Chapter 24

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This had to be some sort of mistake right? Lauren would never cheat on me. No she wouldn't. But then what was that text all about. Did Selena send it to her by accident or something? Should I confront her about it? Maybe I should but I'll wait until Dinah picks up Skye later on. Dinah is Skye's godmother so Dinah asked could she bring her out for the day and if she could stay over. I gladly agreed hoping it would give me and Lauren sometime alone. But now I'm not so sure if I want the toddler to leave not knowing what's going to happen when I confront Lauren.

"Babe, you okay?" Lauren interrupted my thoughts. She was standing at the bedroom door with Skye in her arms. They looked so adorable together.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I lied faking a smile but she seemed to buy it.

"Okay when is Dinah coming to collect Skye?" She asked adjusting Skye in her arms.

"Ehm, in a bout an hour" I said my voice quite low. She just nodded.

"You sure you okay Camz?" She asked more concerned than last time.

"Lauren I'm fine" I said harsher than I expected. She looked a bit hurt but seemed to shake it off. She nodded and walked towards Skye's room. I could hear them a couple minutes later laughing in our daughters bedroom.

I could feel tears threatening to fall but I held them back. I went downstairs to watch some TV to clear my head.

(Lauren's POV)

Camila had been acting weird the past couple of hours. Every time I would try to simply hug her or kiss her she would reject me and give me some stupid excuse. Dinah eventually came to collect Skye and I went to find Camila to see what was wrong. After searching through the huge house for a couple minutes I found her in the movie room her knees hugged to her chest and I could hear her quiet sobs. I quickly rushed over to her.

"Camz, baby what's wrong?" I reached out to cuddle her but she flinched away.

"Don't" she said sternly. I looked at her shocked. What did I do wrong?

"Camz don't be like this, I did nothing wrong" she scoffed and met my gaze. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying. It broke my heart seeing her like this I just wish I knew what was wrong so I could help.

"Of course you didn't" she snapped. Now I was really confused.

"Camz what the fuck is going on. Can you at least tell me what I did wrong so I can fix it?" I was getting angry now because she was angry at me and wouldn't even tell me why.

"Your fucking cheating on me Lauren!" She yelled and I was shocked. Wait oh my god no. Shit I should have told her about the Selena deal.

"Camila I'm not cheating on you!" I shouted back and she rolled her eyes.

"Lauren cut the bullshit I saw her text message"

"What text message Camila?"

She handed me my phone and I looked at the message. I hadn't even know Selena had texted me today. But she was clearly just being a bitch.

"Camila I can explain" I said honestly. She was about to walk away but I grabbed her waist and pulled her back. She tried to fight my hold but failed as I was stronger than her.

"Lauren let go of me I don't want to hear it" she spat. Her fists were pounding into my chest but I couldn't care less about the pain.

"No not until you let me explain" she eventually stopped punching my chest so I decided to speak up. "Me and Selena made a deal that we would still pretend to be a couple until her album is released. The only reason I agreed to it is because she has pictures of my..condition and threaten to leak them if I didn't agree. The last thing I wanted was you being ashamed to be my girlfriend or Skye embarrassed to be my daughter that's why I didn't tell you. I have a meeting with my management next week so I'll sort everything out then okay" I pressed my forehead against hers as she started to relax.

"I'm sorry it's just with the text and the-" She started but I cut her off.

"It's okay Camz don't worry about the text that's just her being a bitch" I said getting angry at thought that Selena could have broken me and Camila up when things were literally just starting.

"I love you Lauren and I would never be ashamed to be your girlfriend and Skye could never be embarrassed of her amazing mom" She said with a smile.

"Oh trust me she will especially when she has boyfriends and I'll be threatening to kick there ass if they break her heart. But that's just my job"
I joked and she laughed with me. "I love you too Camz" I pressed my lips softly against hers and she kissed back with the same amount of pressure.

"How about we watch a movie?" Camila asked as we broke away from the kiss.

"A movie sounds perfect" I pressed a kiss to her cheek before going through my film collection. "What movie do you want to watch babe?" I asked her as she sat down on one of the several chairs.

"Do you have to notebook?" She asked anxiously.

"Yeah right here" I said holding up the DVD. She smiled from ear to ear and I laughed at her excitement.

We sat down and watched the movie. Camila cuddle into my side laying her head on my shoulder as I wrapped my arm around her waist. When film was over and I looked down at Camila to see her crying. She looked at me confused.

"Did you not think that was sad?" She asked confusingly.

"I did but I'm not really a cryer at movies" I said honestly.

"I cry every time and I don't even know how many times I've watched this film I lost count after 15" she said laughing a little. She bit her lip nervously before looking me straight in the eye.

"Do you think we will be like them" she asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you think we will have an amazing love story to tell people when we are old and grey"

"All I know is that I love you, you love me and we love our daughter and that's the best love story I could ever want to tell" I said honestly and she smiled at me before connecting our lips again.

"I love you Lolo" she said giggling. My heart fluttered at the old nickname.

"I love you too Camz"

"So just to clarify, I'm your real girlfriend right" she said shifting her position straddling my lap.

"Yes, I don't even want to know Selena I only want you and I will only ever want you" I said honestly with as much affection as I could. Camila leaned down her mouth beside my ear.

"Then take me" she whispered seductively in my ear.

A/N: Ah thank you for over 5k reads!! 😍 Smut next chapter so be prepared. 

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