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Aadhya's POV-

Why can't I just hate Sidharth? I know he doesn't like me and still I keep running behind him pretending as if I am not afraid of falling from a cliff, when I actually am. I am afraid and maybe this cliff from which I might be falling from, is too high. And I am sure that there's a sea near the cliff which was once cheerful. 

I reached the party again. Rishi was waiting for me in the lawn. I felt bad for leaving him like that, without saying anything. "Hey, are you fine?" Rishi asked. 

"Yes" I said. "You wanted to talk to me?"

"No, it's nothing important. I just wanted to have a random chat" He said. 

"Hmm" I didn't know what else to say so I stayed quiet. 

"When are you planning to leave the party?" He asked. 

"That's rude" I said lightly.

"No, no. I didn't mean that" He said. He was a bit nervous. He looks cute when he is nervous.

"Anyways, I am planning to leave the party now" I said.

"Why so soon? I have a car. I can drop you to your home if you want." 

"No, thanks. It's in nearby. I'll go walking." 

"Please" He said.

"Umm okay" I couldn't refuse him. He was so sweet, unlike Sidharth. Why am I even comparing him to Sidharth?

I got in his car. "By the way, your song was really good" I said. 

"Thanks" He replied. 

I was looking out of the window. It was so noisy outside. Rishi raised the windows, maybe to divert my attention from the outside world. This made me feel much better. Rishi likes me and maybe I could have liked him back, but there's something stopping me. Or maybe someone. He is also a first year student. He was doing BCom that's why his classes were in a different building. We met today only. Before today I had seen him in the canteen sometimes but we never talked.

After a while of silence Rishi said "You look pretty today" 

"Thanks" I said. We had reached my home. I got down from the car and waved at him. "Bye" He said. I was going inside but something just clicked in my mind. I went back and said "Thank you" and then came inside. I don't know why I did that. I don't even know what I am thanking him for. I just said it because I felt he deserved it. It feels nice to know that he likes me. 

I wish Sidharth would share things with me. He doesn't even find me trustworthy enough to say his secrets then why do I worry so much about him. I should actually stop thinking about him. I should go to sleep now, it's too late.

It was still dark when I woke up. It was 2:00 am. I didn't feel like doing anything so I went to the terrace. After a while I saw Sidharth walking on the road. He was whistling a sweet music. He looked like the secret in my heart which was longing to be revealed. I wanted to call him. I wanted steal all the sorrows from his heart. 

Sidharth's POV-

I couldn't sleep tonight so I decided on going for a walk. I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. I wanted to apologise to Aadhya. But I won't. I don't want her feelings for me to increase. I did some research on that guy who was singing that song. His name is Rishi. He seems like a nice guy. I am sure if he continues to always be by Aadhya's side, one day, Aadhya would choose him over me. After a while I was going to enter the house and I saw Aadhya in her terrace. She was starring it me. I moment I looked at her she looked away. Then she left the terrace.

Next day, I woke up late as usual. I got dressed and left for college. I went to the bus stop and saw that Aadhya was already there. She was speaking to Rinku. Both of them were laughing about something. I was happy thinking Aadhya could still laugh so gracefully after what had happened yesterday. "Hey, Sid" Rinku called me.

"Don't call me that"

"Okay, I'll call you Sidharth only. I saw you came to the party yesterday. I never thought you would come." She said.

"I had to come." I said and looked at Aadhya, I wanted to see her reaction after I said this. Her face filled with sadness but the moment I looked at her he tried to overcome her sadness and look like she didn't care. 

She's like the teenage me. She's trying so hard to make me jealous. She thinks that seeing her happy without me would make me jealous. But she's not aware of the fact that I had gone through worse situations of jealousy and this would never really make me jealous. How could seeing her happy make me jealous? She looks so pretty when she smiles. The bus came and we got in the bus. Aadhya and Rinku sat together. I chose to stand because there was a lot of crowd. We reached the university and the whole day me and Aadhya didn't meet. While going home I saw Aadhya with Seema, another first year guy, Rinku and Rishi. All of them were chatting together. 

Aadhya's POV-

We had planned on going for a movie together. It was Rishi's idea. Dev and Rishi were best friends and co-incidentally Dev had the same classes as Rinku so they were already friends. Dev suggested that we go to watch a movie. I, Seema, Rinku, Dev and Rishi were going. It was some horror comedy. After watching the movie we had dinner together. While going home Rishi asked me to wait. After everybody left he took me to a café. I said "We already had dinner then why are we here?" 

"Don't you like coffee? The coffee here is one of the best coffee in Delhi. 

"Really? But how did you know that I like coffee?" I asked.

"I do my research before being friends with someone" He said.

"Are you a stalker or something?" I asked. 

"No. Maybe, sometimes." He said. It was actually one of the nicest coffee shops. The ambience here was so nice. Some retro Bollywood songs were playing. It was like the perfect date spot. I would like to visit this place someday, with my future boyfriend. While both of us were having coffee Rishi said "I had to tell you something" 

"Yea, say" I said. 

"Are you single?" He asked nervously.

"Yes" I knew where this was going. I didn't want him to say it. I didn't want our friendship to get ruined because this.

"Would you like to date me?" He asked. I had expected this but not so soon. I never thought he would be so straightforward in asking me out.

"Umm, I don't really know what to do. I don't want to turn you down, but I don't like you that way." I said, trying to be polite. 

"Yeah, I get it" He said. After a while of silence he said "I'll be waiting" 

There was silence between us, again. I didn't know what to say. I thought of asking him what he would be waiting for, but that could've taken another turn so I didn't say. After this he dropped me home.


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