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Sidharth's POV-

Wow. My life is a total mess. And I have only one chance to make it perfect. I have a job interview in Bangalore on this Saturday. I didn't tell Aadhya anything about this because I know she would be upset. The last thing I want to do right now is make her upset. I have everything perfectly planned. If I get the job I'll start earning then maybe after two or three years I can marry Aadhya, if that is what she wants. I'll go for the interview this Saturday, so I had booked the flight tickets already. I booked a ticket for Aadhya till Bagdogra airport. My flight will land thirty minutes after Aadhya's flight at Bagdogra. From there we'll go to Darjeeling. I have a house there but we don't live there anymore. For some time Aadhya can stay there. So this is my plan. I told Aadhya everything and she agreed. She just wanted to get away from this place as soon as possible. Everything is finally sorted. I finally knew that I love Aadhya. I'll always love her. 

Aadhya's POV-

I was running away, leaving behind the mess that I have created. But Sidharth will be there with me. Forever. It was Saturday and I was at the Delhi airport. I had packed a few of my belongings with me. I couldn't take all of it. I am worried what dad might do if he gets to know that I ran away from my wedding. I don't care about him just like he doesn't care about me. I hated him for what he did to mom but I hate him more now for what he did to me. 

The flight wast taking off. Oh my god. This was the first time I was so scared while take off. Maybe it was not because of the take off but it was because I was scared of what is going to happen with me in the future. I never thought about it. And maybe I don't have to think about it because everything's gonna be perfect as long as Sidharth is there with me. 

I landed. Sidharth's fight should land thirty minutes after my fight. He said that he had some planning so he came on a different flight. I didn't want him to come by a different flight but he insisted that I go before. I collected the baggage and then waited for him at the airport. Forty minutes passed. They announced that his flight from Delhi had landed. I could finally be with Sidharth now. 

I called him, once he didn't pick up. Twice, why isn't he picking up my call? Thrice, please Sidharth pick up my call. My hand's were shaking while I was calling him for the fourth time. Maybe he is busy with something important. But what could more important than me for him?

Sidharth's POV-

The interview went well. I think I'll get the job. I was on the lift and I didn't notice that I had clicked the wrong button so I came to the parking area instead of the ground floor. I was about to get on the lift when I heard someone crying. It was a female voice. A voice that I would never forget. I turned back. I went looking for her. I searched everywhere but I couldn't find her. Suddenly my phone rang. I picked up the call. "Sid, I miss you"  It was her. Shanaya. She was the only person who has ever called me Sid that way. She was crying. No. It can't be her. The crying stopped. I couldn't hear her anymore. Maybe it was all a nightmare. Then I saw the dreadful sight. Yes. It was Shanaya. She was lying on the floor like a dead body. There was an empty box of sleeping pills beside her. Did she try to suicide? She did something she couldn't do back then. And somehow I felt that I was responsible for the whole thing.  But I wouldn't cry. Not now. I called an ambulance. Later when the doctor asked me who I was to Shanaya I said " No one. I just saw her lying there" 

A straight lie. It took me six whole hours to realise what I was doing. I had already missed my flight and my phone was dead. Aadhya was alone. I was here in the hospital for someone who is supposed to mean nothing to me. But things don't always happen the way they are supposed to happen. 

I don't know why Shanaya still mattered to me. When I saw her today she was wearing a black dress like the one that Aadhya wore during the freshers party. Her eyes still had that enchanting brown colour which people usually call hazel. Her skin was white as pearls and her lips as pink as the evening sky. I think she called me because she wanted to tell me for one last that that she did miss me. But I didn't love her.

Of course I didn't love her. I loved the girl with those pretty dimples. The girl who would belive in everything I ever said. The girl who would take care of me even when I cried for someone else. The girl whose smile would light up my face. The girl who is the most important to me. And that girl is Aadhya. But what do I do now? Is this going to be the end. Will Aadhya ever forgive me? Should I call her? I can't call her. My phone is dead. 

The doctor came out and said "Shanaya's senses are back. Is her family here yet?" 

"No. Can I see her once?" I asked. "No" The doctor said and walked away simply.  I asked the nurse whether I could see her for once. I kind of begged the nurse so she let me in. Shanaya looked straight in my eyes. "Sidharth?" She whispered but I could hear her. "Hey" I said. "Is this real or am I dreaming?" She said. I smiled and answered her " It's real Shanaya. But I have to go now." I said. 

"No, Sidharth. Please. Stay."

"But there's someone waiting for me"


"Stay" Her voice echoed in my ears. I'll stay. Yes. I will. 

Aadhya's POV-

Sidharth said that he'll come. His flight also landed. I checked the passengers list of that flight but his name wasn't there. Did he really leave me alone? What will I do now? I'll never marry that guy. I tell myself not to loose hope. Sidharth will come. He will.

I came out of the airport. It has been three hours. I have called Sidharth more than a hundred times but his phone is switched off.  

He didn't want to marry me. Does he love me? He said forever but what does that even mean? Do I even matter to him? All my life no one has ever loved me the way Sidharth did. Was that love all an act? I think this is what dying feels like. You suddenly feel that there's no one who loves you and you don't really have to love someone but you do. It's so suffocating. I ruined my life. Or maybe Sidharth did. Everything was blur in front of me. The only thing that I could feel was Sidharth's voice. He said forever. I believed in what he said. But....sometimes words aren't enough.

T H E   E N D

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