Chapter 22

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After I spent a couple more hours with Camila and Skye I headed house dreading the next few hours ahead. My house wasn't far from Camila's because it didn't take long for me to get back to my house. I walked into the hallway quietly closing the door behind me. Straight away I knew I was about to catch Selena. Someone's shoes were in the hall and clothes scattered in the hall. I guess they couldn't even wait until they got to the bedroom.

I walked quietly up the stairs and I could hear noises as I got closer to the bedroom it became clear them noises were moans. I walked in to the room and my blood boiled when I saw who was in bed with Selena.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me" I scoffed. Selena looked petrified, I couldn't believe this.

"Hey Lauren long time no see" Ariana said smirking. I thought I was done with this fucking bitch.

"Lauren I can explain" Selena tried but I laughed at her. She jumped off the bed throwing on an over-sized shirt.

"Selena cut the bullshit I know your only with me because you need publicity. For fuck sake her out of everyone when I told her everything she's put me through" I yelled. She stood there a sly grin on her face. Was this amusing for her?

"At least I'm not some fucking freak of nature" Ariana snapped. I look at Selena in complete shock. I couldn't believe she told her about my condition!

"You fucking told her! What the fuck is wrong with you!" I snapped. I was beyond angry now. "Oh yeah by the way I found out I have a fucking three year old kid today you wouldn't know anything about that would you?" I asked sarcastically. Selena stood there trying to find the words. But I didn't let her speak. "How long has this being going on for because I've known about for the past month and a half but I have a feeling it's been going on a lot longer than that!"

"How long have you guys been dating" Ariana asked Selena. "Nearly a year" Selena mumbled. Ariana looked at me a bitch smirk on her face. "That long" I couldn't believe I actually thought Selena liked me but know this whole time she's been fucking the girl that ruined my relationship with the only girl I've ever actually loved. Selena was about to speak up but once again I didn't let her. I had no interest in what she had to say.

"Fucking save it Selena, I missed three years of my daughters life because of you" I said poking her chest. "I left Camila on her own to raise a kid do you know how sick that makes me feel" I spat at her. I could see she was starting to get angry.

"I did that for your own good. That bitch doesn't deserve you, she's a lowlife piece of shit" I laughed at her.

"First of all" I said stepping closer to her so that we were face to face. "Never talk about her like that again you fucking hear me?" I said harshly pointing at her. "Second of all, Camila actually loves me unlike you. You fucking used me to get yourself a bit more money. Well guess what Camila loves me and I fucking love her back. Get your stuff and be out by tomorrow we're done" I spat. I was about to make my way down the stairs when Selena pulled at my arm. She didn't look happy at all but I didn't care.

"If you break up with me or tell anyone I cheated. I will expose your little secret" She said and my stomach twisted.

"You wouldn't da-" She cut me off before I could finish.

"Oh trust me I would, I have photo proof as well so you either stay with me until my new album is released or ... I leak your photos all over the Internet" She said and I knew she wasn't bluffing. We had gotten drunk one night and stupid shit happened that's all I'm going to say. I couldn't have them photos be leaked my career would be ruined I'd be the laughing stock of the world and Camila would probably leave me to save herself the embarrassment. Even though it was the last thing I wanted to do I agreed to her deal.

"Fine, we can pretend to still be together but I love Camila and I'm going to be with her whether you like it or not" I stated and I didn't give a shit what she had to say. This deal had to work two ways. I crossed my arms over my chest defensively.

"Fine be with that little good for nothing you two freaks enjoy each other, me and Ariana are going to be staying in the LA house till the album is released were catching the next plane so we should be gone in about an hour so don't miss me too much" She said winking before pulling Ariana back into her room I could hear them giggling and I couldn't help but cry with anger. I stormed out of the house getting into my car and making my way to Camila's.


I got to Camila's house, I was about to knock on the door when I realised Skye and everybody else in the house was probably asleep so I texted Camila to open her door. A couple minutes later the door open and Camila face straight away showed concern.

"Lauren what's wrong?" She asked stepping a side and leading me through the house into the living room.

"Selena, I caught her and she's been cheating on me with Ariana" Camila's jaw dropped with shock "This whole time she's been using me to get publicity and her and Ariana have been laughing at me because I was so stupid to not have noticed. They have been together since me and Selena started dating nearly a year ago. How could I have been such an idiot?" The anger was building up in me and I felt like I needed to hit something but I kept my anger under control.

"Lauren it's okay none of this is your fault okay? Look at me" She said softly. I didn't want to but my eyes met hers. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I placed my hands on her waist. She pulled me down softly placed a delicate kiss on my lips. I could feel myself starting to relax.

"I love you Lauren so much you know that I would never hurt you right?" I nodded.

"I love you too. Can I ask you something?" I asked nervously. Avoiding her eyes.

"Of course babe, what is it" Hearing her say babe again made me pulse go crazy and my heart flutter in my chest.

"Would you like to move in with me, I'm staying in New York and Selena and Ariana are going back to LA to stay in the house there. You don't have to pay any rent and there's plenty of room for us to start become a real family you, me and Skye" I placed my forehead against hers. She stared at me but I couldn't read her. Normally I could tell her feeling straight away but this time I couldn't.

"Are you sure?" She asked cautiously.

"I'm more than sure that I want my child and the beautiful mother of my child living with me" I smiled. She leaned in and kissed me softly.

"Well I can't say no to that" She smiled.

God I've missed that smile.

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