Chapter 17

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We arrived at the hospital quickly getting out the car and going into the building. I ran to the reception to sign in before heading into my mom's room. 
Normani wasn't allowed in but she said she would call all the girls and let them know what was going on. I went into the room. My mom was asleep when I went in. Machines beeping all around her. She had an oxygen mask I'm guessing to keep her breathing. Her arms were by her sides, she was so still. She looked so peaceful, I could feel the tears staring to fall down my face.

I walked over and sat down in the chair beside her bed. She looked so fragile I was scared to hold her hand. She slowly began to open her eyes. She pulled the oxygen off her mouth to settle on her chin.

"Hey mama" I said putting on a fake smile for her. I could still feel the salty droplets falling down my cheeks but I had to stay strong for her.

"Hey princess" she said weakly. I could see she was struggling to stay awake. I was scared if she closed her eyes again she wouldn't open them again. I hated seeing her in pain so my next words I haven't wanted to say since she became sick but I wasn't going to be selfish.

"Mama I love you so much, you can let go mama it's okay" I cried I held her hand and she found the strength to squeeze it and I slightly squeezed back.

"Lauren, I've had such an amazing life. I'm so proud of you, you know that don't you" I nodded and she started again. "We both knew this day would come eventually. I know you will be fine without me Lauren. Your such an amazingly brave, honest and beautiful person. I love you so much my little girl" We were both crying now. I wrapped her in a hug nuzzling my face in her neck.

"I love you to mama" I sniffled. I pulled away from the hug kissing her cheek before sitting back down in the chair.

I sat in the room for a couple minutes holding her hand. She had her eyes closed but I didn't know if she was sleeping or not. She gave my hand one last squeeze and her hand let go. Her heart rate went flat and the machines started beeping like crazy.

"Mama?" I panicked and quickly checked her pulse in her neck. Nothing. I checked her wrist. Nothing. I felt her heart beat. Nothing. "Mama no!" I screamed sobbing. The doctors rushed in and so did Mani.

"Help her please!" I screamed at the doctors. They all checked her rushing around trying to fix whatever was wrong. But nothing was helping her. Mani stood there in shock. After a couple minutes of trying to revive her the main doctor came over to us.

"I'm sorry there's nothing we can do" He said and I fell to my knees. I knew I said she could let go but I still wasn't ready for it. She can't be gone she was the person who was keeping me strong.
Mani wrapped her arms around me and sat down with me. I sobbed into her chest curling into a ball.

"Shh.. Lauren it's okay she's not in pain anymore. It's going to be okay" she comforted me. I couldn't help but keep crying into my best friend.

"Ms Jauregui your going to have to leave the room while we take your mom out" He said politely. I nodded and Mani helped me up and out to the waiting room. The rest of the girls were there except one. Camila.

"Where's Camila?" Normani asked reading my mind.

"She went on a trip with Austin he just asked her after you left so she's gone for a couple days" Dinah said angrily. I could hear she was annoyed with her best friend.

"She does know what happened doesn't she?" I could hear Normani was annoyed now but I just sat in the chair with my head in my hands.

"No do you want us to tell her?" Ally asked cautiously.

"No!" I said quickly "She has no right to know" I snapped.

"Lauren I know you don't want talk to her right now but-" Normani tried to reason with me but I cut her off.

"Your right I don't want to talk to her, I don't wanna see her and I don't want her to know that my mom died and that's it so if you respect me enough you won't tell her!" I stated. They all stayed quiet. I could feel my chest tighten again and began crying I didn't hold back this time.

"Lauren it's going to be okay" Normani said they all gathered around me comforting me.


I was sitting in my apartment on the couch like I have been the last couple of days. My moms funeral is tomorrow and I had everything prepared but it meant I was officially broke again. I had to pay for it all myself. My father was an asshole that left me and my mom when I was only 2 and I haven't heard from him since. My phone buzzing brought me out of my thoughts.

Selena: Hey I heard about your mom Lauren I'm so sorry I hope your doing okay. When is the funeral? xx

Lauren: I'm not good but I'll be okay it's really tough. But the funeral is tomorrow x

Selena: Would you mind if I came I know I didn't know your mom but I want to be there for you xx

Lauren: No I don't mind at all. I'll send you the details now x

I sent the details to her and we talked for a little longer. I went to bed making sure I had my outfit sorted for the morning. I went to bed and tried to go asleep if that was even possible.


Everyone had left the graveyard and went to the afters. I decided to stay a bit longer to say my final goodbyes.

"I'm going to make you even prouder mama, you used to love my singing so I'm going to try everything I can to be a singer for you. Sleep tight angel. " I said sniffling a little. I had cried so much that I don't think I had any tears left.

"I can help with that" I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around to see Selena smiling at me.

"How?" I stood up straight whipping the dust off my dress.

"Well I've been signed to a label over in LA and I'm leaving to go and record some stuff in a couple of days. What do you think of coming with me?" I was shocked but a new start could be good for me. She couldn't be serious thought could she?

"I have no where to stay or anything I would have to find a new job if the record label doesn't want to sign me it's a big risk Selena?" I said it would be a huge change for me. I would have to quit my job and hope I did with singing.

"Lauren I've heard you singing in the studio plenty of times to know you have an amazing voice. Plus you can stay with me my house is big enough trust me. What do you say?" She asked biting her lip. I thought about it for a couple minutes before I made my decision.

"LA here we come" I said Selena jumped up and down excitedly. She ran into my arms wrapping me in a hug.

Nothing wrong with a fresh start right?

A/N: Lauren's big new start is happening. I'm going to try update as much as I can. Please vote and comment it means a lot. Love you all xx ❤️

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