lips once again.
I could feel her smile through the kiss.

I'm definitely falling for this girl.

A/N: Camren!! I hope you like this chapter please vote if you did I'll try update as much as I can. Time for the cute Camren moments.

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