Chapter 29

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A\N: I had to switch POV's a lot I hope you don't mind.

It's been a couple weeks since I told everyone about me. Obviously I got a bit of hate off Selena's fans but I brushed that off easily. All my fans were shocked obviously but I didn't mind it's what I expected. A lot of them were dirty minded but I had to laugh at their jokes they were pretty funny. My fans called them selves Jaguars but I don't know why because my surname isn't pronounced at all like it's spelt but whatever they are happy with.

Me and Camila have been absolutely amazing but unfortunately I haven't been able to see her that much lately. I've been working on the album like crazy. I just finished my last recording session and was on my way home.

I pulled up to the house and went inside but it was silent. I checked the time and it was just past midnight. Camila and Skye were probably asleep.

I went into the kitchen and saw Camila on her laptop.

"Hey baby" I leaned in to kiss her but she backed away.

"Don't" She said sternly.

"Camz what's wrong?" I asked concerned. Why was she being like this?

"Do you know how hard it is?" She asked and her voice cracked.

"Camz what are you talking about?"

"I get abuse on Twitter for being in a relationship with a freak! That's all you are Lauren a freak !" She was getting angry now. I can't believe she was saying this. How could she hurt me like that.

"How could you say that Camila I thought you loved me" Tears were streaming down my face now but I didn't care.

"I never loved you Lauren, how could someone ever love a freak of nature" My heart shattered into a million pieces.

"Me and Skye are leaving and were done! Goodbye Lauren" She shoved pasted me and I heard the front door slam shut a couple seconds later.
I jumped up from my sleep gasping for breath. Camila woke up quickly looking concered. She scooted over to me taking my hand.

"Baby what's wrong?" She asked wiped my tears away with the pad of her thumb.

"You called me a freak and told me you never loved me and y-you took Skye and left me" I cried I couldn't help it the dream felt so real.

"Babe relax it was just a dream, it's okay baby. I love you Lauren, I love you so much I would never do that to you" I sobbed into her chest and she rubbed my back soothingly.

"I'm sorry I woke you up" I apologised. I moved my head up so I could look at her.

"Don't be babe it's fine. You know I love you right?" I nodded.

"I love you too"  I said softly.

"Show me how much you love me" She said seductively in my ear. I grabbed her waist flipping us over so I was hovering over her. I connected our lips together kissing her with as much passion as I could.

I bit her lip and tugged on it realising it with a pop. She giggled and reconnected our lips. Her tongue brushed across my bottom lip asking for entrance which I accepted tilting my head to deepen the kiss.

Her hands gripped my hair as she moaned in my mouth. I trailed kisses down her jawline to her neck biting and sucking on her sweet spot. Her moans were getting louder.

"Baby be quiet I don't want to wake up Skye" I whispered in her ear. I looked up at her and she nodded. I trailed kisses down her stomach leaving marks all the way down.

I moved back up to her lips kissing her gently. I played with the waist band of her thong and she groaned.

"Baby please?" She begged

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