The neighbours

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Chapter-1 The neighbours


Sidharth's POV-

I was reading a book, lying on my bed. The large window beside my bed was open. While reading, a thing, or rather I would say a person caught my eye. The house opposite to my house was planned the same as my house. It was a twin of my house. It even had the same color. Through my window I could see the opposite window, which was open. A girl, who was probably my new neighbor, was jumping on her bed as if it was a trampoline. Her TV was switched on and I could hear a Bollywood song playing loudly on her TV. Her hair was wet, perhaps she just now washed her hair. While jumping she caught me staring at her. She waved at me with a smile on her face and then continued jumping. From that smile on her face I knew that she was the most stupid girl in this whole large world.

"So, I have a new neighbour now," I whispered to myself. I still remember my first days in this house, alone. I rented this house for myself because it was near my university. I used to miss my parents but I am used to it now. During the first few days, I couldn't understand which was my house, because two houses opposite to each other were so alike. I guess that girl is also going to have the same problem the first few days. I wonder whether she is lonely. Should I go and meet her? Maybe no, not so soon. I don't really like meeting new people these days but I am surprised by myself today. I can't belive that I want to meet her already.

Aadhya's POV-

I just took a shower in my new home. My new home has a geyser too. Although it was expensive,I bought a smart TV. I was playing my favourite song, on the TV and dancing on my bed. Even the bed in my new home is soft and fluffy. I love this place. While I was dancing from my window, I saw a guy staring strangely at me. He was my neighbor. He stayed in the opposite house. I waved at him. He waved back. OMG! What just happened? Did he see me dancing like a mad girl? I should have closed my window. I am so embarrassed right now.

I had to write my diary. After doing it I closed the window and went to bed. I am feeling very lonely. There is nobody in this house except me and my cat, Jelly. I don't really miss my dad. He is the one who wanted me to live in a separate house and this house is also near my university. Actually, even I wanted to move because I couldn't live in my house anymore. Dad was always either drunk or flirting with my step-mom.

I really miss my mom. She died when I was 12 years old. She was a dancer. After she was gone nobody ever cared about me. I didn't even have a best friend. I was always by myself. Well, there was a boy in school but we were only friends. He never got a chance to become my best friend or my boyfriend.

I used to cry every night but I don't cry anymore. Instead I dance when I am sad. Nowadays I am having problems to sleep. The doctor says I have insomnia. Doctor has prescribes pills for me but he also told to try to sleep without the pills but I can't. It is hard to sleep. Whenever I close my eyes I hear so many voices in my head. One of them is my mother's.

I couldn't sleep so I thought I'll go for a walk with Jelly but Jelly was already asleep and it was almost 10:30 and it is not safe for a 'akeli ladki' to be outside in Delhi after 9:00 so I decided not to go. Instead I started reading 'The Boy who loved' by Durojoy Dutta. I like reading romance novels. They make me feel that I am the heroine. That is the reason even I wanted to become a writer. I even wrote a lot of poems. I don't think I'll ever publish my works. Right now I am focusing to pursue criminology.

I read for a while. After reading I opened the window and looked outside. I saw a boy in the opposite house. He was standing on the terrace and smoking. He couldn't see. He was engrossed in thinking which I assume is something very deep and serious. I am guessing that he is my neighbour. He is pretty young and handsome compared to the neighbour I had before. His nose is sharp and he has small but pretty eyes. His hair was black and messy and he was thin and very tall, about 5'11 or maybe more than that. He looked like a spirit with the moonlight streaming upon his pale face. A cute and harmless spirit.

Finally, I need to take my pills. I can't sleep without them.


Aadhya's POV-

First day of hard can it be? What if it's very hard? What if I go through ragging? I woke up today at 6:00 am with all these thoughts in my mind. I brushed my teeth and got ready for my workout routine from 6:30 to 7:00 am. I do workout every morning except Sundays. After workout I got ready for college by 8:00 am. It was summer and was very hot in Delhi and I tried very hard not to dress something very revealing because it it the first day of my college and I don't was people to have impressions on me, particularly boys. I finally found something cute, . It was perfect. I was ready by 8:30 and then I played with Jelly for a few minutes and left my house at 9:00 am. I saw that boy again, my neighbour, at the bus stop.

Sidharth's POV-

I saw that girl again, my stupid neighbour, at the bus stop. This time I looked at her properly. She was stupid but pretty. Her open hair, long, black and wavy were making her look much prettier that yesterday. She wasn't the perfect definition of a beautiful girl but she was cute. She was thin, maybe too thin and wasn't tall, almost 5'5. She didn't have a sharp jawline but she had a sharp, pointed nose. Her eyes were brown and maybe she was one of those very lucky girls who didn't have to visit the parlour every week to pluck her eyebrows. She was fair but her lips weren't that appealing, they had a pinkish, pale colour and yet when she smiled at me she looked the prettiest. To be honest, the dimples in her cheeks made up all the faults she had in her face.

What am I doing? I am not supposed to stare at a girl like this. It had been almost three years since I have stared at a girl like this. After her I have never cared for any girl. Anyways, I don't want to bring her up. She is the reason I need to stay alone, I am lonely.

"Hi, I am Aadhya, your new neighbour." My neighbour said. "Hi, Aadhya."

"Your name?" She asked. I replied "Sidharth." "Oh" She said. She was curious. I could see in her eyes the curiosity of wanting to know more about me. But I am me. I speak only when needed so I stood there silently waiting for the bus to come. The bus also came early today. She also got inside the bus. Was she in my college? "Are you is St. Martins?" Aadhya asked. "Yes" I replied. The seat beside me was aisle. "Can I sit here?" She asked but by then Rinku came running and sat beside me.

Rinku is also my neighbour and the daughter of the owner of the house I lived in. She was in 11th standard when I first came to my house. When I was in my second year and Rinku was in 12th standard she proposed me. Her mother wa also planning to make me her son-in-law. But I am me. I turned her down. I smiled at Rinku.

She said "Today is the first day of my college. I am so happy I am in your college." She said. "Hmm" I replied. Rinku then looked at Aadhya and asked "Are you our new neighbour?" "Yes, and you are?" Aadhya asked. "I am Rinku, the owner of the house you live in and I guess we will be college mates too" She said.

"Oh. Hi, I guess we can be friends then." Aadhya said. "Yes, that would be fun." Rinku said.

I don't understand how people socialise so easily. Soon Rinku and Aadhya started talking about different things and nobody even noticed that I was present. I felt ignored but I couldn't care much because that was what I had always been, ignored. Now I am used to it. "Sid" suddenly Rinku shouted my name and woke me up from my deep thoughts. "We need to go, come" Rinku held my hand and dragged me out of the bus. Aadhya smiled and asked Rinku "Is he always like this? Does he always daydream?" "Yes." Rinku said. Do I always daydream? Even I don't know. Maybe I do.

Aadhya and Rinku went to find their classes and I went towards my class.


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