Will you marry me?

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Chapter-26~Will you marry me?~

2 years later

Sidharth's POV-

It was almost midnight and Aadhya was already drunk after three huge glasses of alcohol. I couldn't drink because I had to drive her home. I bought a second hand car last month. "Sidharth" She said. "I love you" She says I love you a lot when she is drunk. We were drinking with our friends. "Awww" Someone said from the other table. Most of the people in our table were already so drunk. I almost dragged Aadhya out of the bar. We got in my car.

We were in my room. Were were sitting on the bed beside each other. Aadhya's head was on my shoulder and the wall was supporting my back. "Hey, you know, sometimes I feel all this is so unreal. Me being with you, me being so happy with you, everything. Maybe all this is the part of a beautiful dream and I am scared that I'll wake up before the dream even finishes" Aadhya said. I didn't know what to say because even fr me all this is like a dream. I never thought I deserve such happiness and maybe I don't. Do I really deserve Aadhya?

"Say something!" Aadhya was so drunk and she is so cute when she is drunk. 

"Even I am scared that someday I'll wake up to find you not there beside me" I said. 

"Don't be scared. I'll always be with you" She said. She loves me so much. I suddenly feel a pang of guilt. I had never told her about that night when Shanaya called me. Maybe Shanaya is alive and maybe she is still there somewhere. Maybe all this is just my imagination. 

"Aadhya there's something I never told you. That night in Manali when you told me about your mother" I pause a bit to think whether I should say it or not. I have to say it. "I got a call. It was a female voice. It was Shanaya" I finally said it. I still don't know how Aadhya is going to react. There was pin drop silence in the room. Aadhya wasn't saying anything. "Aadhya?" I looked towards her. She was already asleep. I don't think she heard what I just now said. I am relieved but I shouldn't be. 

Aadhya's POV-

I was so drunk last night. I don't remember anything. When I wake up my head is on Sidharth's chest. He is still sleeping. It's 5:30 am. I get up and Sidharth wakes up. "Good morning" He says. "Good morning". 

"Hey, did I do something last night?" I ask him. 

"We didn't have sex" He says.

"No! I never meant that. I mean did I do something embarrassing?" I ask him. He just smiles and doesn't reply. 

I get ready for college. In the college my dad calls me to his room. I don't want to go but I have to. He says " Aadhya you have to be at home tomorrow. There's a boy coming from America only to ask your hand for marriage. We'll keep the engagement next week." 

Oh. My. God. What? No! 

"I won't marry him" I say. There's nothing else that comes to my mind so that I can explain things to him. 

"You have to Aadhya. No one is going to marry you. You won't get a boy better that him. You'll be happily settled in America" He says. 

"But Baba I love someone. He loves me back" I say.

"Will he marry you?" He asked me. While Sidharth marry me? Yes, he said he'll do anything for me. He will.

"Yes, he will" I say firmly.

"What is his name?" He asks me. 

"It's Sidharth. Your favourite student. He loves me baba" I say. 

"What? No way. You think he'll marry you. Will he keep you happy?" 

"Yes, he will. I'll be the happiest with him. He loves me a lot." I try to explain but he doesn't understand. 

"Then call him here right now. Ask him whether he will marry you today itself if you want him to" 

I dial Sidharth's number. My hands are trembling. I ask him to come to my dad's cabin. He comes in. 

"Go on. Ask him" My Das says in a way that is taunting. 

"Sidharth. Will you marry me? Today or maybe in a week?" I ask him. 

"What? Are you crazy Aadhya? I am not even thirty." He says. I can see that he is so shocked. Even I am shocked. I thought he will say yes. I see a slight smile in my dad's face. 

"Just answer in yes or no" 

"No" He says. 


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