Chapter 14

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I stormed out of the apartment building and got into my car. Hitting the steering wheel with the palm of my hand tears flowing down my face freely now. My heart was officially shattered. It felt like a sharp pain in my chest like I was being stabbed.

I turned on the ignition and started driving to nowhere. I just kept driving till I didn't know where I was. It started raining and soon enough it was down pouring.

Her words kept playing through my head "I don't love you". I kept driving till it got dark I really didn't want to go home to explain what happened to Normani and Ally. My phone started ringing on the passenger seat. I could just about see Camila's name through my blurred visions from the tears in my eyes.

I pulled over to a liquor store getting a much need bottle of vodka. I knew it was seriously dangerous to drink and drive but I didn't care at all. I both the alcohol and headed back out to my car.

I took a big swig of the drink feeling it burn as it slid down my throat. I turned the car back on and headed back on the road. 

My phone began ringing again and I decided to answer it. Having a bit more confidence because of the alcohol in my system. 

"What!" I said harshly into the phone.

"Oh my God Lauren. Where are you. We are all worried sick" I heard Camila say.

"Like you care" I spat back my words slurring slightly.

"Lauren please don't tell me your drink driving" She said I could hear the worry in her voice.

"Maybe I am, maybe I amn't" Cars beeped as I swerved through the traffic.

"Lauren please pull over and tell me where you are" 

"I'm not pulling over but I'm heading to the place I brought you for our 2 month anniversary if you even remember" With that I hung up and through the phone down onto the floor.

I reached down to pick up the bottle. I got back up and I saw a truck in front of me I was in the wrong lane. I quickly swerved the car dodging the truck but I couldn't regain control and the car swerved hitting something and everything went black.


(Camila's POV)

"I'm not pulling over but I'm heading to the place I brought you for our 2 month anniversary if you even remember" Lauren hung up and I quickly turned to Dinah.

"Dinah can you drive me I know where she's going" I asked quickly.

"Of course come on" She said. We grabbed our stuff and left within seconds.

I told Dinah were to go and she typed it into the GPS. She drove the car a lot faster than usual. I stared out of the window my thoughts occupying my mind.

"Camila come on we have to stay positive she's fine okay" Dinah comforted me and I simply nodded. This is all my fault. If I hadn't of been so stupid she wouldn't be drink driving right now.

"This isn't your fault Mila" Dinah said as if she had heard my thoughts.

I looked out the window noticing a heavy traffic jam. People were out of the cars shouting. I had a bad feeling about this, Dinah stopped the car and we jumped out running over to see what was going on. We got over and my heart stopped in my chest when I saw it.

Lauren's car smashed to pieces crashed into a wall. She must have swerved into a couple other cars before hitting the wall as they were damaged as well. I ran over to Lauren's car to see her unconscious and her head was bleeding. I pulled her out of the car lying her on the ground.

"SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!" I screamed a few people looked over in shock when they saw Lauren's state. I look down noticing a piece of glass piercing through her side. Dinah came running over panicking.

"Oh my God Lauren!" She sat down beside us. I had Lauren's head laying on my lap.

"Lauren baby open your eyes" I cried. Her eyes opened slightly. 

"Camz?" She asked her voice bearly audible. 

"Yeah Laur it's me" I stroked her hair.

"My side hurts" She tried to look down but I didn't let her she would panic and that's the last thing we needed to happen.

"Just look at me baby okay?" She knew something was wrong I could see it in her.

"Is it bad" She asked calmly. I looked down at the wound blood seeping out of it.

"Your going to be okay" I said avoiding her question.

"Answer my question Camila" She said demandingly.

"Yeah it's bad Lauren" I said honestly. She leaned her head back tears rolling down her cheeks. I noticed her eyes were starting to close.

"Lauren stay awake, I need you to stay awake until the ambulance gets here" I said lifting her head in my hand trying to get her to look at me.

"I love you Camz" She whispered.

"I love you too Lauren" I cried. She smiled a little before her eyes shut and panic took over my body.

"Lauren" No response."Lauren come on babe open your eyes" I said shaking her a little. I looked over to Dinah she had her hand over her mouth muffling her sobs.

"Lauren you can't die on me!" I shouted placing my head on her chest crying.

The ambulance arrived not even three seconds later. They rushed over to Lauren. They checked her pulse and lifted her onto a stretcher they decided not to remove the glass until they got to the hospital. They told me I couldn't go in the ambulance that I would have to find another way there.

Me and Dinah got back into her car following the ambulance to the hospital. We got there quick enough and park the car.

"I'm going to go collect the girls and bring them down you go in and we will meet you there" She said and I nodded quickly running inside. 

I went up to the receptionist and asked for Ms.Jauregui. They showed me to a room and I took a deep breath before opening the door. But I was confused to see a woman looked to be in her forty's or fifty's sitting in the hospital bed. 

"Oh I'm so sorry I was looking for Lauren Jauregui" I apologized.

"You must be Camila, I'm Clara Lauren's mom" She smiled at me.

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