Chapter 13

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We were on our way to the airport to head back home and Camila still won't talk to me. I wish she would just let me explain everything but she just won't listen to me. I really don't want to lose, no rephrase that I can't lose her. She's everything to me I can't imagine my life without her in it anymore. We got to the airport and went to board the plane. We got into our seats and Camila put her headphones on straight away. I decided to give her space and let her calm down before trying to talk to her again.

We got out of the airport and Camila rang Dinah and asked her to collect her. I did the same with Ally. I tried to talk to her but once again she just ignored me. Dinah pulled up about twenty minutes later and Camila got in her car without even saying goodbye. To say my heart was slowly breaking was an understatement. Ally arrived not too long after. I got into the car and straight away started crying.

"Lauren what's wrong?" She asked concerned. I sobbed louder and she wrapped her arms around me.

"Camila found out about the bet and she won't talk to me since last night, I think we're over" I cried and she just held me tighter.


We arrived back to my apartment and I threw my bags at the door and laid down on the sofa covering my face with my hands.

"You want something to drink" Ally asked kindly. I shook my head no and she said ok and walked into the kitchen I presume to make herself a coffee. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and clicked on Camila's contact to send her a message.

Lauren: Camz please let me explain and afterwards if you don't want to be with me I'll stay out of your life.

A couple minutes later I got a text back and quickly checked my phone.

Camila: Okay come over to my apartment and we can talk.

My heart sped up I didn't expect to accept my offer so I was now really nervous. Ally came back in with her coffee.

"Ally Camila is going to let me explain myself so I'm going over to her apartment to talk to her. Is that okay?" I asked feeling bad about leaving her in the apartment on my own.

"Its fine Lauren, but do you mind if I stay the night?" She asked.

"Yeah that's fine Normani should be back in thirty minutes or so anyway so you won't be lonely for too long" I said laughing a little.

"Okay cool, now go and get your girl back" she hugged and I thanked her before saying goodbye and leaving the apartment.

The drive to Camila's felt like it took hours. I was thinking of the best way to explain it to her so she wouldn't be too hurt. Because I know she will be hurt when I tell her the truth but whatever she wants to know I'll tell her. I'll do anything to keep her. I eventually pulled up outside her apartment block and went inside the building.

I made my way over to the elevator and clicked the number for her floor nervously messing with my hands the whole way up. The elevator doors opened and I headed towards her apartment. After a couple seconds of hesitation and second thoughts I eventually knocked on the door.

She opened the door and I could straight away see she had been crying and my heart broke to know I was the cause. I never wanted the hurt Camila I always wanted to be the one to help her when she was hurt and kill the asshole who hurt her and seeing her like that was honestly killing me. She moved aside to make room for me and I walked into the apartment. I followed her into the living room area and she sat down on one sofa and I sat on the opposite one so we were facing each other.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked breaking the silence.

"Tell you what" I asked confused.

"Why didn't you tell me you and Selena kissed?" I could see she was going to cry again and I wanted to help but I knew if I tried she wouldn't let me.

"Because she kissed me and I didn't kiss back. It was nothing and I didn't think it was anything I should tell you because I pushed her off me straight away and told her I had a girlfriend and she apoligized" I told her the truth hoping she would believe me.

"And why should I believe you?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Because it's the fucking truth Camila!" I raised my voice angry that she didn't believe me.

"Okay fine if your going to be fully honest with me then tell me what was the bet?" My heart began to pound in my chest. I gulped heavily and took a deep breath. I hoped I would never had to talk to her about this but like everything else I was unfortunate.

"Okay well, a couple months ago I went to stay in Normani's house for the night Ariana and Ally stayed to as Normani was friends with Ariana at the time. It was my first time meeting Ariana and we all talked about stuff that was going on in our lives during that time. I explained how my mom was sick and needed surgery and Ariana told me about how her ex had cheated on her. So later that night she told me that if I got revenge on her ex by breaking her heart she would pay for my moms surgery" I let out a deep breath when I was finished and was too scared to look at Camila.

"So everything between us was a lie?" She cried my head immediately shot up and looked at her. Tears streaming down her cheeks and her eyes puffy from crying.

"What! No! Camila I called the bet off a couple of days after I met you because -" she cut me off before I could finish.

"Save it Lauren I've heard it all before. It was a mistake and your sorry and you will never hurt me again but I heard this saying before 'Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me'. I've already been fooled once and I'm not going to be fooled again" She was crying freely now and I couldn't believe she didn't believe me.

"What does that mean?" I asked not wanting to hear the words come out of her mouth.

"We're over Lauren I'm sorry" she tried to hold back more tears threatening to fall.

"Camz please don't do this you have to believe me, I love you so much" My heart shattered into a million pieces. I reached for her hand but she pulled away. I was crying as well now.

"Well I don't love you, Lauren now go please" she cried still not looking at me.

"Camz don't do this, you don't mean that" I begged crying uncontrollably now.

"Go Lauren please don't make this any worse" She wiped her tears away with the sleeve of her jumper.

"I'll leave if you look me in the eye and tell me you don't love me" I stated standing up and looking her straight in the eye. She looked up and met my gaze.

"I don't love you" she said. Another tear slid down my cheek.

"Okay, I'll stick to my promise and leave you alone like I said. But I will never stop loving you Camila that's something I can't do" I stated still looking into her eyes. She looked away and I made my way out of her apartment slamming the door behind me.

A/N: Okay so that happened plus I hit over 1000 reads omg! I have a couple more chapters planned out so I hope you like how the story ends up. Please Vote and it means a lot . Love you all x

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